HBASE-26934: Publish code coverage reports to SonarQube (#106)

The newly added script runs maven with the clover profile which generates the test coverage data.
If the necessary parameters are given it also uploads the results to SonarQube.

The required parameters for publishing to SonarQube are:

- Host URL
- Login Credentials
- Project Key

Example commands:

Run clover code analysis (without publishing to SonarQube)
sh dev-support/code-coverage/run-coverage.sh

Run clover code analysis and publish the results to SonarQube
sh dev-support/code-coverage/run-coverage.sh -l ProjectCredentials -u https://exampleserver.com -k Project_Key -n Project_Name

Co-authored-by: Dora Horvath <dora.horvath@cloudera.com>
3 files changed
tree: 05e4440d064a04f30b3a868cc098a7b698a7a12a
  1. build-support/
  2. dev-support/
  3. hbase-hbck2/
  4. hbase-operator-tools-assembly/
  5. hbase-table-reporter/
  6. hbase-tools/
  7. .asf.yaml
  8. .gitignore
  9. CHANGES.md
  10. LICENSE.txt
  11. NOTICE.txt
  12. pom.xml
  13. README.md


Host for Apache HBase™ operator tools including:

  • HBCK2, the hbase-2.x fix-it tool, the successor to hbase-1's hbck (A.K.A hbck1).
  • TableReporter, a tool to generate a basic report on Table column counts and row sizes; use when no distributed execution available.