blob: 8bb964aea13f4f4bd207175cc4fe03112a2680d7 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
(the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License. -->
<!-- ======================================================================
Compile the native source into component shared libs.
====================================================================== -->
<project name="build-native-source" default="default" basedir="..">
Compile the native source into component shared libs.
<property name="hy.hdk" location="deploy" />
<!-- import common properties -->
<import file="${basedir}/make/properties.xml" />
<import file="${basedir}/make/depends.xml" />
<property name="depends.oss" location="depends/oss" />
<property name="depends.libs" location="depends/libs/${hy.platform}" />
<property name="depends.files" location="depends/files" />
<property name="" location="${hy.hdk}/lib" />
<condition property="needs.vme.v3.hack" value="true">
<equals arg1="${hy.platform}" arg2="windows.x86" />
<equals arg1="${hy.platform}" arg2="linux.x86" />
<!-- =================================
target: default
================================= -->
<target name="default"
description="Compile the native source into component shared libs."
depends="clean, build" />
<!-- =================================
target: build
================================= -->
<target name="build"
depends="overlay-oss,copy-includes,layout,build-modules" />
<!-- =================================
target: clean
================================= -->
<target name="clean" depends="clean-modules,clean-includes,clean-layout" />
<!-- This target invokes make on the all target to compile all natives -->
<target name="build-modules">
<!-- These module targets take care of building and copying
their shared libs -->
<!-- these must be run in a specific order due to dependencies -->
<ant dir="modules/portlib" target="build-native" />
<ant dir="modules/luni" target="build-native-core" />
<ant dir="modules/archive" target="build-native" />
<ant dir="modules/luni" target="build-native-secondary" />
<!-- the rest can be run in any order -->
<poll-modules target="build-native-all" />
<!-- =================================
target: make-clean
================================= -->
<target name="clean-modules">
<poll-modules target="clean-native" />
<delete dir="${}" />
<!-- =================================
target: layout
================================= -->
<target name="layout" depends=",-layout.vme.v3.hack"
description="Construct the correct directory structure for native binaries">
<!-- Create the target directory structure -->
<mkdir dir="${hy.jdk}/jre/bin" />
<mkdir dir="${hy.jdk}/include" />
<mkdir dir="${}"/>
<!-- NLS catalog files -->
<copy todir="${hy.jdk}/jre/bin" overwrite="yes">
<fileset dir="${depends.files}">
<include name="harmony*.properties" />
<target name="" if="">
<!-- workaround until msdll is moved. -->
<copy file="${msvcr.dll}" todir="${hy.jdk}/jre/bin" overwrite="yes" />
<copy file="${msvcp.dll}" todir="${hy.jdk}/jre/bin" overwrite="yes" />
<target name="-layout.vme.v3.hack" if="needs.vme.v3.hack">
<echo>Deploying empty ICU dynamic library stub</echo>
<copy todir="${hy.jdk}/jre/bin" verbose="true">
<fileset dir="${depends.files}">
<include name="hyempty.dll" if="" />
<globmapper from="*hyempty.dll" to="*ICUInterface34.dll" />
<copy todir="${hy.jdk}/jre/bin" verbose="true">
<fileset dir="${depends.files}">
<include name="" if="is.linux" />
<globmapper from="*" to="*" />
<!-- =================================
target: clean-layout
================================= -->
<target name="clean-layout">
<delete includeemptydirs="true" failonerror="false">
<fileset dir="${hy.jdk}">
<include name="**/bin/java${exe.suffix}" />
<include name="**/bin/javaw${exe.suffix}" />
<include name="**/bin/*${shlib.suffix}*" />
<include name="**/bin/*.pdb" />
<include name="**/bin/harmony*.properties" />
<!-- =================================
target: overlay-oss
================================= -->
<target name="overlay-oss">
<poll-modules target="overlay-oss" />
<!-- =================================
target: copy-includes
================================= -->
<target name="copy-includes" >
<!-- Call copy-native-includes targets to copy across
global includes to deploy/includes/harmony -->
<poll-modules target="copy-native-includes" />
<!-- =================================
target: clean-includes
================================= -->
<target name="clean-includes" >
<delete dir="${hy.hdk}/include" />
<delete dir="${hy.hdk}/jdk/include" />