Disable dark mode for landing-page, set docs to auto (#28)

2 files changed
tree: 1c6d4256ce48584d47a80e8e18a1db4938e973df
  1. .github/
  2. docs/
  3. javadoc/
  4. landing-page/
  5. redirects/
  6. .asf.yaml
  7. .gitignore
  8. .gitmodules
  9. README.md

Apache Iceberg Documentation Site

This repository contains the documentation for Apache Iceberg. It's built with Hugo and hosted at https://iceberg.apache.org.


The Iceberg documentation site is actually constructed from two hugo sites. The first, is the landing page. The second site, is the documentation site which contains the full Iceberg documentation, including the javadoc. The landing page and documentation sites are completely self-contained in the ./landing-page and ./docs directories, respectively.

Landing Page Deployment

The landing page site is automatically deployed to the root of the asf-site branch by the deploy-landing-page job in the deployment workflow. There is only a single version of the landing page site, and the deploy-landing-page job only runs on commits to the main branch.

Docs Deployment

The docs site is automatically deployed to the docs directory in the asf-site branch, into a sub-directory named after the branch where the commit occured. This is performed by the deploy-docs job in the deployment workflow. The job deploys the docs site on commits to any branch except main. A branch is maintained for each Iceberg version. If the job runs and the directory does not yet exist in the asf-site branch, it will be created.

Additionally, the contents of the javadoc directory is deployed to a javadoc/<branch_name> directory in the asf-site branch.

Latest Docs

In ./docs/redirect/index.html, a redirect meta tag exists to forward /docs and /latest to /docs/latest.

asf-site Branch Structure

The asf-site branch structure is the following:

├── docs
│   ├── 0.12.1
│   │   └── <Full Docs Site @0.12.1>
│   ├── latest
│   │   └── <Full Docs Site @latest>
│   └── index.html  <-- Includes a redirect to 0.12.1 which is the latest version
├── javadoc
│   ├── 0.12.1
│   │   └── <Full javadoc site @0.12.1>
│   └── latest
│       └── <Full javadoc Site @latest>
└── <Full Landing Page Site>

A non-main branch commit deploys the docs site into a new sub-directory in the asf-site branch‘s docs directory, as well as copies the javadoc directory into a new sub-directory in the asf-site branch’s javadoc directory.

A main branch commit deploys the landing page site only and overwrites the landing page site at the root of the asf-site branch.


Redirects within one of the two sites can easily be done using the aliases keyword in the YAML Front Matter. You can read more about this Hugo URL Management feature here.

For root level redirects that are outside of both sites, the ./redirects directory contains pages with redirect meta tags. These are all deployed at the root level of the asf-site branch by the Deploy redirects step in the deployment workflow.

Running Locally

To start the landing page site locally, clone this repository and run the following.

git clone git@github.com:apache/iceberg-docs.git
cd landing-page && hugo serve

To start the documentation site locally, clone this repository and run the following.

git clone git@github.com:apache/iceberg-docs.git
git submodule update --init
cd docs && hugo serve

Scanning For Broken Links

If you'd like to scan for broken links, one available tool is linkcheck that can be found here.