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<TITLE>Apache module mod_example</TITLE>
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<H1>Module mod_example</h1>
This module is contained in the <CODE>modules/mod_example.c</CODE> file, and
<STRONG>is not</STRONG> compiled in by default. It illustrates many of
the aspects of the
>Apache 1.2 API</A>
and, when used, demonstrates the manner in which module callbacks are
triggered by the server.
The files in the <CODE>src/modules/example directory</CODE> under the
Apache distribution directory tree are provided as an example to those
that wish to write modules that use the Apache API.
The main file is <CODE>mod_example.c</CODE>, which illustrates all
the different callback mechanisms and call syntaces. By no means does
an add-on module need to include routines for all of the callbacks -
quite the contrary!
The example module is an actual working module. If you link it into
your server, enable the "example-handler" handler for a location, and
then browse to that location, you will see a display of
some of the tracing the example module did as the various callbacks
were made.
To include the example module in your server, follow the steps below:
<LI>Uncomment the "Module example_module" line near the bottom of
the <CODE>src/Configuration</CODE> file. If there isn't one, add
it; it should look like this:
Module example_module modules/example/mod_example.o
<LI>Run the <CODE>src/Configure</CODE> script
("<SAMP>cd&nbsp;src;&nbsp;./Configure</SAMP>"). This will
build the Makefile for the server itself, and update the
<CODE>src/modules/Makefile</CODE> for any additional modules you
have requested from beneath that subdirectory.
<LI>Make the server (run "<SAMP>make</SAMP>" in the <CODE>src</CODE>
To add another module of your own:
<LI><SAMP>mkdir src/modules/<EM>mymodule</EM></SAMP>
<LI><SAMP>cp src/modules/example/* src/modules/<EM>mymodule</EM></SAMP>
<LI>Modify the files in the new directory.
<LI>Follow steps [1] through [3] above, with appropriate changes.
Using the <SAMP>mod_example</SAMP> Module
To activate the example module, include a block similar to the
following in your <SAMP>srm.conf</SAMP> file:
&lt;Location /example-info&gt;
SetHandler example-handler
As an alternative, you can put the following into a
file and then request the file &quot;test.example&quot; from that
AddHandler example-handler .example
After reloading/restarting your server, you should be able to browse
to this location and see the brief display mentioned earlier.
<LI><A HREF="#example">Example</A>
<A NAME="example">
<STRONG>Syntax:</STRONG> Example
<STRONG>Default:</STRONG> None
<STRONG>Context:</STRONG> server config, virtual host, directory, .htaccess
<STRONG>Override:</STRONG> Options
<STRONG>Status:</STRONG> Extension
<STRONG>Module:</STRONG> mod_example
The Example directive activates the example module's content handler
for a particular location or file type. It takes no arguments. If
you browse to an URL to which the example content-handler applies, you
will get a display of the routines within the module and how and in
what order they were called to service the document request.
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