blob: d9b26c2f9a127f1757a606e25401fb6dabe3bdcd [file] [log] [blame]
Apache HTTP Server 2.0 Documentation Status File.
If you are interested in helping accomplish some of the tasks on this
list or otherwise improving the documentation, please join the
apache-docs mailing list by mailing to
- man pages
- Some of the man pages need to be updated for 2.0. At least
the httpd man page appears to be outdated, and perhaps other.
After this is done, the manual/programs/ versions can be
- XHTML conversion
Status: James A Sutherland <> was going
to spearhead this, but we haven't heard anything
lately. Some work is still needed
to determine what the SSIs should look like.
- MPM documentation
- Each MPM needs to have a documentation file in manual/mod/
which lists the directives it provides, and some details
about its operation.
Status: Initial outlines done. Much more details need to be
filled in.
- Non unix/windows MPMs still need to be completed.
- perchild MPM needs some docs.
- Merging of changes in 1.3.
- There have been many changes in the 1.3 docs which haven't
been propagated into 2.0.
Things which need to be merged: ???
- Cleaning.
- We could use a list of all the docs that can be axed out of 2.0
because they are redundant or irrelevant.
Some suggestions on files to axe. Feel free to comment.
manual/cgi-path.html (should be documented in mod_cgi.html instead)
manual/process-model.html (documented in MPMs, eventually)
platform/perf-* (are these relevant anymore?)
- Individual docs will need some cleanup.
Status: What docs still need to be touched here?
- invoking.html has had a first-pass cleaning done.
- misc/perf-tuning.html - needs major rewrite for 2.0
- misc/FAQ.html - some old questions could be remove
- is a new format in order?
- misc/tutorials.html - mostly not relevant to 2.0
- misc/stopping.html
- dso.html
- misc/rewriteguide.html - needs cleaning in 1.3 and 2.0
- misc/known_client_problems.html - mostly ancient
- howto/* - some syntax has changed in 2.0 due to
filtering and mod_cgid
- New build process.
- The new build process is autoconf based, so manual/install.html
will need to be completely rewritten. Someone with enough
patience could probably figure out most of the important stuff
by trial and error.
Status: Ryan's "Building and Installing Apache 2.0" might be
a starting place.
- Documentation of new features.
- This will probably require more input from new-httpd, since
not many people here follow the development process close
enough to know what is going on.
Status: Ryan has two ApacheToday articles which may be useful
for this.
New features which need documentation:
- filters !!!
- Translations
Status: ???