Local Build

mvn clean install [-DskipTests]

Upon completion, you will find the CLI tool under modules/cli/target directory. Use ignite on Linux and MacOS, or ignite.exe on Windows.

License Headers Check

mvn validate

Release candidate verification

1. Build the package (this will also run unit tests and the license headers check)

mvn clean package

2. Go to the modules/cli/target directory which now contains the packaged CLI tool

cd modules/cli/target

3. Run the tool without parameters (full list of available commands should appear)


4. Run the initialization step

./ignite init --repo=<path to Maven staging repository>

5. Install an additional dependency (Guava is used as an example)

./ignite module add mvn:com.google.guava:guava:23.0

6. Verify that Guava has been installed

./ignite module list

7. Start a node

./ignite node start myFirstNode

8. Check that the new node is up and running

./ignite node list

9. Stop the node

./ignite node stop myFirstNode