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  2. tech-notes/
  3. build.gradle

This module provides implementations for the Network API module.

Brief overview

Ignite uses ScaleCube to form a network cluster and exchange messages.

Message serialization

Ignite uses direct marshalling to serialize and deserialize messages. For every @Transferable message interface ignite-network-annotation-processor generates an implementation for the message interface, a serializer and a deserializer. Supported types:

  • All primitives
  • Other @Transferable objects
  • java.lang.String
  • java.util.UUID
  • org.apache.ignite.lang.IgniteUuid
  • java.util.BitSet
  • java.util.Collection<V> where V can be any supported type
  • java.util.Map<K, V> where K and V can be any supported type
  • Arrays of all supported types

If one wants to have a property in the message, that shouldn't be serialized, @Transient annotation should be used. Such properties will still be available in builder, like the rest.


Every Ignite node has three network thread pool executors and thread naming formats:

  • Client worker - handles channel events on a client ({consistentId}-client-X)
  • Server boss - accepting incoming connections ({consistentId}-srv-accept-X)
  • Server worker - handles channel events on a server ({consistentId}-srv-worker-X), where X is the index of the thread in a pool.

Messages are then passed on to message listeners of the ConnectionManager.
In case of ClusterService over ScaleCube (see ScaleCubeClusterServiceFactory), messages are passed down to the ClusterService via the Project Reactor‘s Sink which enforces a strict order of message handling: a new message can’t be received by ClusterService until a previous message is handled (see message handling). Threading Message handling can also be offloaded to another thread: Threading Note that in this case the network message would be considered handled before it is processed
by another thread.

ScaleCube uses sc-cluster-X (where X is an address of the node, e.g. localhost-3344) scheduler for the failure detector, gossip protocol, metadata store and the membership protocol.

Message handling

Message handlers are called in the order they were added.
Message is considered handled after all the message handlers have been invoked.

Message's flow example

Two nodes, Alice and Bob. User is sending a message from Alice to Bob within any thread. Network flow between two nodes