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Release Notes for Apache Helix 0.6.2-incubating
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Release Notes for Apache Helix 0.6.2-incubating
The Apache Helix team would like to announce the release of Apache Helix 0.6.2-incubating
This is the third release under the Apache umbrella.
Helix is a generic cluster management framework used for the automatic management of partitioned, replicated and distributed resources hosted on a cluster of nodes. Helix provides the following features:
* Automatic assignment of resource/partition to nodes
* Node failure detection and recovery
* Dynamic addition of Resources
* Dynamic addition of nodes to the cluster
* Pluggable distributed state machine to manage the state of a resource via state transitions
* Automatic load balancing and throttling of transitions
* Changes
** Sub-task
* [HELIX-28] - ZkHelixManager.handleNewSession() can happen when a liveinstance already exists
* [HELIX-85] - Remove mock service module
* [HELIX-106] - Remove all string constants in the code
* [HELIX-107] - Add support to set custom objects into ZNRecord
* [HELIX-124] - race condition in ZkHelixManager.handleNewSession()
* [HELIX-165] - Add dependency for Guava libraries
* [HELIX-169] - Take care of consecutive handleNewSession() and session expiry during handleNewSession()
* [HELIX-170] - HelixManager#isLeader() should compare both instanceName and sessionId
* [HELIX-195] - Race condition between FINALIZE callbacks and Zk Callbacks
* [HELIX-207] - Add javadocs to classes and public methods in the top-level package
* [HELIX-208] - Add javadocs to classes and public methods in the model package
* [HELIX-277] - FULL_AUTO rebalancer should not prefer nodes that are just coming up
** Bug
* [HELIX-7] - Tune test parameters to fix random test failures
* [HELIX-87] - Bad repository links in website
* [HELIX-117] - backward incompatibility problem in accessing zkPath vis HelixWebAdmin
* [HELIX-118] - PropertyStore -> HelixPropertyStore backwards incompatible location
* [HELIX-119] - HelixManager serializer no longer needs ByteArraySerializer for /PROPERTYSTORE
* [HELIX-129] - ZKDumper should use byte[] instead of String to read/write file/zk
* [HELIX-131] - Connection timeout not set while connecting to zookeeper via zkHelixAdmin
* [HELIX-133] - Cluster-admin command parsing does not work with removeConfig
* [HELIX-140] - In, the removeConfig is wrong wired to getConfig
* [HELIX-141] - Autorebalance does not work reliably and fails when replica>1
* [HELIX-144] - Need to validate StateModelDefinition when adding new StateModelDefinition to Cluster
* [HELIX-147] - Fix typo in Idealstate property max_partitions_per_instance
* [HELIX-148] - Current preferred placement for auto rebalace is suboptimal for n > p
* [HELIX-150] - Auto rebalance might not evenly distribute states across nodes
* [HELIX-151] - Auto rebalance doesn't assign some replicas when other nodes could make room
* [HELIX-153] - Auto rebalance tester uses the returned map fields, but production uses only list fields
* [HELIX-155] - PropertyKey.instances() is wrongly wired to CONFIG type instead of INSTANCES type
* [HELIX-197] - state model leak
* [HELIX-199] - ZNRecord should not publish rawPayload unless it exists
* [HELIX-216] - Allow HelixAdmin addResource to accept the old rebalancing types
* [HELIX-221] - Can't find default error->dropped transition method using name convention
* [HELIX-257] - Upgrade Restlet to 2.1.4 - due security flaw
* [HELIX-258] - Upgrade Apache Camel due to CVE-2013-4330
* [HELIX-264] - fix zkclient#close() bug
* [HELIX-279] - Apply gc handling fixes to main ZKHelixManager class
* [HELIX-280] - Full auto rebalancer should check for resource tag first
* [HELIX-288] - helix-core uses an old version of guava
* [HELIX-299] - Some files in 0.6.2 are missing license headers
** Improvement
* [HELIX-20] - AUTO-REBALANCE helix controller should re-assign disabled partitions on a node to other available nodes
* [HELIX-70] - Make Helix OSGi ready
* [HELIX-149] - Allow clients to pass in preferred placement strategies
* [HELIX-198] - Unify helix code style
* [HELIX-218] - Add a reviewboard submission script
* [HELIX-284] - Support participant auto join in YAML cluster setup
** New Feature
* [HELIX-215] - Allow setting up the cluster with a YAML file
** Task
* [HELIX-95] - Tracker for 0.6.2 release
* [HELIX-154] - Auto rebalance algorithm should not depend on state
* [HELIX-166] - Rename modes to auto, semi-auto, and custom
* [HELIX-173] - Move rebalancing strategies to separate classes that implement the Rebalancer interface
* [HELIX-188] - Add admin command line / REST API documentations
* [HELIX-194] - ZNRecord has too many constructors
* [HELIX-205] - Have user-defined rebalancers use RebalanceMode.USER_DEFINED
* [HELIX-210] - Add support to set data with expect version in BaseDataAccessor
* [HELIX-217] - Remove mock service module
* [HELIX-273] - Rebalancer interface should remain unchanged in 0.6.2
* [HELIX-274] - Verify FULL_AUTO tagged node behavior
* [HELIX-285] - add integration test util's
The Apache Helix Team