tree: de707f99181fa68c51d5e21c876226ce20c948e1 [path history] [tgz]
  1. ao/
  2. catalog/
  3. ddl/
  4. ExternalSource/
  5. lib/
  6. ManagementTool/
  7. parquet/
  8. partition/
  9. planner/
  10. PreparedStatement/
  11. query/
  12. Ranger/
  13. regex/
  14. testlib/
  15. toast/
  16. transactions/
  17. UDF/
  18. utility/
  19. .gitignore
  20. doxygen_template
  21. full_tests.txt
  22. gtest-parallel
  23. Makefile
  26. sanity_tests.txt
  27. test_main.cpp

This folder contains the feature tests of apache HAWQ. The feature test library is written based on google test. Users and developers could run these tests after successfully installed apache HAWQ.



make feature-test

make feature-test-clean

Also, you could enter the $HAWQ_HOME/src/test/feature folder to make and make clean.

Before building the code of feature tests part, just make sure your compiler supports C++11 and you have apache HAWQ successfully compiled.


  1. Make sure HAWQ is running correctly. If not, init or start HAWQ at first. Note please don't set locale related arguments for hawq init.
  2. Load environment configuration by running source $INSTALL_PREFIX/
  3. Load hdfs configuration. For example, export HADOOP_HOME=/Users/wuhong/hadoop-2.7.2 && export PATH=${PATH}:${HADOOP_HOME}/bin. Since some test cases need hdfs and hadoop command, just ensure these commands work before running. Otherwise you will get failure.
  4. Run the cases with./ 8 ./feature-test(in this case 8 threads in parallel), you could use --gtest_filter option to filter test cases(both positive and negative patterns are supported). Please see more options by running ./feature-test --help. You can also run cases with ./ 8 ./feature-test --gtest_schedule (eg. --gtest_schedule=./full_tests.txt) if you want to run cases in both parallel way and serial way.The schedule file sample is full_tests.txt which stays in the same directory.

NOTE: To ensure all answer files(files with extension .ans) are uniform in their output format, certain properties are set in Therefore running tests direclty using ./feature-test might cause some tests to fail.


In contribution to HAWQ, we suggest developers submitting feature tests related to your feature development. In writting a featurte test, you need to write a cpp file inside corresponding folders. There are two recommended way to write this cpp file:

  1. Check every single sql clause and bundle the test utility inside one case. This way is not that readable but it is much better in quality. See ExternalSource/test_errortbl.cpp for example.
  2. Write a sql file for sql utility test related to your feature and a .ans which lists the expected output. Lots of current cases are written in this manner. For sql plan cases, you should include two sperate sql files linking to OCAR on and off.

Refer to testlib/test_lib.cpp for detialed usage. The APIs are listed in lib/sql_util.h.

You don't need to modify Makefile, it will automatively handle new .


If some cases failed in your environment, check it out with the generated .diff files: find . -name "*.out.diff". There files show the difference between the expected output(.ans) and the real output(.out) which you could find if seperate subfolders after running.

There are some cases expected to be fail in specific environment which need to be fixed later on. Don't worry about that.

To run feature tests in parallel, make sure your python version is equal to or greater than 2.7. For RedHat Linux 6.x, you can upgrade python version to 2.7 by yum -y install centos-release-scl && yum -y install python27



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