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Catalog module

Catalog is a component that responsible for managing descriptors of objects available in cluster. Additionally, it serves as access point for other components to obtain proper version of descriptors with respect to provided version of catalog or timestamp.

This module provides implementation of catalog service as well as internal API for accessing the objects descriptors.

Base components description

  • CatalogObjectDescriptor -- base class for objects managed by catalog, like tables, indexes, zones, etc.
  • CatalogService -- provides methods to access catalog‘s objects’ descriptors of the exact version and/or last actual version at a given timestamp, which is a logical point-in-time. Besides, components may subscribe for catalog's events to be notified as soon as the change of interest is happened.
  • CatalogCommand -- denotes particular modification of the catalog, like creation of particular table, for example.
  • CatalogManager -- provides methods for object manipulation (like creation of new object and/or modification of existing ones), also takes care of component lifecycle.
  • UpdateEntry -- result of applying CatalogCommand, represents delta required to move current version of catalog to state defined in the given command.
  • UpdateLog -- distributed log of incremental updates.


For modify operation (invocation of CatalogManager.execute()), a resulting future will be completed as soon as version in which results of the command take place becomes available on every node of the cluster. This “availability” is determined as “version activation time plus some duration to make sure changes are propagated and applied within the cluster”, where some duration defined by schemaSync.delayDuration configuration property. This implies, that consequent read access to catalog service with latest timestamp ( from any node will return the catalog of version that incorporates results of the command (assuming there were no concurrent updates overwriting modifications made by initial command). This also implies, that concurrent access to the catalog service may return catalog of version incorporating results of the command even if resulting future has not been yet resolved. Additionally, there is an extra await to make sure, that locally new version will always be available immediately after resulting future is completed.

For read access, it's up to the caller to make sure, that version of interest is available in local cache. Use CatalogService.catalogReadyFuture to wait for particular version, or SchemaSyncService.waitForMetadataCompleteness if you need a version which is active at provided point in time.

Consumers of catalog's events are allowed to read catalog at version from event.

How it works


Every modification of catalog is split on two phases: accept and apply. During accept phase, given command is validated, then used to generate a list of update entries to save, and, finally, list is saved to distributed update log. Below is a sequence diagram describing accept phase: Accepting catalog update

After update entries are saved to the log, it is the job of the update log to propagate updates across the cluster. On every node, update log notifies catalog manager about new update entries, and latter applies them and stores new version of a catalog in a local cache. Below is a sequence diagram describing apply phase: Applying catalog update


Current implementation of update log based on a metastorage. Update entries of version N are stored by catalog.update.{N} key. Also, the latest known version is stored by catalog.version key. Updates are saved on CAS manner with condition newVersion == value(catalog.version).

Update log compaction

Over time, the log may grow to a humongous size. To address this, snapshotting was introduced to UpdateLog. When saving snapshot of version N, update entries stored by catalog.update.{N} will be overwritten with catalog's snapshot of this version. Every update entries of version lower that version of snapshot will be removed. The earliest available version of catalog is tracked under catalog.snapshot.version key.

Update log recovery

During recovery, we read update entries one by one for all version starting with “earliest available” till version stored by catalog.version key, and apply those updates entries once again.

Update log entries serialization

Update log entries are serialized by custom marshallers (see UpdateLogMarshaller and MarshallableEntry for details). At the moment, backward compatibility is preserved by increasing the version of the protocol, but more sophisticated approach may be introduced later.