blob: efa475fc69761fb0a2479ce7f8d3abbcc48a8386 [file] [log] [blame]
These functions are to be called when the shared NLM starts and
stops. By using these functions instead of defining a main()
and calling ExitThread(TSR_THREAD, 0), the load time of the
shared NLM is faster and memory size reduced.
You may also want to override these in your own Apache module
to do any cleanup other than the mechanism Apache modules
#include <netware.h>
//#include "stddef.h"
#include "ws2nlm.h"
int _NonAppStart
void *NLMHandle,
void *errorScreen,
const char *cmdLine,
const char *loadDirPath,
size_t uninitializedDataLength,
void *NLMFileHandle,
int (*readRoutineP)( int conn, void *fileHandle, size_t offset,
size_t nbytes, size_t *bytesRead, void *buffer ),
size_t customDataOffset,
size_t customDataSize,
int messageCount,
const char **messages
#pragma unused(cmdLine)
#pragma unused(loadDirPath)
#pragma unused(uninitializedDataLength)
#pragma unused(NLMFileHandle)
#pragma unused(readRoutineP)
#pragma unused(customDataOffset)
#pragma unused(customDataSize)
#pragma unused(messageCount)
#pragma unused(messages)
WSADATA wsaData;
return WSAStartup((WORD) MAKEWORD(2, 0), &wsaData);
void _NonAppStop( void )
int _NonAppCheckUnload( void )
return 0;