blob: a455ede1f2de92f70374a2bbc2e313cda4f56ca2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
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package iceberg_test
import (
func TestParseTransform(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
toparse string
expected iceberg.Transform
{"identity", iceberg.IdentityTransform{}},
{"IdEnTiTy", iceberg.IdentityTransform{}},
{"void", iceberg.VoidTransform{}},
{"VOId", iceberg.VoidTransform{}},
{"year", iceberg.YearTransform{}},
{"yEAr", iceberg.YearTransform{}},
{"month", iceberg.MonthTransform{}},
{"MONtH", iceberg.MonthTransform{}},
{"day", iceberg.DayTransform{}},
{"DaY", iceberg.DayTransform{}},
{"hour", iceberg.HourTransform{}},
{"hOuR", iceberg.HourTransform{}},
{"bucket[5]", iceberg.BucketTransform{NumBuckets: 5}},
{"bucket[100]", iceberg.BucketTransform{NumBuckets: 100}},
{"BUCKET[5]", iceberg.BucketTransform{NumBuckets: 5}},
{"bUCKeT[100]", iceberg.BucketTransform{NumBuckets: 100}},
{"truncate[10]", iceberg.TruncateTransform{Width: 10}},
{"truncate[255]", iceberg.TruncateTransform{Width: 255}},
{"TRUNCATE[10]", iceberg.TruncateTransform{Width: 10}},
{"tRuNCATe[255]", iceberg.TruncateTransform{Width: 255}},
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(tt.toparse, func(t *testing.T) {
transform, err := iceberg.ParseTransform(tt.toparse)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, tt.expected, transform)
txt, err := transform.MarshalText()
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, strings.ToLower(tt.toparse), string(txt))
errorTests := []struct {
name string
toparse string
{"foobar", "foobar"},
{"bucket no brackets", "bucket"},
{"truncate no brackets", "truncate"},
{"bucket no val", "bucket[]"},
{"truncate no val", "truncate[]"},
{"bucket neg", "bucket[-1]"},
{"truncate neg", "truncate[-1]"},
for _, tt := range errorTests {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
tr, err := iceberg.ParseTransform(tt.toparse)
assert.Nil(t, tr)
assert.ErrorIs(t, err, iceberg.ErrInvalidTransform)
assert.ErrorContains(t, err, tt.toparse)