Accessing Ignite database using PXF

The PXF Ignite plug-in enables to access the Apache Ignite database (both read and write operations are supported) via REST API.


Check the following before using the plug-in:

  • The Ignite plug-in is installed on all PXF nodes;

  • The Apache Ignite client is installed and running at the IGNITE_HOST (localhost by default; this can be changed, see syntax below), and it accepts http queries from the PXF (note that enabling Ignite REST API does not require changes in Ignite configuration; see the instruction on how to do that at


    <column_name> <data_type>[, <column_name> <data_type>, ...] | LIKE <other_table>
LOCATION ('pxf://<ignite_table_name>?PROFILE=Ignite[&<extra-parameter>&<extra-parameter>&...]')
FORMAT 'CUSTOM' (formatter='pxfwritable_import');

where each <extra-parameter> is one of the following:

  • IGNITE_HOST=<ignite_host_address_with_port>. The location of Ignite client node. If not given, is used by default;
  • IGNITE_CACHE=<ignite_cache_name>. The name of Ignite cache to use. If not given, this parameter is not included in queries from PXF to Ignite, thus Ignite default values will be used (at the moment, this is Default cache). This option is case-sensitive;
  • BUFFER_SIZE=<unsigned_int>. The number of tuples send to (from) Ignite per a response. The same number of tuples is stored in in-plug-in cache. The values 0 and 1 are equal (cache is not used, each tuple is passed in its own query to Ignite). If not given, 128 is used by default;
  • PARTITION_BY=<column>:<column_type>. See below;
  • RANGE=<start_value>:<end_value>. See below;
  • INTERVAL=<value>[:<unit>]. See below.

Write access

PXF Ignite plugin supports INSERT queries. However, due to the usage of REST API, this function has a technical limit: URL can not be longer than approx. 2000 characters. This makes the INSERT of very long tuples of data impossible.

Due to this limitation, the recommended value of BUFFER_SIZE for INSERT queries is 1. Note that this slightly decreases the perfomance.



PXF Ignite plugin supports simultaneous read access to the Apache Ignite database from multiple PXF segments. Partitioning should be used in order to perform such operation.

This feature is optional. If partitioning is not used, all the data will be retrieved by a single PXF segment.


Partitioning in PXF Ignite plug-in works just like in PXF JDBC plug-in.

If partitioning is activated (a valid set of the required parameters is present in the EXTERNAL TABLE description; see syntax below), the SELECT query is split into a set of small queries, each of which is called a fragment. All the fragments are processed by separate PXF instances simultaneously. If there are more fragments than PXF instances, some instances will process more than one fragment; if only one PXF instance is available, it will process all the fragments.

Extra constraints (WHERE expressions) are automatically added to each fragment to guarantee that every tuple of data is retrieved from the Apache Ignite database exactly once.


To use partitions, add a set of <ignite-parameter>s:

  • The PARTITION_BY parameter indicates which column to use as the partition column. Only one column can be used as a partition column.

    • The <column> is the name of a partition column;
    • The <column_type> is the datatype of a partition column. At the moment, the supported types are INT, DATE and ENUM. The DATE format is yyyy-MM-dd.
  • The RANGE parameter indicates the range of data to be queried. If the partition type is ENUM, the RANGE parameter must be a list of values, each of which forms its own fragment. In case of INT and DATE partitions, this parameter must be a finite left-closed range (“infinity” values are not supported):

    • [ <start_value> ; <end_value> )
    • ... >= start_value AND ... < end_value;
  • The INTERVAL parameter is required for INT and DATE partitions. This parameter is ignored if <column_type> is ENUM.

    • The <value> is the size of each fragment (the last one may be smaller). Note that by default PXF does not support more than 100 fragments;
    • The <unit> must be provided if <column_type> is DATE. At the moment, only year, month and day are supported. This parameter is ignored in case of any other <column_type>.

Example partitions:

  • &PARTITION_BY=id:int&RANGE=42:142&INTERVAL=2
  • &PARTITION_BY=createdate:date&RANGE=2008-01-01:2010-01-01&INTERVAL=1:month
  • &PARTITION_BY=grade:enum&RANGE=excellent:good:general:bad