blob: 54225fd1db8764e669260350f9e89d6d7c4a94a1 [file] [log] [blame]
September, 2006
This archive contains the contribution to the Apache Harmony project
from Intel. The contribution consists of the following components:
JPDA module:
- JDWP agent
- JDWP transport
- JDWP tests
See for a definition
of JPDA components.
The archive contains the source files, the building environment,
and the unit tests for testing the JPDA implementation.
After extracting this archive, the following directories appear under
<EXTRACT_DIR>/Harmony/modules/, where EXTRACT_DIR is the location
into which the archive was extracted:
+---doc - The JPDA module documentation
+---make - The JPDA module and tests build scripts
+---src - The JPDA module source files
\---test - Unit tests for the JPDA module
Extracting the archive into your Harmony classlib source tree
enables you to build it with the default options.
Extracting the archive to a separate directory requires that
you specify the paths to the build scripts using ant properties.
See section 3 for details.
To build the Java* and C++ sources contained in the src/ directory,
install and configure the following tools and support libraries:
+ Apache Ant
- Apache Ant version 1.6.2 or higher
+ Java* SDK and compiler
- You can use either of the following:
+ A J2SE* 1.5.0 compatible SDK
+ Apache Harmony Execution Environment
with the Eclipse* Java* compiler version 3.1.1
+ C/C++ compiler
- on Windows*, you can use either of the following:
+ Microsoft* 32-bit C/C++ compiler version 7 or higher
and Windows* platform SDK
+ Microsoft* Visual Studio .NET* 2003 or higher.
- on Linux*, use the GNU project C/C++ compiler
version 3.3.3 or higher
+ cpptasks
- The cpptasks bundle version 1.0 beta 3 or higher
To build the unit test sources contained in the test/ directory and
run unit tests, additionally install:
+ JUnit
- JUnit testing framework version 3.8.2 or higher
To build Java* code with the Eclipse* Java* compiler (ECJ), optionally install:
+ Eclipse
- Eclipse* SDK version 3.1.1 or later
- Standalone Eclipse* Java* compiler version 3.1.2 or later
To create HTML documentation from the agent sources, optionally install:
+ Doxygen
- Doxygen version 1.3.9 or higher
1. Place the file cpptasks.jar from the cpptasks bundle to the directory
2. On Windows*, start the Microsoft* Windows* SDK build environment
or the Visual Studio .NET* 2003 Command Prompt.
3. On both platforms, verify the values for the following environment
- PATH must contain the path to Ant and the C++ compiler.
- JAVA_HOME must point to J2SE 1.5.0 compatible SDK or the Harmony build.
4. Ensure that you have jni.h and jvmti.h required for native components
of the JPDA project.
5. Optionally, install Doxygen or another tool to generate documentation
for agent components and include Doxygen binaries directory to the
system path.
NOTE: All paths must be absolute.
6. Build the JPDA module by doing the following:
6.1 Change the working directory to jpda/make/.
6.2 Start the build with Apache Ant by typing
Ant runs against the default target and compiles all Java* and C++
sources from the source directory. You can also make Ant run against
specific targets, namely:
- help Prints help.
- build (default) Builds all binaries: the agent,
transport and tests.
- build.jdwp.agent Builds only the agent subcomponent.
- build.jdwp.transport Builds only the transport subcomponent.
- build.jdwp.tests Builds only the tests and places them into
- build.doc Builds all documentation (agent and tests).
- build.jdwp.agent.doc Builds docs from comments in source code
of the agent component.
- build.jdwp.tests.doc Builds docs from comments in tests' source code.
- run.jdwp.tests Runs JDWP unit tests.
- clean Cleans all generated files.
See the ant script file build.xml for a full list of targets.
You can adjust your build process even further by setting properties,
see section 4 below.
You may get errors in compiling JDWP agent sources because of incorrect
jvmti.h file included in the current Harmony sources, see KNOWN ISSUES.
The build produces native libraries of the JDWP agent and transport and
the .jar file with tests. By default, these files are placed in
the following directory tree:
| |
| \---jre
| |
| \---bin
| |
| +--- jdwp.dll or
| \--- dt_socket.dll or
| |
| \---jdwp_tests.jar
\---... // generated HTML documents
Where <EXTRACT_DIR>/Harmony path corresponds to the Ant property harmony.path.
The following ant properties affect JPDA build:
Specify ant command-line options in the format -Dproperty=value
- harmony.path Path to Harmony sources directory.
Default: "../../.."
Example: <EXTRACT_DIR>/Harmony
- build.path Path to directory where to build JDWP agent
and unit tests.
Default: ${harmony.path}
- deploy.path Path to directory where to deploy JDWP agent
and unit tests.
Default: ${harmony.path}/deploy
- jni_h.path Path to the include/ directory with JNI and JVMTI
header files
Default: ${harmony.path}/modules/luni/src/main/native/include/shared
- cpptask.jar Path to cpptask jar file.
Default: ${harmony.path}/depends/jars/cpptasks-1.0b3/cpptasks.jar
- junit.jar Path to the junit.jar file.
Default: ${harmony.path}/depends/jars/junit_3.8.2/junit.jar
- build.compiler Java* compiler name
Default: javac
- native.compiler C/C++ compiler name
Default: gcc on Linux and msvc on Windows*
- java.debug.option Debug configuration for Java* sources
Default: on
- native.debug.option Debug configurartion for C/C++ sources
Default: on
- doxygen Full path to run doxygen
Default: doxygen
See the following list for useful tips on configuring the build process.
+ Changing the output location for binaries
Set the build.path property, for example:
+ Changing the location of the required libraries CPPTASK and JUNIT
By default, these libraries are taken from
To change the location, reset the cpptask.jar and junit.jar properties,
for example:
+ Changing the location of the JNI and JVMTI headers
By default, these headers are taken from
To change the location, reset the jni_h.path ant property value,
for example:
The current JNI and JVMTI header files in the Harmony classlib tree are
incorrect and cause build errors. You are recommended to use JNI and JVMTI
header files from DRLVM sources or JDK builds.
+ Changing the Java* compiler to compile Java* sources
By default, Ant uses the default Java* compiler in javac task.
To use the Eclipse* compiler (ECJ), add the compiler's .jar files to CLASSPATH
and specify the Eclipse* Java* compiler for the build.compiler property.
using standalone ECJ:
set CLASSPATH=<ECJ_HOME>/ecj_3.1.2.jar
ant -Dbuild.compiler=org.eclipse.jdt.core.JDTCompilerAdapter
using Eclipse* SDK:
set CLASSPATH=<ECLIPSE_HOME>/plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.core_3.1.1/jdtCompilerAdapter.jar:\
ant -Dbuild.compiler=org.eclipse.jdt.core.JDTCompilerAdapter
+ Changing the native compiler
By default, the native.compiler property defines the following
default native compilers:
- msvc under Windows
- gcc under Linux
You can reset the property to use another compiler, for example,
Intel C++ compiler:
-Dnative.compiler=icl under Windows
-Dnative.compiler=icc under Linux
+ Changing the build configuration for Java* and native code
You can use the debug or release configuration. By default, the debug
mode is used. To produce release libraries, reset the following:
All JDWP unit tests are written in Java* and must be compiled in debug
configuration. Otherwise, they may fail because of lack of debug information.
This JDWP agent can be used for debugging Java* applications with Harmony/DRLVM
JRE or another JRE supporting the JVMTI interface. To enable this, do:
- Copy jdwp and dt_socket libraries to the JRE binary directory,
for example, to <JRE>/bin.
- Debug the application with this JRE under any Java* debugger,
for example, the Eclipse* JDT debugger.
The JDWP agent supports all standard options described in JPDA specification,
except 'onthrow' and 'onuncaught' used for starting the debugger on demand.
To start JVM with the JDWP agent on the command line, use the options shown
in the usage message:
Usage: java -agentlib:agent=[help] |
help Getting this message
suspend=y|n Suspending on start (default: y)
transport=name Name of transport to use for connection
address=addr Transport address for connection
server=y|n Listening for or attaching to debugger (default: n)
timeout=n Time in ms to wait for connection (0-forever)
trace=log_kinds Filtering to the log message kind (default: none)
src=sources Filtering to __FILE__ (default: all)
log=filepath Dumping output into filepath
java -agentlib:agent=transport=dt_socket,address=localhost:7777,server=y
The trace, src and log subarguments are available only in the agent built
in the debug configuration.
To run JDWP tests, set JAVA_HOME to point to the appropriate JRE with
the JDWP agent, include the JUnit framework into CLASSPATH, change the working
directory to make/ and run the Ant script for target run.jdwp.tests.
For example:
set JAVA_HOME=C:/some-jre
set CLASSPATH=C:/JUnit/junit.jar
ant run.jdwp.tests
This target runs all JDWP unit tests using the junit task for specified JRE.
Test results are saved in the <tst.reports.path> location, which is
<EXTRACT_DIR>/Harmony/build/test_reports by default.
Alternatively, you can specify the path to the same or a different JVM for
the debugger and debuggee components of the tests. For that, reset properties
test.debugger.jvm and test.debuggee.jvm, for example:
If you run unit tests against Harmony JRE with DRLVM and use the JUnit
framework version 4.0 or higher, you may get errors, because DRLVM
does not support the new classfile version of the JUnit classes.
Use an older version of JUnit framework instead, such as version 3.8.2.
The contributed JPDA module has the following known problems:
- This JDWP agent has only been tested on Linux/IA-32 and Windows/IA-32
platforms with Harmony/DRLVM JRE and BEA* JRockit* JDK 1.5.
- Several JDWP tests fail because of known problems with JVMTI implementation
or unimplemented JVMTI features in DRLVM and other tested JVMs.
- The current jvmti.h file in the Harmony classlib sources cannot be used
in C++ sources, which causes build errors. You are recommended to use jvmti.h
from DRLVM sources or from an existing JDK build.
- The latest cpptask release version 1.0b4 hangs running Intel* C++ compiler
on Windows*, you are recommended to use cpptask version 1.0b3 instead.
- The latest JUnit framework version 4.0 or higher is compiled for the 1.5
target, which DRLVM does not currently support. You might get errors when
running unit tests against Harmony JRE with DRLVM. Use JUnit framework
version 3.8.2 in this case.
The following functionality is missing in the current JDWP implementation:
- Support for agent options onthrow and onuncaught to start the debugger
when an exception is thrown in the application.
- Grouping different events for the same location, for example, breakpoint
and step events. With the current implementation you need to resume the
thread twice when stepping over a line with a breakpoint.
- Support for the optional ClassUnload event that requires JVMTI support
for extended events.
- Support for changing the default strata, which is not clearly described in
the JPDA spec and may require full support for source strata
according to JSR-45.
*) Other brands and names are the property of their respective owners.