Contributing to the Iceberg Python library

For the development, we use poetry for packing and dependency management. You can install this using:

pip install poetry

If you have an older version of pip and virtualenv you need to update these:

pip install --upgrade virtualenv pip

To get started, you can run make install, which will install poetry and it will install all the dependencies of the Iceberg library. This will also install the development dependencies. If you don't want to do this, you need to install using poetry install --no-dev.

If you want to install the library on the host, you can simply run pip3 install -e .. If you wish to use a virtual environment, you can run poetry shell. Poetry will open up a virtual environment with all the dependencies set.

To set up IDEA with Poetry (also on Loom):

  • Open up the Python project in IntelliJ
  • Make sure that you're on a lastest master (that includes Poetry)
  • Go to File -> Project Structure (⌘;)
  • Go to Platform Settings -> SDKs
  • Click the + sign -> Add Python SDK
  • Select Poetry Environment from the left hand side bar and hit OK
  • It can take some time to download all the dependencies based on your internet
  • Go to Project Settings -> Project
  • Select the Poetry SDK from the SDK dropdown, and click OK

For IDEA ≤2021 you need to install the Poetry integration as a plugin.

Now you‘re set using Poetry, and all the tests will run in Poetry, and you’ll have syntax highlighting in the pyproject.toml to indicate stale dependencies.


We rely on pre-commit to apply autoformatting and linting:

make lint

Pre-commit will automatically fix the violations such as import orders, formatting etc. Pylint errors you need to fix yourself.

In contrast to the name suggest, it doesn't run the checks on the commit. If this is something that you like, you can set this up by running pre-commit install.

You can bump the integrations to the latest version using pre-commit autoupdate. This will check if there is a newer version of {black,mypy,isort,...} and update the yaml.


For Python, we use pytest in combination with coverage to maintain 90% code coverage.

make test

To pass additional arguments to pytest, you can use PYTEST_ARGS.

Run pytest in verbose mode

make test PYTEST_ARGS="-v"

Run pytest with pdb enabled

make test PYTEST_ARGS="--pdb"

To see all available pytest arguments, run make test PYTEST_ARGS="--help".