blob: c2e836c58b027a6e8b903938bc34013b4ff8efee [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="testConf.xsl"?>
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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<!-- Normal mode is test. To run just the commands and dump the output
to the log, set it to nocompare -->
<!-- Comparator types:
<description>setfattr : Add an xattr</description>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -touchz /file1</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -setfattr -n user.a1 -v 123456 /file1</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -getfattr -d /file1</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -rm /file1</command>
<expected-output># file: /file1</expected-output>
<description>setfattr : Add an xattr which has wrong prefix</description>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -touchz /file1</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -setfattr -n uuu.a1 -v 123456 /file1</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -rm /file1</command>
<expected-output>name must be prefixed with user/trusted/security/system/raw, followed by a '.'</expected-output>
<description>setfattr : Add an xattr of trusted namespace</description>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -touchz /file1</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -setfattr -n trusted.a1 -v 123456 /file1</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -getfattr -d /file1</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -rm /file1</command>
<expected-output># file: /file1</expected-output>
<description>setfattr : Add an xattr of system namespace</description>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -touchz /file1</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -setfattr -n system.a1 -v 123456 /file1</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -rm /file1</command>
<expected-output>setfattr: User doesn't have permission for xattr: system.a1</expected-output>
<description>setfattr : Add an xattr of security namespace</description>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -touchz /file1</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -setfattr -n security.a1 -v 123456 /file1</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -rm /file1</command>
<expected-output>setfattr: User doesn't have permission for xattr: security.a1</expected-output>
<description>setfattr : Add the unreadable by superuser xattr to security namespace</description>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -touchz /file1</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -setfattr -n /file1</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -getfattr -d /file1</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -rm /file1</command>
<description>setfattr : Try to delete the unreadable by superuser xattr from security namespace</description>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -touchz /file1</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -setfattr -n /file1</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -setfattr -x /file1</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -rm /file1</command>
<expected-output>can not be deleted</expected-output>
<description>setfattr : Try to read a file protected by the unreadable by superuser xattr</description>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -touchz /file1</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -setfattr -n /file1</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -get /file1 /tmp/file1</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -rm /file1</command>
<command>rm /tmp/file1</command>
<expected-output>Access is denied</expected-output>
<description>setfattr : Try to add a value to the unreadable by superuser xattr</description>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -touchz /file1</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -setfattr -n /file1</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -setfattr -n -v 1234 /file1</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -rm /file1</command>
<expected-output>Values are not allowed</expected-output>
<description>setfattr : Add an xattr of raw namespace</description>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -touchz /file1</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -setfattr -n raw.a1 -v 123456 /file1</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -rm /file1</command>
<expected-output>setfattr: User doesn't have permission for xattr: raw.a1</expected-output>
<description>setfattr : Add an xattr of raw namespace</description>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -touchz /file1</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -setfattr -n raw.a1 -v 123456 /.reserved/raw/file1</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -getfattr -n raw.a1 /.reserved/raw/file1</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -rm /file1</command>
<description>setfattr : Add an xattr, and encode is text</description>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -touchz /file1</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -setfattr -n user.a1 -v "123456" /file1</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -getfattr -d /file1</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -rm /file1</command>
<expected-output># file: /file1</expected-output>
<description>setfattr : Add an xattr, and encode is hex</description>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -touchz /file1</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -setfattr -n user.a1 -v 0x313233343536 /file1</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -getfattr -d /file1</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -rm /file1</command>
<expected-output># file: /file1</expected-output>
<description>setfattr : Add an xattr, and encode is base64</description>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -touchz /file1</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -setfattr -n user.a1 -v 0sMTIzNDU2 /file1</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -getfattr -d /file1</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -rm /file1</command>
<expected-output># file: /file1</expected-output>
<description>setfattr : Add multiple xattrs</description>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -touchz /file1</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -setfattr -n user.a1 -v 123456 /file1</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -setfattr -n user.a2 -v abc /file1</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -getfattr -d /file1</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -rm /file1</command>
<expected-output># file: /file1</expected-output>
<description>setfattr : Remove an xattr</description>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -touchz /file1</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -setfattr -n user.a1 -v 123456 /file1</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -setfattr -n user.a2 -v abc /file1</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -setfattr -x user.a1 /file1</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -getfattr -d /file1</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -rm /file1</command>
<expected-output># file: /file1#LF#user.a2="abc"#LF#</expected-output>
<description>setfattr : Remove an xattr which doesn't exist</description>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -touchz /file1</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -setfattr -n user.a1 -v 123456 /file1</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -setfattr -x user.a2 /file1</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -getfattr -d /file1</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -rm /file1</command>
<expected-output># file: /file1#LF#user.a1="123456"#LF#</expected-output>
<description>setfattr : Remove an xattr of raw namespace</description>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -touchz /file1</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -setfattr -n raw.a1 -v 123456 /.reserved/raw/file1</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -setfattr -n raw.a2 -v 123456 /.reserved/raw/file1</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -setfattr -x raw.a2 /.reserved/raw/file1</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -getfattr -d /.reserved/raw/file1</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -rm /file1</command>
<expected-output># file: /.reserved/raw/file1#LF#raw.a1="123456"#LF#</expected-output>
<description>getfattr : Get an xattr</description>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -touchz /file1</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -setfattr -n user.a1 -v 123456 /file1</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -setfattr -n user.a2 -v abc /file1</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -getfattr -n user.a1 /file1</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -rm /file1</command>
<expected-output># file: /file1</expected-output>
<description>getfattr : Get an xattr which doesn't exist</description>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -touchz /file1</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -getfattr -n user.a1 /file1</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -rm /file1</command>
<expected-output>At least one of the attributes provided was not found</expected-output>
<description>getfattr : Get an xattr, and encode is text</description>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -touchz /file1</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -setfattr -n user.a1 -v 123456 /file1</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -setfattr -n user.a2 -v abc /file1</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -getfattr -n user.a1 -e text /file1</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -rm /file1</command>
<expected-output># file: /file1</expected-output>
<description>getfattr : Get an xattr, and encode is hex</description>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -touchz /file1</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -setfattr -n user.a1 -v 123456 /file1</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -setfattr -n user.a2 -v abc /file1</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -getfattr -n user.a1 -e hex /file1</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -rm /file1</command>
<expected-output># file: /file1</expected-output>
<description>getfattr : Get an xattr, and encode is base64</description>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -touchz /file1</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -setfattr -n user.a1 -v 123456 /file1</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -setfattr -n user.a2 -v abc /file1</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -getfattr -n user.a1 -e base64 /file1</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -rm /file1</command>
<expected-output># file: /file1</expected-output>
<description>getfattr : Get an xattr, and encode is invalid</description>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -touchz /file1</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -setfattr -n user.a1 -v 123456 /file1</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -setfattr -n user.a2 -v abc /file1</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -getfattr -n user.a1 -e invalid /file1</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -rm /file1</command>
<expected-output>Invalid/unsupported encoding option specified: invalid</expected-output>
<description>getfattr -R : recursive</description>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -mkdir /dir1</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -setfattr -n user.a1 -v 123456 /dir1</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -mkdir /dir1/dir2</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -setfattr -n user.a2 -v abc /dir1/dir2</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -getfattr -R -d /dir1</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -rm -R /dir1</command>
<expected-output># file: /dir1#LF#user.a1="123456"#LF## file: /dir1/dir2#LF#user.a2="abc"#LF#</expected-output>