blob: fb1f774eaa07bd6b3b85750c31cd43895d6e4238 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.timelineservice.reader.TimelineReaderUtils;
* Represents a rowkey for the sub app table.
public class SubApplicationRowKey {
private final String subAppUserId;
private final String clusterId;
private final String entityType;
private final Long entityIdPrefix;
private final String entityId;
private final String userId;
private final SubApplicationRowKeyConverter subAppRowKeyConverter =
new SubApplicationRowKeyConverter();
public SubApplicationRowKey(String subAppUserId, String clusterId,
String entityType, Long entityIdPrefix, String entityId, String userId) {
this.subAppUserId = subAppUserId;
this.clusterId = clusterId;
this.entityType = entityType;
this.entityIdPrefix = entityIdPrefix;
this.entityId = entityId;
this.userId = userId;
public String getClusterId() {
return clusterId;
public String getSubAppUserId() {
return subAppUserId;
public String getEntityType() {
return entityType;
public String getEntityId() {
return entityId;
public Long getEntityIdPrefix() {
return entityIdPrefix;
public String getUserId() {
return userId;
* Constructs a row key for the sub app table as follows:
* {@code subAppUserId!clusterId!entityType
* !entityPrefix!entityId!userId}.
* Typically used while querying a specific sub app.
* subAppUserId is usually the doAsUser.
* userId is the yarn user that the AM runs as.
* @return byte array with the row key.
public byte[] getRowKey() {
return subAppRowKeyConverter.encode(this);
* Given the raw row key as bytes, returns the row key as an object.
* @param rowKey byte representation of row key.
* @return An <cite>SubApplicationRowKey</cite> object.
public static SubApplicationRowKey parseRowKey(byte[] rowKey) {
return new SubApplicationRowKeyConverter().decode(rowKey);
* Constructs a row key for the sub app table as follows:
* <p>
* {@code subAppUserId!clusterId!
* entityType!entityIdPrefix!entityId!userId}.
* subAppUserId is usually the doAsUser.
* userId is the yarn user that that the AM runs as.
* </p>
* @return String representation of row key.
public String getRowKeyAsString() {
return subAppRowKeyConverter.encodeAsString(this);
* Given the encoded row key as string, returns the row key as an object.
* @param encodedRowKey String representation of row key.
* @return A <cite>SubApplicationRowKey</cite> object.
public static SubApplicationRowKey parseRowKeyFromString(
String encodedRowKey) {
return new SubApplicationRowKeyConverter().decodeFromString(encodedRowKey);
* Encodes and decodes row key for sub app table.
* The row key is of the form :
* subAppUserId!clusterId!flowRunId!appId!entityType!entityId!userId
* subAppUserId is usually the doAsUser.
* userId is the yarn user that the AM runs as.
* <p>
final private static class SubApplicationRowKeyConverter
implements KeyConverter<SubApplicationRowKey>,
KeyConverterToString<SubApplicationRowKey> {
private SubApplicationRowKeyConverter() {
* sub app row key is of the form
* subAppUserId!clusterId!entityType!entityPrefix!entityId!userId
* w. each segment separated by !.
* subAppUserId is usually the doAsUser.
* userId is the yarn user that the AM runs as.
* The sizes below indicate sizes of each one of these
* segments in sequence. clusterId, subAppUserId, entityType,
* entityId and userId are strings.
* entity prefix is a long hence 8 bytes in size. Strings are
* variable in size (i.e. end whenever separator is encountered).
* This is used while decoding and helps in determining where to split.
private static final int[] SEGMENT_SIZES = {Separator.VARIABLE_SIZE,
* (non-Javadoc)
* Encodes SubApplicationRowKey object into a byte array with each
* component/field in SubApplicationRowKey separated by
* Separator#QUALIFIERS.
* This leads to an sub app table row key of the form
* subAppUserId!clusterId!entityType!entityPrefix!entityId!userId
* subAppUserId is usually the doAsUser.
* userId is the yarn user that the AM runs as.
* If entityType in passed SubApplicationRowKey object is null (and the
* fields preceding it are not null i.e. clusterId, subAppUserId), this
* returns a row key prefix of the form subAppUserId!clusterId!
* If entityId in SubApplicationRowKey is null
* (other components are not null), this returns a row key prefix
* of the form subAppUserId!clusterId!entityType!
* @see
* .KeyConverter#encode(java.lang.Object)
public byte[] encode(SubApplicationRowKey rowKey) {
byte[] subAppUser = Separator.encode(rowKey.getSubAppUserId(),
Separator.SPACE, Separator.TAB, Separator.QUALIFIERS);
byte[] cluster = Separator.encode(rowKey.getClusterId(), Separator.SPACE,
Separator.TAB, Separator.QUALIFIERS);
byte[] first = Separator.QUALIFIERS.join(subAppUser, cluster);
if (rowKey.getEntityType() == null) {
return first;
byte[] entityType = Separator.encode(rowKey.getEntityType(),
Separator.SPACE, Separator.TAB, Separator.QUALIFIERS);
if (rowKey.getEntityIdPrefix() == null) {
return Separator.QUALIFIERS.join(first, entityType,
byte[] entityIdPrefix = Bytes.toBytes(rowKey.getEntityIdPrefix());
if (rowKey.getEntityId() == null) {
return Separator.QUALIFIERS.join(first, entityType, entityIdPrefix,
byte[] entityId = Separator.encode(rowKey.getEntityId(), Separator.SPACE,
Separator.TAB, Separator.QUALIFIERS);
byte[] userId = Separator.encode(rowKey.getUserId(),
Separator.SPACE, Separator.TAB, Separator.QUALIFIERS);
byte[] second = Separator.QUALIFIERS.join(entityType, entityIdPrefix,
entityId, userId);
return Separator.QUALIFIERS.join(first, second);
* (non-Javadoc)
* Decodes a sub application row key of the form
* subAppUserId!clusterId!entityType!entityPrefix!entityId!userId
* subAppUserId is usually the doAsUser.
* userId is the yarn user that the AM runs as.
* represented in byte format
* and converts it into an SubApplicationRowKey object.
* @see
* .KeyConverter#decode(byte[])
public SubApplicationRowKey decode(byte[] rowKey) {
byte[][] rowKeyComponents =
Separator.QUALIFIERS.split(rowKey, SEGMENT_SIZES);
if (rowKeyComponents.length != 6) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"the row key is not valid for " + "a sub app");
String subAppUserId =
Separator.QUALIFIERS, Separator.TAB, Separator.SPACE);
String clusterId = Separator.decode(Bytes.toString(rowKeyComponents[1]),
Separator.QUALIFIERS, Separator.TAB, Separator.SPACE);
String entityType = Separator.decode(Bytes.toString(rowKeyComponents[2]),
Separator.QUALIFIERS, Separator.TAB, Separator.SPACE);
Long entityPrefixId = Bytes.toLong(rowKeyComponents[3]);
String entityId = Separator.decode(Bytes.toString(rowKeyComponents[4]),
Separator.QUALIFIERS, Separator.TAB, Separator.SPACE);
String userId =
Separator.QUALIFIERS, Separator.TAB, Separator.SPACE);
return new SubApplicationRowKey(subAppUserId, clusterId, entityType,
entityPrefixId, entityId, userId);
public String encodeAsString(SubApplicationRowKey key) {
if (key.subAppUserId == null || key.clusterId == null
|| key.entityType == null || key.entityIdPrefix == null
|| key.entityId == null || key.userId == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
return TimelineReaderUtils.joinAndEscapeStrings(
new String[] {key.subAppUserId, key.clusterId, key.entityType,
key.entityIdPrefix.toString(), key.entityId, key.userId});
public SubApplicationRowKey decodeFromString(String encodedRowKey) {
List<String> split = TimelineReaderUtils.split(encodedRowKey);
if (split == null || split.size() != 6) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Invalid row key for sub app table.");
Long entityIdPrefix = Long.valueOf(split.get(3));
return new SubApplicationRowKey(split.get(0), split.get(1),
split.get(2), entityIdPrefix, split.get(4), split.get(5));