blob: a2a682811353cd56c3ad274df0273c9d10127697 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.spark.datasources
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import org.apache.yetus.audience.InterfaceAudience;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.spark.datasources.JavaBytesEncoder.JavaBytesEncoder
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.spark.Logging
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.spark.hbase._
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
import org.apache.spark.unsafe.types.UTF8String
* This is the naive non-order preserving encoder/decoder.
* Due to the inconsistency of the order between java primitive types
* and their bytearray. The data type has to be passed in so that the filter
* can work correctly, which is done by wrapping the type into the first byte
* of the serialized array.
class NaiveEncoder extends BytesEncoder with Logging{
var code = 0
def nextCode: Byte = {
code += 1
(code - 1).asInstanceOf[Byte]
val BooleanEnc = nextCode
val ShortEnc = nextCode
val IntEnc = nextCode
val LongEnc = nextCode
val FloatEnc = nextCode
val DoubleEnc = nextCode
val StringEnc = nextCode
val BinaryEnc = nextCode
val TimestampEnc = nextCode
val UnknownEnc = nextCode
* Evaluate the java primitive type and return the BoundRanges. For one value, it may have
* multiple output ranges because of the inconsistency of order between java primitive type
* and its byte array order.
* For short, integer, and long, the order of number is consistent with byte array order
* if two number has the same sign bit. But the negative number is larger than positive
* number in byte array.
* For double and float, the order of positive number is consistent with its byte array order.
* But the order of negative number is the reverse order of byte array. Please refer to IEEE-754
* and
def ranges(in: Any): Option[BoundRanges] = in match {
case a: Integer =>
val b = Bytes.toBytes(a)
if (a >= 0) {
logDebug(s"range is 0 to $a and ${Integer.MIN_VALUE} to -1")
Array(BoundRange(Bytes.toBytes(0: Int), b),
BoundRange(Bytes.toBytes(Integer.MIN_VALUE), Bytes.toBytes(-1: Int))),
Array(BoundRange(b, Bytes.toBytes(Integer.MAX_VALUE))), b))
} else {
Array(BoundRange(Bytes.toBytes(Integer.MIN_VALUE), b)),
Array(BoundRange(b, Bytes.toBytes(-1: Integer)),
BoundRange(Bytes.toBytes(0: Int), Bytes.toBytes(Integer.MAX_VALUE))), b))
case a: Long =>
val b = Bytes.toBytes(a)
if (a >= 0) {
Array(BoundRange(Bytes.toBytes(0: Long), b),
BoundRange(Bytes.toBytes(Long.MinValue), Bytes.toBytes(-1: Long))),
Array(BoundRange(b, Bytes.toBytes(Long.MaxValue))), b))
} else {
Array(BoundRange(Bytes.toBytes(Long.MinValue), b)),
Array(BoundRange(b, Bytes.toBytes(-1: Long)),
BoundRange(Bytes.toBytes(0: Long), Bytes.toBytes(Long.MaxValue))), b))
case a: Short =>
val b = Bytes.toBytes(a)
if (a >= 0) {
Array(BoundRange(Bytes.toBytes(0: Short), b),
BoundRange(Bytes.toBytes(Short.MinValue), Bytes.toBytes(-1: Short))),
Array(BoundRange(b, Bytes.toBytes(Short.MaxValue))), b))
} else {
Array(BoundRange(Bytes.toBytes(Short.MinValue), b)),
Array(BoundRange(b, Bytes.toBytes(-1: Short)),
BoundRange(Bytes.toBytes(0: Short), Bytes.toBytes(Short.MaxValue))), b))
case a: Double =>
val b = Bytes.toBytes(a)
if (a >= 0.0f) {
Array(BoundRange(Bytes.toBytes(0.0d), b),
BoundRange(Bytes.toBytes(-0.0d), Bytes.toBytes(Double.MinValue))),
Array(BoundRange(b, Bytes.toBytes(Double.MaxValue))), b))
} else {
Array(BoundRange(b, Bytes.toBytes(Double.MinValue))),
Array(BoundRange(Bytes.toBytes(-0.0d), b),
BoundRange(Bytes.toBytes(0.0d), Bytes.toBytes(Double.MaxValue))), b))
case a: Float =>
val b = Bytes.toBytes(a)
if (a >= 0.0f) {
Array(BoundRange(Bytes.toBytes(0.0f), b),
BoundRange(Bytes.toBytes(-0.0f), Bytes.toBytes(Float.MinValue))),
Array(BoundRange(b, Bytes.toBytes(Float.MaxValue))), b))
} else {
Array(BoundRange(b, Bytes.toBytes(Float.MinValue))),
Array(BoundRange(Bytes.toBytes(-0.0f), b),
BoundRange(Bytes.toBytes(0.0f), Bytes.toBytes(Float.MaxValue))), b))
case a: Array[Byte] =>
Array(BoundRange(bytesMin, a)),
Array(BoundRange(a, bytesMax)), a))
case a: Byte =>
val b = Array(a)
Array(BoundRange(bytesMin, b)),
Array(BoundRange(b, bytesMax)), b))
case a: String =>
val b = Bytes.toBytes(a)
Array(BoundRange(bytesMin, b)),
Array(BoundRange(b, bytesMax)), b))
case a: UTF8String =>
val b = a.getBytes
Array(BoundRange(bytesMin, b)),
Array(BoundRange(b, bytesMax)), b))
case _ => None
def compare(c: Int, ops: JavaBytesEncoder): Boolean = {
ops match {
case JavaBytesEncoder.Greater => c > 0
case JavaBytesEncoder.GreaterEqual => c >= 0
case JavaBytesEncoder.Less => c < 0
case JavaBytesEncoder.LessEqual => c <= 0
* encode the data type into byte array. Note that it is a naive implementation with the
* data type byte appending to the head of the serialized byte array.
* @param dt: The data type of the input
* @param value: the value of the input
* @return the byte array with the first byte indicating the data type.
override def encode(dt: DataType,
value: Any): Array[Byte] = {
dt match {
case BooleanType =>
val result = new Array[Byte](Bytes.SIZEOF_BOOLEAN + 1)
result(0) = BooleanEnc
value.asInstanceOf[Boolean] match {
case true => result(1) = -1: Byte
case false => result(1) = 0: Byte
case ShortType =>
val result = new Array[Byte](Bytes.SIZEOF_SHORT + 1)
result(0) = ShortEnc
Bytes.putShort(result, 1, value.asInstanceOf[Short])
case IntegerType =>
val result = new Array[Byte](Bytes.SIZEOF_INT + 1)
result(0) = IntEnc
Bytes.putInt(result, 1, value.asInstanceOf[Int])
case LongType|TimestampType =>
val result = new Array[Byte](Bytes.SIZEOF_LONG + 1)
result(0) = LongEnc
Bytes.putLong(result, 1, value.asInstanceOf[Long])
case FloatType =>
val result = new Array[Byte](Bytes.SIZEOF_FLOAT + 1)
result(0) = FloatEnc
Bytes.putFloat(result, 1, value.asInstanceOf[Float])
case DoubleType =>
val result = new Array[Byte](Bytes.SIZEOF_DOUBLE + 1)
result(0) = DoubleEnc
Bytes.putDouble(result, 1, value.asInstanceOf[Double])
case BinaryType =>
val v = value.asInstanceOf[Array[Bytes]]
val result = new Array[Byte](v.length + 1)
result(0) = BinaryEnc
System.arraycopy(v, 0, result, 1, v.length)
case StringType =>
val bytes = Bytes.toBytes(value.asInstanceOf[String])
val result = new Array[Byte](bytes.length + 1)
result(0) = StringEnc
System.arraycopy(bytes, 0, result, 1, bytes.length)
case _ =>
val bytes = Bytes.toBytes(value.toString)
val result = new Array[Byte](bytes.length + 1)
result(0) = UnknownEnc
System.arraycopy(bytes, 0, result, 1, bytes.length)
override def filter(input: Array[Byte], offset1: Int, length1: Int,
filterBytes: Array[Byte], offset2: Int, length2: Int,
ops: JavaBytesEncoder): Boolean = {
filterBytes(offset2) match {
case ShortEnc =>
val in = Bytes.toShort(input, offset1)
val value = Bytes.toShort(filterBytes, offset2 + 1)
compare(in.compareTo(value), ops)
case IntEnc =>
val in = Bytes.toInt(input, offset1)
val value = Bytes.toInt(filterBytes, offset2 + 1)
compare(in.compareTo(value), ops)
case LongEnc | TimestampEnc =>
val in = Bytes.toInt(input, offset1)
val value = Bytes.toInt(filterBytes, offset2 + 1)
compare(in.compareTo(value), ops)
case FloatEnc =>
val in = Bytes.toFloat(input, offset1)
val value = Bytes.toFloat(filterBytes, offset2 + 1)
compare(in.compareTo(value), ops)
case DoubleEnc =>
val in = Bytes.toDouble(input, offset1)
val value = Bytes.toDouble(filterBytes, offset2 + 1)
compare(in.compareTo(value), ops)
case _ =>
// for String, Byte, Binary, Boolean and other types
// we can use the order of byte array directly.
Bytes.compareTo(input, offset1, length1, filterBytes, offset2 + 1, length2 - 1), ops)