Apache HttpClient 5.0 migration guide

  1. Migration from HttpClient 4.x

    Prior to migration from HttpClient 4.x to HttpClient 5.0 it is highly recommended to ensure that HttpClient 4.x is up to date and is being used in accordance with the best practices and recommendations.

  2. Migration to HttpClient 5.0 classic APIs

    When migrating from HttpClient 4.x to HttpClient 5.0 it is generally recommended to migrate to the classic APIs as the first step.

  3. Migration to HttpClient 5.0 async APIs with simple handlers

    When migrating to HttpClient 5.0 async APIs it might be easier to start off by using simple (using in-memory buffers) asynchronous handlers.

  4. Migration to HttpClient 5.0 async APIs

    The ultimate goal of the migration process should be to use HttpClient 5.0 async APIs with full content streaming over full-duplex HTTP/1.1 or HTTP/2 connections.

  5. Migration to HttpClient 5.0 async APIs for HTTP/2 only

    For those scenarios where HTTP/1.1 compatibility is no longer required HttpClient 5.0 provides HTTP/2 optimized clients.