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Apache HTTP Server 2.0 Documentation Status File.
Last modified: $Date: 2001/04/27 11:42:11 $
If you are interested in helping accomplish some of the tasks on this
list or otherwise improving the documentation, please join the
apache-docs mailing list by mailing to
- man pages
- Some of the man pages need to be updated for 2.0. At least
the httpd man page appears to be outdated, and perhaps other.
After this is done, the manual/programs/ versions can be
- XHTML conversion
Status: James A Sutherland <> was going
to spearhead this, but we haven't heard anything
lately. Some work is still needed
to determine what the SSIs should look like.
- MPM documentation
- Each MPM needs to have a documentation file in manual/mod/
which lists the directives it provides, and some details
about its operation.
Status: Initial outlines done. Much more details need to be
filled in.
- Non unix/windows MPMs still need to be completed.
- perchild MPM needs some docs.
- Merging of changes in 1.3.
- There have been many changes in the 1.3 docs which haven't
been propagated into 2.0.
Things which need to be merged: ???
- Cleaning.
- We could use a list of all the docs that can be axed out of 2.0
because they are redundant or irrelevant.
Some suggestions on files to axe. Feel free to comment.
manual/cgi-path.html (should be documented in mod_cgi.html instead)
manual/process-model.html (documented in MPMs, eventually)
platform/perf-* (are these relevant anymore?)
- Individual docs will need some cleanup.
Status: What docs still need to be touched here?
- invoking.html has had a first-pass cleaning done.
- misc/perf-tuning.html - needs major rewrite for 2.0
- misc/FAQ.html - some old questions could be remove
- is a new format in order?
- misc/tutorials.html - mostly not relevant to 2.0
- misc/stopping.html
- dso.html
- misc/rewriteguide.html - needs cleaning in 1.3 and 2.0
- misc/known_client_problems.html - mostly ancient
- howto/* - some syntax has changed in 2.0 due to
filtering and mod_cgid
- New build process.
- The new build process is autoconf based, so manual/install.html
will need to be completely rewritten. Someone with enough
patience could probably figure out most of the important stuff
by trial and error.
Status: Ryan's "Building and Installing Apache 2.0" might be
a starting place.
- Documentation of new features.
- This will probably require more input from new-httpd, since
not many people here follow the development process close
enough to know what is going on.
Status: Ryan has two ApacheToday articles which may be useful
for this.
New features which need documentation:
- filters !!!
- Translations
We appear to have people working on translation into the following
languages. These may just be the 'it worked' page, but if so
the authors of those should perhaps be contacted to help do the
rest.. :-) Note that this list is NOT identical to that for the
1.3 documentation project..!
- Catalan (.ca)
- Czech [?] (.cz)
- German (.de)
- Danish (.dk)
- ? (.ee)
- Greek (.el)
- Spanish (.es)
- Estonian (.et)
- French (.fr)
- Hebrew (.he.iso8859-8)
- Italian (.it)
- Japanese (.ja.iso2022-jp, .ja.jis)
- Korean (.kr.iso2022-kr, .kt.iso-kr)
- ? (.ltz)
- ? (.lu)
- Dutch (.nl)
- Norwegian (.no)
- Polish (.po.iso-pl)
- Portuguese (.pt)
- Portuguese [Brasilian] (.pt-br)
- Russian (.ru.cp-1251, .ru.cp866, .ru.iso-ru, .ru.koi8-r, .ru.ucs[248])
- Swedish (.se)
- Twi (.tw, .tw.big5)
(is that supposed to be Chinese/Taiwanese? Because if so, it is using
the code reserved for Twi..)