HBASE-26257 Improve Performance of HBCK when specifying a subset of tables addendum (#93)

Signed-off-by: Stephen Wu <taklonwu@gmail.com>
1 file changed
tree: 44f78befc9f7229dfaf77cda802e699b5e31dd35
  1. build-support/
  2. dev-support/
  3. hbase-hbck2/
  4. hbase-operator-tools-assembly/
  5. hbase-table-reporter/
  6. hbase-tools/
  7. .asf.yaml
  8. .gitignore
  9. CHANGES.md
  10. LICENSE.txt
  11. NOTICE.txt
  12. pom.xml
  13. README.md


Host for Apache HBaseâ„¢ operator tools including:

  • HBCK2, the hbase-2.x fix-it tool, the successor to hbase-1's hbck (A.K.A hbck1).
  • TableReporter, a tool to generate a basic report on Table column counts and row sizes; use when no distributed execution available.