Helix Tutorial: YAML Cluster Setup

As an alternative to using Helix Admin to set up the cluster, its resources, constraints, and the state model, Helix supports bootstrapping a cluster configuration based on a YAML file. Below is an annotated example of such a file for a simple distributed lock manager where a lock can only be LOCKED or RELEASED, and each lock only allows a single participant to hold it in the LOCKED state.

clusterName: lock-manager-custom-rebalancer # unique name for the cluster (required)
  - name: lock-group # unique resource name (required)
    rebalancer: # required
      mode: USER_DEFINED # required - USER_DEFINED means we will provide our own rebalancer
      class: org.apache.helix.userdefinedrebalancer.LockManagerRebalancer # required for USER_DEFINED
      count: 12 # number of partitions for the resource (default is 1)
      replicas: 1 # number of replicas per partition (default is 1)
      name: lock-unlock # model name (required)
      states: [LOCKED, RELEASED, DROPPED] # the list of possible states (required if model not built-in)
      transitions: # the list of possible transitions (required if model not built-in)
        - name: Unlock
          from: LOCKED
          to: RELEASED
        - name: Lock
          from: RELEASED
          to: LOCKED
        - name: DropLock
          from: LOCKED
          to: DROPPED
        - name: DropUnlock
          from: RELEASED
          to: DROPPED
        - name: Undrop
          from: DROPPED
          to: RELEASED
      initialState: RELEASED # (required if model not built-in)
        counts: # maximum number of replicas of a partition that can be in each state (required if model not built-in)
          - name: LOCKED
            count: "1"
          - name: RELEASED
            count: "-1"
          - name: DROPPED
            count: "-1"
        priorityList: [LOCKED, RELEASED, DROPPED] # states in order of priority (all priorities equal if not specified)
      transition: # transitions priority to enforce order that transitions occur
        priorityList: [Unlock, Lock, Undrop, DropUnlock, DropLock] # all priorities equal if not specified
participants: # list of nodes that can serve replicas (optional if dynamic joining is active, required otherwise)
  - name: localhost_12001
    host: localhost
    port: 12001
  - name: localhost_12002
    host: localhost
    port: 12002
  - name: localhost_12003
    host: localhost
    port: 12003

Using a file like the one above, the cluster can be set up either with the command line:

helix/helix-core/target/helix-core/pkg/bin/YAMLClusterSetup.sh localhost:2199 lock-manager-config.yaml

or with code:

YAMLClusterSetup setup = new YAMLClusterSetup(zkAddress);
InputStream input =
YAMLClusterSetup.YAMLClusterConfig config = setup.setupCluster(input);

Some notes:

  • A rebalancer class is only required for the USER_DEFINED mode. It is ignored otherwise.

  • Built-in state models, like OnlineOffline, LeaderStandby, and MasterSlave, or state models that have already been added only require a name for stateModel. If partition and/or replica counts are not provided, a value of 1 is assumed.