title: “Python Quickstart” url: python-quickstart aliases: - “python/quickstart” menu: main: parent: “API” weight: 400

Python API Quickstart


Iceberg python is currently in development, for development and testing purposes the best way to install the library is to perform the following steps:

git clone https://github.com/apache/iceberg.git
cd iceberg/python
pip install -e .


Testing is done using tox. The config can be found in tox.ini within the python directory of the iceberg project.

# simply run tox from within the python dir


Inspect Table Metadata

from iceberg.hive import HiveTables # instantiate Hive Tables conf = {"hive.metastore.uris": 'thrift://{hms_host}:{hms_port}'} tables = HiveTables(conf) # load table tbl = tables.load("iceberg_db.iceberg_test_table") # inspect metadata print(tbl.schema()) print(tbl.spec()) print(tbl.location()) # get table level record count from pprint import pprint pprint(int(tbl.current_snapshot().summary.get("total-records")))