Bug System Support

test-patch has the ability to support multiple bug systems. Bug tools have some extra hooks to fetch patches, line-level reporting, and posting a final report. Every bug system plug-in must have one line in order to be recognized:

add_bugsystem <pluginname>
  • pluginname_locate_patch

    • Given input from the user, download the patch if possible.
  • pluginname_determine_branch

    • Using any heuristics available, return the branch to process, if possible.
  • pluginname_determine_issue

    • Using any heuristics available, set the issue, bug number, etc, for this bug system, if possible. This is typically used to fill in supplementary information in the final output table.
  • pluginname_writecomment

    • Given text input, write this output to the bug system as a comment. NOTE: It is the bug system's responsibility to format appropriately.
  • pluginname_linecomments

    • This function allows for the system to write specific comments on specific lines if the bug system supports code review comments.
  • pluginname_finalreport

    • Write the final result table to the bug system.