tree: da4fac05d561ab46b4a2cd65f0035b482477bb17 [path history] [tgz]
  1. archetypes/
  2. layouts/
  3. static/
  6. theme.toml

Iceberg Theme

The Iceberg theme is a theme for use with Hugo.

Hint Boxes

To add a hint box, use the hint shortcode and pass in a hint box variation type. Available types are info, success, warning, or error.

{{< hint info >}}
Here is a message for the hint box!
{{< /hint >}}


To add a tabbed view of different code examples, use the codetabs, addtab, and tabcontent shortcodes directly within a markdown page.

  1. Define a named set of tabs, making sure that the name is unique across the current page.
{{% codetabs "LaunchSparkClient" %}}
{{% /codetabs %}}
  1. Add one or more tabs using the addtab shortcode. The arguments to the addtab shortcode are tab name, tab group, and tab type. (see the logic in iceberg-theme.js to see how these are used)
{{% codetabs "LaunchSparkClient" %}}
{{% addtab "SparkSQL" "spark-queries" "spark-sql" %}}
{{% addtab "Spark-Shell" "spark-queries" "spark-shell" %}}
{{% addtab "PySpark" "spark-queries" "pyspark" %}}
{{% codetabs "LaunchSparkClient" %}}
{{% /codetabs %}}
  1. Add content for each tab using the tabcontent shortcode.
{{% codetabs "LaunchSparkClient" %}}
{{% addtab "SparkSQL" "spark-queries" "spark-sql" %}}
{{% addtab "Spark-Shell" "spark-queries" "spark-shell" %}}
{{% addtab "PySpark" "spark-queries" "pyspark" %}}
{{% tabcontent "spark-sql"  %}}
docker exec -it spark-iceberg spark-sql
{{% /tabcontent %}}
{{% tabcontent "spark-shell" %}}
docker exec -it spark-iceberg spark-shell
{{% /tabcontent %}}
{{% tabcontent "pyspark" %}}
docker exec -it spark-iceberg pyspark
{{% /tabcontent %}}
{{% /codetabs %}}

Codetab “groups” are used to coordinate switching the tab view throughout an entire page. To add a new group, update the code in iceberg-theme.js.