
hawq-docker is based on wangzw's repo hawq-devel-env. It is the docker images and scripts to help developers of Apache HAWQ to setup building and testing environment with docker.

Both CentOS 7 and CentOS 6 are supported. Change variable OS_VERSION (:= centos7 OR centos6) in Makefile to switch between CentOS 7 and CentOS 6.

Take CentOS 7 as an example below.

Install docker

Setup build and test environment

  • clone hawq repository
git clone https://github.com/apache/hawq.git .
cd hawq/contrib/hawq-docker
  • Build the docker images
  make build

(Command make build is to build docker images locally.)

  • setup a 5 nodes virtual cluster for Apache HAWQ build and test.
make run

Now let's have a look about what we creted.

[root@localhost hawq-docker]# docker ps -a
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                          COMMAND                CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES
382b2b3360d1        hawq/hawq-test:centos7   "entrypoint.sh bash"   2 minutes ago       Up 2 minutes                            centos7-datanode3
86513c331d45        hawq/hawq-test:centos7   "entrypoint.sh bash"   2 minutes ago       Up 2 minutes                            centos7-datanode2
c0ab10e46e4a        hawq/hawq-test:centos7   "entrypoint.sh bash"   2 minutes ago       Up 2 minutes                            centos7-datanode1
e27beea63953        hawq/hawq-test:centos7   "entrypoint.sh bash"   2 minutes ago       Up 2 minutes                            centos7-namenode
1f986959bd04        hawq/hawq-dev:centos7    "/bin/true"            2 minutes ago       Created                                 centos7-data

centos7-data is a data container and mounted to /data directory on all other containers to provide a shared storage for the cluster.

Build and Test Apache HAWQ

  • attach to namenode
docker exec -it centos7-namenode bash
  • check if HDFS working well
sudo -u hdfs hdfs dfsadmin -report
  • clone Apache HAWQ code to /data direcotry
git clone https://github.com/apache/hawq.git /data/hawq
  • build Apache HAWQ
cd /data/hawq
./configure --prefix=/data/hawq-dev
make install

(When you are using CentOS 6, run command scl enable devtoolset-2 bash before configuring hawq and run command exit after installing hawq.)

  • modify Apache HAWQ configuration
sed 's|localhost|centos7-namenode|g' -i /data/hawq-dev/etc/hawq-site.xml
echo 'centos7-datanode1' >  /data/hawq-dev/etc/slaves
echo 'centos7-datanode2' >>  /data/hawq-dev/etc/slaves
echo 'centos7-datanode3' >>  /data/hawq-dev/etc/slaves
  • Initialize Apache HAWQ cluster
sudo -u hdfs hdfs dfs -chown gpadmin /
source /data/hawq-dev/greenplum_path.sh
hawq init cluster

Now you can connect to database with psql command.

[gpadmin@centos7-namenode data]$ psql -d postgres
psql (8.2.15)
Type "help" for help.


Store docker images in local docker registry

After your hawq environment is up and running, you could draft a local docker registry to store your hawq images locally for further usage.

  • pull and run a docker registry
docker pull registry
docker run -d -p registry

Make sure you could get the following output

curl http://localhost:5000/v2/_catalog

You could push your local hawq images to local repository, let us use “centos7” as example

docker tag  hawq/hawq-test:centos7  localhost:5000/hawq-test:centos7
docker tag  hawq/hawq-dev:centos7  localhost:5000/hawq-dev:centos7
docker push localhost:5000/hawq-test
docker push localhost:5000/hawq-dev

Now the local registry has images in it

curl http://localhost:5000/v2/_catalog

If we want to pull the images from local repo

make pull

More command with this script

    To setup a build and test environment:         make run
    To start all containers:                       make start
    To stop all containers:                        make stop
    To remove hdfs containers:                     make clean
    To remove all containers:                      make distclean
    To build images locally:                       make build-image
    To pull latest images:                         make pull
    To build Hawq runtime:                         make build-hawq
    To initialize Hawq on Namenode:                make init-hawq
    To start Hawq on Namenode:                     make start-hawq
    To stop Hawq on Namenode:                      make stop-hawq
    To check Hawq status on Namenode:              make status-hawq
    To build PXF runtime:                          make build-pxf
    To initialize PXF on Namenode/Datanodes:       make init-pxf
    To start PXF on Namenode/Datanodes:            make start-pxf
    To stop PXF on on Namenode/Datanodes:          make stop-hawq
    To check PXF status on Namenode/Datanodes:     make status-hawq