HAWQ-1421. PXF rpm updates to make it oss friendly
diff --git a/pxf/Makefile b/pxf/Makefile
index 2959f9c..7405878 100644
--- a/pxf/Makefile
+++ b/pxf/Makefile
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
 	@echo "help it is then"
 	@echo   "Possible targets"
 	@echo	"  - all (clean, build, unittest, jar, tar, rpm)"
-	@echo	"  -  -  HD=<phd|hdp> - set classpath to match hadoop distribution. default phd"
+	@echo	"  -  -  HD=<hdp> - set classpath to match hadoop distribution. default will be apache hadoop compliant"
 	@echo	"  -  -  LICENSE=<license info> - add license info to created RPMs"
 	@echo	"  -  -  VENDOR=<vendor name> - add vendor name to created RPMs"
 	@echo	"  -  -  PLUGINS_EXCLUDE_RPM=plugin1, plugin2,... - do not build and RPM for given comma-separated list of plugins"
diff --git a/pxf/build.gradle b/pxf/build.gradle
index e9d04af..802b1e4 100644
--- a/pxf/build.gradle
+++ b/pxf/build.gradle
@@ -41,17 +41,22 @@
-// Hadoop distribution (can be phd or hdp) - needed to set correct classpaths
+// Hadoop distribution (can be hdp or null which would default to apache) - needed to set correct classpaths
 // can be set with -Dhd=<value>
-def hddist = System.properties['hd'] ?: 'hdp';
-if (hddist != 'phd' && hddist != 'hdp') {
+def hddist = System.properties['hd'] ?: '';
+if (hddist != 'hdp' && hddist != '') {
     throw new GradleException("hadoop distribution parameter (hd) set to invalid value: $hddist")
 // Some package names need to be renamed to include the version number
 // as part of the package name to enable side by side install of two versions of the same package.
 def versionedPackageName(packageName) {
-    packageName + "_" + "${version}".replace(".", "_")
+    if (System.properties['hd'] == 'hdp') {
+        packageName + "_" + "${version}".replace(".", "_")
+    } else {
+        packageName
+    }
 subprojects { subProject ->