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  1. assembly.xml

Apache Ignite 3 Alpha 3

Apache Ignite is a distributed database for high-performance computing with in-memory speed.

Ignite 3 is the next generation of the platform that will support a modernized modular architecture, along with improved usability and developer experience.

The current alpha version includes the following features:

  • Unified CLI tool
  • New configuration engine
  • New schema management engine
  • Table API
  • Atomic storage implementation based on Raft
  • New SQL engine based on Apache Calcite and JDBC driver
  • New binary client protocol and its implementation in Java


  1. Download Ignite 3 Alpha 3:
    curl -L "" -o
  2. Unzip the downloaded file:
    unzip && cd apache-ignite-3.0.0-alpha3
  3. Add your installation directory to the PATH environment variable:
    echo 'export IGNITE_HOME="'`pwd`'"' >> ~/.bash_profile && echo 'export PATH="$IGNITE_HOME:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile && source ~/.bash_profile
  4. (optional) If you will start the cluster locally, install the core artifacts:
    ignite init

Running Examples

Examples are shipped as a separate Maven project, which is located in the examples folder. To start running you simply need to import provided pom.xml file into your favourite IDE.

The following examples are included:

  • RecordViewExample - demonstrates the usage of the org.apache.ignite.table.RecordView API
  • KeyValueViewExample - demonstrates the usage of the org.apache.ignite.table.KeyValueView API
  • SqlJdbcExample - demonstrates the usage of the Apache Ignite JDBC driver.

To run any other example, do the following:

  1. Import the examples project into you IDE.
  2. Start a server node using the CLI tool:
    ignite node start --config=$IGNITE_HOME/examples/config/ignite-config.json my-first-node
  3. Run the preferred example in the IDE.