How to read this doc

Every algorithm phase has the following main sections:

  • Trigger – how current phase will be invoked
  • Steps/Pseudocode – the main logical steps of the current phase
  • Result (optional, if pseudocode provided) – events and system state changes, which this phase produces

Rebalance algorithm

Short algorithm description

  • Operations, which can trigger rebalance occurred:

    Write new replicas configuration number to table config (effectively from 1 node)


    Write new partitions configuration number to table config (effectively from 1 node)

  • Write new assignments' intention to metastore (effectively from 1 node in cluster)

  • Start new raft nodes. Initiate/update asynchronous change peer request to raft group (effectively from 1 node per partition)

  • Stop all redundant nodes. Change stable partition assignment to the new one and finish rebalance process.

New metastore keys

For further steps, we should introduce some new metastore keys:

  • partition.assignments.stable - the list of peers, which process operations for a partition at the current moment.
  • partition.assignments.pending - the list of peers, where current rebalance move the partition.
  • partition.assignments.planned - the list of peers, which will be used for new rebalance, when current will be finished.

Also, we will need the utility key:

  • partition.change.trigger.revision - the key, needed for processing the event about assignments' update trigger only once.

Operations, which can trigger rebalance

Three types of events can trigger the rebalance:

  • Configuration change through org.apache.ignite.configuration.schemas.table.TableChange.changeReplicas produce metastore update event
  • Configuration change through org.apache.ignite.configuration.schemas.table.TableChange.changePartitions produce metastore update event (IMPORTANT: this type of trigger has additional difficulties because of cross raft group data migration and it is out of scope of this document)

Result: So, one of two metastore keys' changes will trigger rebalance:

<tableScope>.partitions // out of scope

Write new pending assignments (1)


  • Metastore event about changes in <tableScope>.replicas (See org.apache.ignite.internal.table.distributed.TableManager.onUpdateReplicas)


    with table as event.table:
        for partitoin in table.partitions:
            <inline metastoreInvoke>

metastoreInvoke: // atomic metastore call through multi-invoke api
    if empty(partition.change.trigger.revision) || partition.change.trigger.revision < event.revision:
        if empty(partition.assignments.pending) && partition.assignments.stable != calcPartAssighments():
            partition.assignments.pending = calcPartAssignments() 
            partition.change.trigger.revision = event.revision
            if partition.assignments.pending != calcPartAssignments
                partition.assignments.planned = calcPartAssignments()
                partition.change.trigger.revision = event.revision

Start new raft nodes and initiate change peers (2)

Trigger: Metastore event about new partition.assignments.pending received (See corresponding listener for pending key in org.apache.ignite.internal.table.distributed.TableManager.registerRebalanceListeners)


  • Start all new needed nodes partition.assignments.pending / partition.assignments.stable
  • After successful starts - check if current node is the leader of raft group (leader response must be updated by current term) and run RaftGroupService#changePeersAsync(leaderTerm, peers). RaftGroupService#changePeersAsync from old terms must be skipped.


  • New needed raft nodes started
  • Change peers state initiated for every raft group

When RaftGroupService#changePeersAsync done inside the raft group – update assignments, stable key and stop all redundant nodes

Trigger: When leader applied new Configuration with list of resulting peers <applied peer>, it calls RebalanceRaftGroupEventsListener.onNewPeersConfigurationApplied(<applied peers>)


metastoreInvoke: \\ atomic
    partition.assignments.stable = appliedPeers
    if empty(partition.assignments.planned):
        partition.assignments.pending = empty
        partition.assignments.pending = partition.assignments.planned

RebalanceRaftGroupEventsListener.onNewPeersConfigurationApplied(<applied peers>) also is responsible for the updating of assignments of the table. When assignments are updated, corresponding listener for its updates will be triggered (see org.apache.ignite.internal.table.distributed.TableManager.onUpdateAssignments), so raft clients will be updated.

After stable key is updated, corresponding listener for that change is called, so redundant raft nodes may be stopped (see corresponding listener for stable key in org.apache.ignite.internal.table.distributed.TableManager.registerRebalanceListeners)

Failover helpers

  • RebalanceRaftGroupEventsListener.onLeaderElected - must be executed from the new leader when raft group elected the new leader. Maybe we actually need to also check if a new lease is received.
  • RebalanceRaftGroupEventsListener.onReconfigurationError - must be executed when any errors during RaftGroupService#changePeersAsync occurred. For more info about change peers process, and more specifically, catch up process, see modules/raft/tech-notes/ and modules/raft/tech-notes/
  • RebalanceRaftGroupEventsListener.onNewPeersConfigurationApplied(peers) - must be executed with the list of new peers when RaftGroupService#changePeersAsync has successfully done.

Cleanup redundant raft nodes (3)

Trigger: Node receive update about partition stable assignments


  • Replace current raft client with new one, with appropriate peers
  • Stop unneeded raft nodes (be careful - node can be not a part of stable topology, but needed for current pending - so, we need to stop current raft node, only if it is not a part of partition.assignments.pending + partition.assignments.stable set)


  • Raft clients for new assignments refreshed
  • Redundant raft nodes stopped


We need to provide Failover thread, which can handle the following cases:

  • RaftGroupService#changePeersAsync can‘t start even catchup process, because of any new raft nodes wasn’t started yet for instance.
  • RaftGroupService#changePeersAsync failed to complete catchup due to catchup timeout, for example. To check all possible error cases during catch up stage, check modules/raft/tech-notes/

We have the following mechanisms for handling these cases:

  • RebalanceRaftGroupEventsListener.onReconfigurationError, which schedules retries, if needed
  • Separate special thread pool processes all needed retries on the current node
  • If a current node is not the leader of partition raft group anymore - it will request RaftGroupService#changePeersAsync with legacy term, receive appropriate answer from the leader and stop retries for this partition.
  • If a leader has been changed, new node receives RebalanceRaftGroupEventsListener.onLeaderElected invoke and start needed RaftGroupService#changePeersAsync from the pending key.
  • If failover exhaust maximum number for query retries - it must notify node's failure handler about the issue global (details must be specified later)

Metastore rebalance (not implemented yet)

It seems, that rebalance of metastore can be handled the same process, because:

  • during the any stage of changePeers raft group can handle any another entries
  • any rebalance failures must not end up by raft group unavailability (if majority is kept)

Also, failover mechanism above doesn't use metastore, but raft term and special listeners.

Further optimisations:

Adjustable changePeers

Algorithm above seems working well, but it has one serious caveat. When the leader is busy by current changePeers, we can‘t start new one. That’s a big issue - because data rebalance process can be long enough, while all nodes sync raft logs with data. According to - we can relatively painless update the peers' list, if leader is in the STAGE_CATCHING_UP phase still. Alternatively, we can cancel current changePeers, if it is in the STAGE_CATCHING_UP and run new one

Approach 1. Update the peers' list of current changePeers

This approach can be addressed with different implemetation details, but let's describe the simplest one.

  • Introduce the new metastore key partition.assignments.pending.lock
  • Update the (1) step with the following:


metastoreInvoke: // atomic metastore call through multi-invoke api
    if empty(partition.change.trigger.revision) || partition.change.trigger.revision < event.revision:
        if empty(partition.assignments.pending):
            if partition.assignments.stable != calcPartAssignments():
                partition.assignments.pending = calcPartAssignments() 
                partition.change.trigger.revision = event.revision
            if empty(partition.assignments.pending.lock):
                partition.assignments.pending = calcPartAssignments() 
                partition.change.trigger.revision = event.revision
                partition.assignments.planned = calcPartAssignments() 
                partition.change.trigger.revision = event.revision
  • Update changePeers request-response behaviour with:
    • response with received if no current changePeers or current changePeers in the STAGE_CATCHING_UP. Updates the catching up peers with the new peers, stop redundant replicators, if needed.
    • response with busy if current leader is not in the STAGE_NONE or STAGE_CATCHING_UP phase.
  • Update changePeers behaviour with new listener from the caller tryCatchUpFinish(peers). This listener must execute the following metastore call:


metastoreInvoke: // atomic metastore call through multi-invoke api
    if empty(partition.assignments.pending.lock):
        if peers == partition.assignments.pending:
            partition.assignments.pending.lock = true
            return true
            return false

If the listener return false - we should to await the new peer list, process it and try to call it again.

  • We need to empty the lock, after rebalance fails or done, in appropriate listeners.

Approach 2. Cancel current changePeers and run new one

Instead of updating current changePeers with new peers' list - we can cancel it and start the new one.

For this dish we will need:

  • New raft service's method cancelChangePeers(). This method should cancel current changePeers if and only if it is in the STAGE_CATCHING_UP phase. Method must return:
    • true: if no changePeers to cancel or successful cancel occurred.
    • false: if changePeers in progress and can't be cancelled (like in approach 1 - if the leader is not in STAGE_CATCHING_UP/STAGE_NONE)
  • Listen the partition.assignments.planned key and on update:
    • Execute cancelChangePeers() on the node with the partition leader. If it returns false - do nothing.
    • If it returns true - move planned peers to pending in metastore