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  2. pom.xml

Distributed lock manager with a user-defined rebalancer and YAML configuration

This recipe is a second take on the distributed lock manager example with two key differences

  • Instead of specifying the cluster using the HelixAdmin Java API, a YAML file indicates the cluster, its resources, and its participants. This is a simplified way to bootstrap cluster creation with a compact, logical hierarchy.
  • The rebalancing process (i.e. the algorithm that uses the cluster state to determine an assignment of locks to participants) is specified in a class defined by the recipe itself, completely independent of Helix.

For additional background and motivation, see the distributed-lock-manager recipe.

YAML Cluster Setup

The YAML configuration below specifies a state model for a lock in which it can be locked and unlocked. At most one participant can hold the lock at any time, and there are 12 locks to distribute across 4 participants.

clusterName: lock-manager-custom-rebalancer # unique name for the cluster
  - name: lock-group # unique resource name
    rebalancer: # we will provide our own rebalancer
      mode: USER_DEFINED
      class: org.apache.helix.userdefinedrebalancer.LockManagerRebalancer
      count: 12 # number of locks
      replicas: 1 # number of simultaneous holders for each lock
      name: lock-unlock # unique model name
      states: [LOCKED, RELEASED, DROPPED] # the list of possible states
      transitions: # the list of possible transitions
        - name: Unlock
          from: LOCKED
          to: RELEASED
        - name: Lock
          from: RELEASED
          to: LOCKED
        - name: DropLock
          from: LOCKED
          to: DROPPED
        - name: DropUnlock
          from: RELEASED
          to: DROPPED
        - name: Undrop
          from: DROPPED
          to: RELEASED
      initialState: RELEASED
        counts: # maximum number of replicas of a partition that can be in each state
          - name: LOCKED
            count: "1"
          - name: RELEASED
            count: "-1"
          - name: DROPPED
            count: "-1"
        priorityList: [LOCKED, RELEASED, DROPPED] # states in order of priority
      transition: # transitions priority to enforce order that transitions occur
        priorityList: [Unlock, Lock, Undrop, DropUnlock, DropLock]
participants: # list of nodes that can acquire locks
  - name: localhost_12001
    host: localhost
    port: 12001
  - name: localhost_12002
    host: localhost
    port: 12002
  - name: localhost_12003
    host: localhost
    port: 12003

User-Defined Rebalancer

The implementation of the Rebalancer interface is quite simple. It assumes a Lock/Unlock model where the lock state has highest priority. It uses a mod-based approach to fairly assign locks to participants so that no participant holds more than one instance of a lock, and each lock is only assigned to as many participants as can hold the same lock simultaneously. In the configuration above, only one participant can hold a given lock in the locked state.

The result is a ResourceMapping, which maps each lock to its holder and its lock state. In Helix terminology, the lock manager is the resource, a lock is a partition, its holder is a participant, and the lock state is the current state of the lock based on one of the pre-defined states in the state model.

public ResourceAssignment computeResourceMapping(Resource resource, IdealState currentIdealState,
    CurrentStateOutput currentStateOutput, ClusterDataCache clusterData) {
  // Initialize an empty mapping of locks to participants
  ResourceAssignment assignment = new ResourceAssignment(resource.getResourceName());

  // Get the list of live participants in the cluster
  List<String> liveParticipants = new ArrayList<String>(clusterData.getLiveInstances().keySet());

  // Get the state model (should be a simple lock/unlock model) and the highest-priority state
  String stateModelName = currentIdealState.getStateModelDefRef();
  StateModelDefinition stateModelDef = clusterData.getStateModelDef(stateModelName);
  if (stateModelDef.getStatesPriorityList().size() < 1) {
    LOG.error("Invalid state model definition. There should be at least one state.");
    return assignment;
  String lockState = stateModelDef.getStatesPriorityList().get(0);

  // Count the number of participants allowed to lock each lock
  String stateCount = stateModelDef.getNumInstancesPerState(lockState);
  int lockHolders = 0;
  try {
    // a numeric value is a custom-specified number of participants allowed to lock the lock
    lockHolders = Integer.parseInt(stateCount);
  } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
    LOG.error("Invalid state model definition. The lock state does not have a valid count");
    return assignment;

  // Fairly assign the lock state to the participants using a simple mod-based sequential
  // assignment. For instance, if each lock can be held by 3 participants, lock 0 would be held
  // by participants (0, 1, 2), lock 1 would be held by (1, 2, 3), and so on, wrapping around the
  // number of participants as necessary.
  // This assumes a simple lock-unlock model where the only state of interest is which nodes have
  // acquired each lock.
  int i = 0;
  for (Partition partition : resource.getPartitions()) {
    Map<String, String> replicaMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
    for (int j = i; j < i + lockHolders; j++) {
      int participantIndex = j % liveParticipants.size();
      String participant = liveParticipants.get(participantIndex);
      // enforce that a participant can only have one instance of a given lock
      if (!replicaMap.containsKey(participant)) {
        replicaMap.put(participant, lockState);
    assignment.addReplicaMap(partition, replicaMap);
  return assignment;

In Action

Specifying a Lock StateModel

In our configuration file, we indicated a special state model with two key states: LOCKED and RELEASED. Thus, we need to provide for the participant a subclass of StateModel that can respond to transitions between those states.

public class Lock extends StateModel {
  private String lockName;

  public Lock(String lockName) {
    this.lockName = lockName;

  @Transition(from = "RELEASED", to = "LOCKED")
  public void lock(Message m, NotificationContext context) {
    System.out.println(context.getManager().getInstanceName() + " acquired lock:" + lockName);

  @Transition(from = "LOCKED", to = "RELEASED")
  public void release(Message m, NotificationContext context) {
    System.out.println(context.getManager().getInstanceName() + " releasing lock:" + lockName);
Loading the configuration file

We include a YAML file parser that will set up the cluster according to the specifications of the file. Here is the code that this example uses to set up the cluster:

YAMLClusterSetup setup = new YAMLClusterSetup(zkAddress);
InputStream input =
YAMLClusterSetup.YAMLClusterConfig config = setup.setupCluster(input);

At this point, the cluster is set up and the configuration is persisted on Zookeeper. The config variable contains a snapshot of this configuration for further access.

git clone
cd helix
mvn clean install package -DskipTests
cd recipes/user-rebalanced-lock-manager/target/user-rebalanced-lock-manager-pkg/bin
chmod +x *
STARTING localhost_12002
STARTING localhost_12001
STARTING localhost_12003
STARTED localhost_12001
STARTED localhost_12003
STARTED localhost_12002
localhost_12003 acquired lock:lock-group_4
localhost_12002 acquired lock:lock-group_8
localhost_12001 acquired lock:lock-group_10
localhost_12001 acquired lock:lock-group_3
localhost_12001 acquired lock:lock-group_6
localhost_12003 acquired lock:lock-group_0
localhost_12002 acquired lock:lock-group_5
localhost_12001 acquired lock:lock-group_9
localhost_12002 acquired lock:lock-group_2
localhost_12003 acquired lock:lock-group_7
localhost_12003 acquired lock:lock-group_11
localhost_12002 acquired lock:lock-group_1
lockName  acquired By
lock-group_0  localhost_12003
lock-group_1  localhost_12002
lock-group_10 localhost_12001
lock-group_11 localhost_12003
lock-group_2  localhost_12002
lock-group_3  localhost_12001
lock-group_4  localhost_12003
lock-group_5  localhost_12002
lock-group_6  localhost_12001
lock-group_7  localhost_12003
lock-group_8  localhost_12002
lock-group_9  localhost_12001
Stopping the first participant
localhost_12001 Interrupted
localhost_12002 acquired lock:lock-group_3
localhost_12003 acquired lock:lock-group_6
localhost_12003 acquired lock:lock-group_10
localhost_12002 acquired lock:lock-group_9
lockName  acquired By
lock-group_0  localhost_12003
lock-group_1  localhost_12002
lock-group_10 localhost_12003
lock-group_11 localhost_12003
lock-group_2  localhost_12002
lock-group_3  localhost_12002
lock-group_4  localhost_12003
lock-group_5  localhost_12002
lock-group_6  localhost_12003
lock-group_7  localhost_12003
lock-group_8  localhost_12002
lock-group_9  localhost_12002