blob: 360a3840e89e8dc8ed59c1ae83f906a8fe12e29e [file] [log] [blame]
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';
use Apache::Test;
use Apache::TestRequest;
## mod_env tests
my %test = (
'set' => "mod_env test environment variable",
'unset' => '(none)',
'type' => '(none)',
'nothere' => '(none)'
if (Apache::TestConfig::WIN32) {
#what looks like a bug in perl 5.6.1 prevents %ENV
#settings to be inherited by process created with
#Win32::Process::Create. the test works fine if APACHE_TEST_HOSTNAME
#is set in the command shell environment
delete $test{'host'};
plan tests => (keys %test) * 1, have_module('env', 'include');
my ($actual, $expected);
foreach (sort keys %test) {
$expected = $test{$_} || 'ERROR EXPECTED UNDEFINED';
sok {
$actual = GET_BODY "/modules/env/$_.shtml";
$actual =~ s/[\r\n]+$//s;
print "# $_: /modules/env/$_.shtml\n",
"# $_: EXPECT ->$expected<- ACTUAL ->$actual<-\n";
return $actual eq $expected;