Build Tool Support

test-patch has the ability to support multiple build tools. Build tool plug-ins have some extra hooks to do source and object maintenance at key points. Every build tool plug-in must have one line in order to be recognized:

add_build_tool <pluginname>

Global Variables


    • If the build tool does not always run from the ${BASEDIR} and instead needs to change the current working directory to work on a specific module, then set this to true. The default is false.

    • If pluginname_modules_worker is given a test type that is not supported by the build system, set UNSUPPORTED_TEST=true. If it is supported, set UNSUPPORTED_TEST=false.

For example, the gradle build tool does not have a standard way to execute checkstyle. So when checkstyle is requested, gradle_modules_worker sets UNSUPPORTED_TEST to true and returns out of the routine.

Required Functions

  • pluginname_buildfile

    • This should be an echo of the file that controls the build system. This is used for module determination.
  • pluginname_executor

    • This should be an echo of how to run the build tool, any extra arguments, etc.
  • pluginname_modules_worker

    • Input is the branch and the test being run. This should call modules_workers with the generic parts to run that test on the build system. For example, if it is convention to use ‘test’ to trigger ‘unit’ tests, then module_workers should be called with ‘test’ appended onto its normal parameters.
  • pluginname_builtin_personality_modules

    • Default method to determine how to enqueue modules for processing. Note that personalities may override this function.
  • pluginname_builtin_personality_file_tests

    • Default method to determine which tests to trigger. Note that personalities may override this function.

Optional Functions

  • pluginname_postapply_install

    • After the install step, this allows the build tool plug-in to do extra work.
  • pluginname_parse_args

    • executed prior to any other above functions except for pluginname_usage. This is useful for parsing the arguments passed from the user and setting up the execution environment.
  • pluginname_initialize

    • After argument parsing and prior to any other work, the initialize step allows a plug-in to do any precursor work, set internal defaults, etc.
  • pluginname_count_(test)_probs

    • Certain language test plug-ins require assistance from the build tool to count problems in the compile log due to some tools having custom handling for those languages. The test plug-in name should be in the (test) part of the function name.

Ant Specific

Command Arguments

test-patch always passes -noinput to Ant. This forces ant to be non-interactive.

Gradle Specific

The gradle plug-in always rebuilds the gradlew file and uses gradlew as the method to execute commands.

Maven Specific

Command Arguments

test-patch always passes --batch-mode to maven to force it into non-interactive mode. Additionally, some tests will also force -fae in order to get all of messages/errors during that mode. Some tests are executed with -DskipTests. Additional arguments should be handled via the personality.

Test Profile

By default, test-patch will pass -Ptest-patch to Maven. This will allow you to configure special actions that should only happen when running underneath test-patch.

Custom Maven Tests

  • Maven will trigger a maven install as part of the precompile.
  • Maven will test eclipse integration as part of the postcompile.
  • If src/site is modified, maven site tests are executed.