blob: 37723e8c287da5100c1df6c27e53ad48ea372921 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
package iceberg
import (
var (
regexFromBrackets = regexp.MustCompile(`^\w+\[(\d+)\]$`)
decimalRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`decimal\(\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*\)`)
type Properties map[string]string
// Get returns the value of the key if it exists, otherwise it returns the default value.
func (p Properties) Get(key, defVal string) string {
if v, ok := p[key]; ok {
return v
return defVal
// Type is an interface representing any of the available iceberg types,
// such as primitives (int32/int64/etc.) or nested types (list/struct/map).
type Type interface {
Type() string
Equals(Type) bool
// NestedType is an interface that allows access to the child fields of
// a nested type such as a list/struct/map type.
type NestedType interface {
Fields() []NestedField
type typeIFace struct {
func (t *typeIFace) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
if nested, ok := t.Type.(NestedType); ok {
return json.Marshal(nested)
return []byte(`"` + t.Type.Type() + `"`), nil
func (t *typeIFace) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
var typename string
err := json.Unmarshal(b, &typename)
if err == nil {
switch typename {
case "boolean":
t.Type = BooleanType{}
case "int":
t.Type = Int32Type{}
case "long":
t.Type = Int64Type{}
case "float":
t.Type = Float32Type{}
case "double":
t.Type = Float64Type{}
case "date":
t.Type = DateType{}
case "time":
t.Type = TimeType{}
case "timestamp":
t.Type = TimestampType{}
case "timestamptz":
t.Type = TimestampTzType{}
case "string":
t.Type = StringType{}
case "uuid":
t.Type = UUIDType{}
case "binary":
t.Type = BinaryType{}
switch {
case strings.HasPrefix(typename, "fixed"):
matches := regexFromBrackets.FindStringSubmatch(typename)
if len(matches) != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: %s", ErrInvalidTypeString, typename)
n, _ := strconv.Atoi(matches[1])
t.Type = FixedType{len: n}
case strings.HasPrefix(typename, "decimal"):
matches := decimalRegex.FindStringSubmatch(typename)
if len(matches) != 3 {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: %s", ErrInvalidTypeString, typename)
prec, _ := strconv.Atoi(matches[1])
scale, _ := strconv.Atoi(matches[2])
t.Type = DecimalType{precision: prec, scale: scale}
return fmt.Errorf("%w: unrecognized field type", ErrInvalidSchema)
return nil
aux := struct {
TypeName string `json:"type"`
if err = json.Unmarshal(b, &aux); err != nil {
return err
switch aux.TypeName {
case "list":
t.Type = &ListType{}
case "map":
t.Type = &MapType{}
case "struct":
t.Type = &StructType{}
return fmt.Errorf("%w: %s", ErrInvalidTypeString, aux.TypeName)
return json.Unmarshal(b, t.Type)
type NestedField struct {
Type `json:"-"`
ID int `json:"id"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Required bool `json:"required"`
Doc string `json:"doc,omitempty"`
InitialDefault any `json:"initial-default,omitempty"`
WriteDefault any `json:"write-default,omitempty"`
func optOrReq(required bool) string {
if required {
return "required"
return "optional"
func (n NestedField) String() string {
doc := n.Doc
if doc != "" {
doc = " (" + doc + ")"
return fmt.Sprintf("%d: %s: %s %s%s",
n.ID, n.Name, optOrReq(n.Required), n.Type, doc)
func (n *NestedField) Equals(other NestedField) bool {
return n.ID == other.ID &&
n.Name == other.Name &&
n.Required == other.Required &&
n.Doc == other.Doc &&
n.InitialDefault == other.InitialDefault &&
n.WriteDefault == other.WriteDefault &&
func (n NestedField) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
type Alias NestedField
return json.Marshal(struct {
Type *typeIFace `json:"type"`
}{Type: &typeIFace{n.Type}, Alias: (*Alias)(&n)})
func (n *NestedField) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
type Alias NestedField
aux := struct {
Type typeIFace `json:"type"`
Alias: (*Alias)(n),
if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &aux); err != nil {
return err
n.Type = aux.Type.Type
return nil
type StructType struct {
FieldList []NestedField `json:"fields"`
func (s *StructType) Equals(other Type) bool {
st, ok := other.(*StructType)
if !ok {
return false
return slices.EqualFunc(s.FieldList, st.FieldList, func(a, b NestedField) bool {
return a.Equals(b)
func (s *StructType) Fields() []NestedField { return s.FieldList }
func (s *StructType) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
type Alias StructType
return json.Marshal(struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
}{Type: s.Type(), Alias: (*Alias)(s)})
func (*StructType) Type() string { return "struct" }
func (s *StructType) String() string {
var b strings.Builder
for i, f := range s.FieldList {
if i != 0 {
b.WriteString(", ")
fmt.Fprintf(&b, "%d: %s: ",
f.ID, f.Name)
if f.Required {
b.WriteString("required ")
} else {
b.WriteString("optional ")
if f.Doc != "" {
b.WriteString(" (")
return b.String()
type ListType struct {
ElementID int `json:"element-id"`
Element Type `json:"-"`
ElementRequired bool `json:"element-required"`
func (l *ListType) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
type Alias ListType
return json.Marshal(struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
Element *typeIFace `json:"element"`
}{Type: l.Type(), Alias: (*Alias)(l), Element: &typeIFace{l.Element}})
func (l *ListType) Equals(other Type) bool {
rhs, ok := other.(*ListType)
if !ok {
return false
return l.ElementID == rhs.ElementID &&
l.Element.Equals(rhs.Element) &&
l.ElementRequired == rhs.ElementRequired
func (l *ListType) Fields() []NestedField {
return []NestedField{l.ElementField()}
func (l *ListType) ElementField() NestedField {
return NestedField{
ID: l.ElementID,
Name: "element",
Type: l.Element,
Required: l.ElementRequired,
func (*ListType) Type() string { return "list" }
func (l *ListType) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("list<%s>", l.Element) }
func (l *ListType) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
aux := struct {
ID int `json:"element-id"`
Elem typeIFace `json:"element"`
Req bool `json:"element-required"`
if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &aux); err != nil {
return err
l.ElementID = aux.ID
l.Element = aux.Elem.Type
l.ElementRequired = aux.Req
return nil
type MapType struct {
KeyID int `json:"key-id"`
KeyType Type `json:"-"`
ValueID int `json:"value-id"`
ValueType Type `json:"-"`
ValueRequired bool `json:"value-required"`
func (m *MapType) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
type Alias MapType
return json.Marshal(struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
KeyType *typeIFace `json:"key"`
ValueType *typeIFace `json:"value"`
}{Type: m.Type(), Alias: (*Alias)(m),
KeyType: &typeIFace{m.KeyType},
ValueType: &typeIFace{m.ValueType}})
func (m *MapType) Equals(other Type) bool {
rhs, ok := other.(*MapType)
if !ok {
return false
return m.KeyID == rhs.KeyID &&
m.KeyType.Equals(rhs.KeyType) &&
m.ValueID == rhs.ValueID &&
m.ValueType.Equals(rhs.ValueType) &&
m.ValueRequired == rhs.ValueRequired
func (m *MapType) Fields() []NestedField {
return []NestedField{m.KeyField(), m.ValueField()}
func (m *MapType) KeyField() NestedField {
return NestedField{
Name: "key",
ID: m.KeyID,
Type: m.KeyType,
Required: true,
func (m *MapType) ValueField() NestedField {
return NestedField{
Name: "value",
ID: m.ValueID,
Type: m.ValueType,
Required: m.ValueRequired,
func (*MapType) Type() string { return "map" }
func (m *MapType) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("map<%s, %s>", m.KeyType, m.ValueType)
func (m *MapType) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
aux := struct {
KeyID int `json:"key-id"`
Key typeIFace `json:"key"`
ValueID int `json:"value-id"`
Value typeIFace `json:"value"`
ValueReq *bool `json:"value-required"`
if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &aux); err != nil {
return err
m.KeyID, m.KeyType = aux.KeyID, aux.Key.Type
m.ValueID, m.ValueType = aux.ValueID, aux.Value.Type
if aux.ValueReq == nil {
m.ValueRequired = true
} else {
m.ValueRequired = *aux.ValueReq
return nil
func FixedTypeOf(n int) FixedType { return FixedType{len: n} }
type FixedType struct {
len int
func (f FixedType) Equals(other Type) bool {
rhs, ok := other.(FixedType)
if !ok {
return false
return f.len == rhs.len
func (f FixedType) Len() int { return f.len }
func (f FixedType) Type() string { return fmt.Sprintf("fixed[%d]", f.len) }
func (f FixedType) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("fixed[%d]", f.len) }
func (f FixedType) primitive() {}
func DecimalTypeOf(prec, scale int) DecimalType {
return DecimalType{precision: prec, scale: scale}
type DecimalType struct {
precision, scale int
func (d DecimalType) Equals(other Type) bool {
rhs, ok := other.(DecimalType)
if !ok {
return false
return d.precision == rhs.precision &&
d.scale == rhs.scale
func (d DecimalType) Type() string { return fmt.Sprintf("decimal(%d, %d)", d.precision, d.scale) }
func (d DecimalType) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("decimal(%d, %d)", d.precision, d.scale) }
func (d DecimalType) Precision() int { return d.precision }
func (d DecimalType) Scale() int { return d.scale }
func (DecimalType) primitive() {}
type Decimal struct {
Val decimal128.Num
Scale int
type PrimitiveType interface {
type BooleanType struct{}
func (BooleanType) Equals(other Type) bool {
_, ok := other.(BooleanType)
return ok
func (BooleanType) primitive() {}
func (BooleanType) Type() string { return "boolean" }
func (BooleanType) String() string { return "boolean" }
// Int32Type is the "int"/"integer" type of the iceberg spec.
type Int32Type struct{}
func (Int32Type) Equals(other Type) bool {
_, ok := other.(Int32Type)
return ok
func (Int32Type) primitive() {}
func (Int32Type) Type() string { return "int" }
func (Int32Type) String() string { return "int" }
// Int64Type is the "long" type of the iceberg spec.
type Int64Type struct{}
func (Int64Type) Equals(other Type) bool {
_, ok := other.(Int64Type)
return ok
func (Int64Type) primitive() {}
func (Int64Type) Type() string { return "long" }
func (Int64Type) String() string { return "long" }
// Float32Type is the "float" type in the iceberg spec.
type Float32Type struct{}
func (Float32Type) Equals(other Type) bool {
_, ok := other.(Float32Type)
return ok
func (Float32Type) primitive() {}
func (Float32Type) Type() string { return "float" }
func (Float32Type) String() string { return "float" }
// Float64Type represents the "double" type of the iceberg spec.
type Float64Type struct{}
func (Float64Type) Equals(other Type) bool {
_, ok := other.(Float64Type)
return ok
func (Float64Type) primitive() {}
func (Float64Type) Type() string { return "double" }
func (Float64Type) String() string { return "double" }
type Date int32
func (d Date) ToTime() time.Time {
return epochTM.AddDate(0, 0, int(d))
// DateType represents a calendar date without a timezone or time,
// represented as a 32-bit integer denoting the number of days since
// the unix epoch.
type DateType struct{}
func (DateType) Equals(other Type) bool {
_, ok := other.(DateType)
return ok
func (DateType) primitive() {}
func (DateType) Type() string { return "date" }
func (DateType) String() string { return "date" }
type Time int64
// TimeType represents a number of microseconds since midnight.
type TimeType struct{}
func (TimeType) Equals(other Type) bool {
_, ok := other.(TimeType)
return ok
func (TimeType) primitive() {}
func (TimeType) Type() string { return "time" }
func (TimeType) String() string { return "time" }
type Timestamp int64
func (t Timestamp) ToTime() time.Time {
return time.UnixMicro(int64(t)).UTC()
func (t Timestamp) ToDate() Date {
tm := time.UnixMicro(int64(t)).UTC()
return Date(tm.Truncate(24*time.Hour).Unix() / int64((time.Hour * 24).Seconds()))
// TimestampType represents a number of microseconds since the unix epoch
// without regard for timezone.
type TimestampType struct{}
func (TimestampType) Equals(other Type) bool {
_, ok := other.(TimestampType)
return ok
func (TimestampType) primitive() {}
func (TimestampType) Type() string { return "timestamp" }
func (TimestampType) String() string { return "timestamp" }
// TimestampTzType represents a timestamp stored as UTC representing the
// number of microseconds since the unix epoch.
type TimestampTzType struct{}
func (TimestampTzType) Equals(other Type) bool {
_, ok := other.(TimestampTzType)
return ok
func (TimestampTzType) primitive() {}
func (TimestampTzType) Type() string { return "timestamptz" }
func (TimestampTzType) String() string { return "timestamptz" }
type StringType struct{}
func (StringType) Equals(other Type) bool {
_, ok := other.(StringType)
return ok
func (StringType) primitive() {}
func (StringType) Type() string { return "string" }
func (StringType) String() string { return "string" }
type UUIDType struct{}
func (UUIDType) Equals(other Type) bool {
_, ok := other.(UUIDType)
return ok
func (UUIDType) primitive() {}
func (UUIDType) Type() string { return "uuid" }
func (UUIDType) String() string { return "uuid" }
type BinaryType struct{}
func (BinaryType) Equals(other Type) bool {
_, ok := other.(BinaryType)
return ok
func (BinaryType) primitive() {}
func (BinaryType) Type() string { return "binary" }
func (BinaryType) String() string { return "binary" }
var PrimitiveTypes = struct {
Bool PrimitiveType
Int32 PrimitiveType
Int64 PrimitiveType
Float32 PrimitiveType
Float64 PrimitiveType
Date PrimitiveType
Time PrimitiveType
Timestamp PrimitiveType
TimestampTz PrimitiveType
String PrimitiveType
Binary PrimitiveType
UUID PrimitiveType
Bool: BooleanType{},
Int32: Int32Type{},
Int64: Int64Type{},
Float32: Float32Type{},
Float64: Float64Type{},
Date: DateType{},
Time: TimeType{},
Timestamp: TimestampType{},
TimestampTz: TimestampTzType{},
String: StringType{},
Binary: BinaryType{},
// PromoteType promotes the type being read from a file to a requested read type.
// fileType is the type from the file being read
// readType is the requested readType
func PromoteType(fileType, readType Type) (Type, error) {
switch t := fileType.(type) {
case Int32Type:
if _, ok := readType.(Int64Type); ok {
return readType, nil
case Float32Type:
if _, ok := readType.(Float64Type); ok {
return readType, nil
case StringType:
if _, ok := readType.(BinaryType); ok {
return readType, nil
case BinaryType:
if _, ok := readType.(StringType); ok {
return readType, nil
case DecimalType:
if rt, ok := readType.(DecimalType); ok {
if t.precision <= rt.precision && t.scale <= rt.scale {
return readType, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: cannot reduce precision from %s to %s",
ErrResolve, fileType, readType)
case FixedType:
if _, ok := readType.(UUIDType); ok && t.len == 16 {
return readType, nil
if fileType.Equals(readType) {
return fileType, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: cannot promote %s to %s", ErrResolve, fileType, readType)