blob: d82be4e6d16b5ed3efa820238fa95150a5d58939 [file] [log] [blame]
@echo off
rem # As part of the pre-build process, the utilities GenChars.NLM
rem # (Gen Test Chars) and DFTables.NLM (dftables) must be built,
rem # copied to a NetWare server and run using the following commands:
rem #
rem # genchars >test_char.h
rem # dftables >chartables.c
rem #
rem # The files "sys:\test_chars.h" and "sys:\chartables.c" must be
rem # copied to "httpd\os\netware" on the build machine.
@echo Fixing up the APR headers
copy ..\srclib\apr\include\apr.hnw ..\srclib\apr\include\apr.h
@echo Fixing up the APR-Util headers
copy ..\srclib\apr-util\include\ ..\srclib\apr-util\include\apu.h
@echo Fixing up the pcre headers
copy ..\srclib\pcre\config.hw ..\srclib\pcre\config.h
copy ..\srclib\pcre\pcre.hw ..\srclib\pcre\pcre.h
@echo Generating the import lists...
awk95 -f make_nw_export.awk ..\srclib\apr\include\*.h |sort > ..\os\netware\aprlib.imp
awk95 -f make_nw_export.awk ..\srclib\apr-util\include\*.h |sort > ..\os\netware\aprutil.imp