tree: 675ed2edeb8d384869862d944bca72ca8dd089cf [path history] [tgz]
  1. .github/
  2. content/
  3. docs/
  4. hudi-utils/
  5. website/
  6. .asf.yaml
  7. .gitignore
  8. package-lock.json

Apache Hudi Website Source Code

This repo hosts the source code of Apache Hudi Official Website.


Install npm for the first time.


cd website
npm install

Local Development

cd website
npm start

This command starts a local development server and opens up a browser window. Most changes are reflected live without having to restart the server.


cd website
npm run build

This command generates static content into the build directory and can be served using any static contents hosting service.

Testing your Build Locally

It is important to test your build locally before deploying to production.

cd website
npm run serve

Build script

Build from source


The results are moved to directory: content

To Add New Docs Version

To better understand how versioning works and see if it suits your needs, you can read on below.

Directory structure

├── sidebars.js          # sidebar for master (next) version
├── docs                 # docs directory for master (next) version
   └──         #
├── versions.json        # file to indicate what versions are available
├── versioned_docs
   ├── version-0.7.0
      └──     #
   └── version-0.8.0
       └──     #
├── versioned_sidebars
   ├── version-0.7.0-sidebars.json
   └── version-0.8.0-sidebars.json
├── docusaurus.config.js
└── package.json

The table below explains how a versioned file maps to its version and the generated URL.

versioned_docs/version-0.8.0/hello.md0.8.0 (latest)/docs/hello

Tagging a new version

  1. First, make sure your content in the docs directory is ready to be frozen as a version. A version always should be based from master.
  2. Enter a new version number.
npm run docusaurus docs:version 0.8.0

When tagging a new version, the document versioning mechanism will:

  • Copy the full docs/ folder contents into a new versioned_docs/version-<version>/ folder.
  • Create a versioned sidebars file based from your current sidebar configuration (if it exists) - saved as versioned_sidebars/version-<version>-sidebars.json.
  • Append the new version number to versions.json.
  1. We have few hard coded versions to updated manually. Do fix them in docusaurus.config.js Example commit used when generating docs for 0.10.1 : This commit has changes for both docs and release highlights. Please update as per necessity.
  2. In addition to docusaurus.config.js, we need to manually change the link of Latest releases inside website/src/components/HomepageHeader/index.js to point to this new release. Previously this was fixed inside website/src/pages/index.js. going forward this needs to be fixed inside website/src/components/HomepageHeader/index.js.


Creating new docs

  1. Place the new file into the corresponding version folder.
  2. Include the reference for the new file into the corresponding sidebar file, according to version number.

Master docs

# The new file.

# Edit the corresponding sidebar file.

Older docs

# The new file.

# Edit the corresponding sidebar file.

Linking docs

  • Remember to include the .md extension.
  • Files will be linked to correct corresponding version.
  • Relative paths work as well.
The [@hello]( document is great!

See the [Tutorial](../getting-started/ for more info.


Each directory in versioned_docs/ will represent a documentation version.

Updating an existing version

You can update multiple docs versions at the same time because each directory in versioned_docs/ represents specific routes when published.

  1. Edit any file.
  2. Commit and push changes.
  3. It will be published to the version.

Example: When you change any file in versioned_docs/version-0.7.0/, it will only affect the docs for version 0.7.0.


Configs can be automatically updated by following these steps documented at ../hudi-utils/


When adding a talk, please follow these guidelines.

  1. Ensure the entry is of the format “[Title](Hyperlink to video/resources)” - By <Author 1>, <Author 2>, <Author 3>. <Name of Conference/Meetup/Session>, .
  2. Please ensure the talks are in chronological order.
  3. Try to add links to videos and slide decks when possible. If they are not available in same page, feel free to add [Slides](Slides link) towards the end like for example:

:::note “Hoodie: An Open Source Incremental Processing Framework From Uber” - By Vinoth Chandar. Apr 2017, DataEngConf, San Francisco, CA Slides Video :::


When adding a new blog, please follow these guidelines.

  1. Every Blog should have the title, authors, image, tags in the metadata of the blog. For example the front matter for a blog should look like below.
title: "Blog title"
author: FirstName LastName
category: blog
image: /assets/images/blog/<image_file>
- how-to
- deltastreamer
- incremental-processing
- apache hudi
  1. The blog can be inline or referring to an external blog. If its an inline blog please save it as .md file. Example for an inline blog - (Build Open Lakehouse using Apache Hudi & dbt)[]. If the blog is referring to an external blog you would need to embed the redirect url and save it as a .mdx file. Take a look at this blog for reference - (Apache Hudi vs Delta Lake vs Apache Iceberg - Lakehouse Feature Compariso)[]
  2. The image must be uploaded in the path /assets/images/blog/<image_file-name> and should be of standard size 1200 * 600
  3. The tags should be representative of these
    1. tag1
      • how-to (tutorial, recipes, show case how to use feature x)
      • use-case (some community users talking about their use-case)
      • design (technical articles talking about Hudi internal design/impl)
      • performance (involves performance related blogs)
      • blog (anything else such as announcements/release updates/insights/guides/tutorials/concepts overview etc)
    2. tag 2
      • Represent individual features - clustering, compaction, ingestion, meta-sync etc. Make sure you keep the features singular, i.e., Use upsert not upserts or use delete not deletes
    3. tag 3
    4. Please refer to guidelines for tagging below

Video Guides

When adding a new video guide, please follow these guidelines.

  1. Every video guide should have the title, last_modified_at, authors, image, navigate, tags in the metadata of the video guide. For example the front matter for a video guide should look like below.
title: "Video guide title"
last_modified_at: <Time in this format - 2023-10-13T16:54:38.964863-07:00>
- name: FirstName LastName
- name: FirstName LastName
category: blog
image: /assets/images/video_blogs/<image_file>
navigate: "<youtube/any other video link>"
- guide
- hands-on
- csv
- aws glue
- apache hudi
  1. The video guide should be named as a <yyyy-mm-dd>-<Video Guide Title>.md file where date part of the file name represents date published.
  2. The image must be uploaded in the path /assets/images/video_blogs/<image_file-name> and should be of standard size 1200 * 600. Its easy to use the same name as the video guide for the image as well - <yyyy-mm-dd>-<Video Guide Title>.png If there is no thumbnail or cover image stick to the default image - /assets/images/hudi-video-page-default.png (OR) another alternative would be to create a simple cover image with the title of the video as the thumbnail.
  3. The navigate field represents the actual link to video.
  4. The tags should be representative of Hudi component/feature focussed in the guide. The tags can refer to services or techniques used in the guide. Stick to 5 - 7 tags at the max.
    1. tag 1
      • code-walkthrough
      • guide (represents hands-on labs, labs)
    2. tag 2 Can be the use case or functionality achieved. Example - de-duplication. This can be skipped if the guide is in general talking about ingestion using different sources and sinks.
    3. tag 3
      • Represent individual Hudi features/components - clustering, compaction, ingestion, meta-sync etc.
      • If deltastreamer is referred, add both tags - deltastreamer and hudi streamer since we renamed deltastreamer.
    4. tag 4
      • List of technologies used in the guide. This should be an inclusive list. Qualify names fully here. For example prefer to “amazon athena” instead of “athena”. This helps in discoverability of the guides.
    5. tag N
      • [beginner, intermediate, advanced]. Use this tag if its clear on what level this guide targets. Else feel free to skip this tag.
    6. Please refer to guidelines for tagging below
  5. Ensure that tags are consistent. When adding new tags refer Blog Tags and Video Guide Tags to check if there is a tag already and prefer to use that.

Guidelines to tag properly

  - Please do not use `index` as a tag. Instead, use `indexing`.
  - Please do not use `-` in tags, since it may affect discoverability. 
  - When referring to a specific type of query like `snapshot query` with query as the suffix use singular.
  - When referring to write operation types prefer plural. Ex: `inserts` over `insert`. 
  - Avoid class names


Apache Hudi Community