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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.FsPermission;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.PermissionStatus;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.Block;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.blockmanagement.BlockInfo;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.blockmanagement.BlockInfoContiguous;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.snapshot.FileDiff;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.snapshot.FileDiffList;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.snapshot.FileWithSnapshotFeature;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.mockito.internal.util.reflection.Whitebox;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.when;
* Make sure we correctly update the quota usage for truncate.
* We need to cover the following cases:
* 1. No snapshot, truncate to 0
* 2. No snapshot, truncate at block boundary
* 3. No snapshot, not on block boundary
* 4~6. With snapshot, all the current blocks are included in latest
* snapshots, repeat 1~3
* 7~9. With snapshot, blocks in the latest snapshot and blocks in the current
* file diverged, repeat 1~3
public class TestTruncateQuotaUpdate {
private static final int BLOCKSIZE = 1024;
private static final short REPLICATION = 4;
private long nextMockBlockId;
private long nextMockGenstamp;
private long nextMockINodeId;
public void testTruncateWithoutSnapshot() {
INodeFile file = createMockFile(BLOCKSIZE * 2 + BLOCKSIZE / 2, REPLICATION);
// case 1: first truncate to 1.5 blocks
// we truncate 1 blocks, but not on the boundary, thus the diff should
// be -block + (block - 0.5 block) = -0.5 block
QuotaCounts count = new QuotaCounts.Builder().build();
file.computeQuotaDeltaForTruncate(BLOCKSIZE + BLOCKSIZE / 2, null, count);
Assert.assertEquals(-BLOCKSIZE / 2 * REPLICATION, count.getStorageSpace());
// case 2: truncate to 1 block
count = new QuotaCounts.Builder().build();
file.computeQuotaDeltaForTruncate(BLOCKSIZE, null, count);
Assert.assertEquals(-(BLOCKSIZE + BLOCKSIZE / 2) * REPLICATION,
// case 3: truncate to 0
count = new QuotaCounts.Builder().build();
file.computeQuotaDeltaForTruncate(0, null, count);
Assert.assertEquals(-(BLOCKSIZE * 2 + BLOCKSIZE / 2) * REPLICATION,
public void testTruncateWithSnapshotNoDivergence() {
INodeFile file = createMockFile(BLOCKSIZE * 2 + BLOCKSIZE / 2, REPLICATION);
addSnapshotFeature(file, file.getBlocks());
// case 4: truncate to 1.5 blocks
// all the blocks are in snapshot. truncate need to allocate a new block
// diff should be +BLOCKSIZE
QuotaCounts count = new QuotaCounts.Builder().build();
file.computeQuotaDeltaForTruncate(BLOCKSIZE + BLOCKSIZE / 2, null, count);
Assert.assertEquals(BLOCKSIZE * REPLICATION, count.getStorageSpace());
// case 2: truncate to 1 block
count = new QuotaCounts.Builder().build();
file.computeQuotaDeltaForTruncate(BLOCKSIZE, null, count);
Assert.assertEquals(0, count.getStorageSpace());
// case 3: truncate to 0
count = new QuotaCounts.Builder().build();
file.computeQuotaDeltaForTruncate(0, null, count);
Assert.assertEquals(0, count.getStorageSpace());
public void testTruncateWithSnapshotAndDivergence() {
INodeFile file = createMockFile(BLOCKSIZE * 2 + BLOCKSIZE / 2, REPLICATION);
BlockInfo[] blocks = new BlockInfo
System.arraycopy(file.getBlocks(), 0, blocks, 0, blocks.length);
addSnapshotFeature(file, blocks);
// Update the last two blocks in the current inode
file.getBlocks()[1] = newBlock(BLOCKSIZE, REPLICATION);
file.getBlocks()[2] = newBlock(BLOCKSIZE / 2, REPLICATION);
// case 7: truncate to 1.5 block
// the block for truncation is not in snapshot, diff should be the same
// as case 1
QuotaCounts count = new QuotaCounts.Builder().build();
file.computeQuotaDeltaForTruncate(BLOCKSIZE + BLOCKSIZE / 2, null, count);
Assert.assertEquals(-BLOCKSIZE / 2 * REPLICATION, count.getStorageSpace());
// case 8: truncate to 2 blocks
// the original 2.5 blocks are in snapshot. the block truncated is not
// in snapshot. diff should be -0.5 block
count = new QuotaCounts.Builder().build();
file.computeQuotaDeltaForTruncate(BLOCKSIZE + BLOCKSIZE / 2, null, count);
Assert.assertEquals(-BLOCKSIZE / 2 * REPLICATION, count.getStorageSpace());
// case 9: truncate to 0
count = new QuotaCounts.Builder().build();
file.computeQuotaDeltaForTruncate(0, null, count);
Assert.assertEquals(-(BLOCKSIZE + BLOCKSIZE / 2) * REPLICATION, count
private INodeFile createMockFile(long size, short replication) {
ArrayList<BlockInfo> blocks = new ArrayList<>();
long createdSize = 0;
while (createdSize < size) {
long blockSize = Math.min(BLOCKSIZE, size - createdSize);
BlockInfo bi = newBlock(blockSize, replication);
createdSize += BLOCKSIZE;
PermissionStatus perm = new PermissionStatus("foo", "bar", FsPermission
.createImmutable((short) 0x1ff));
return new INodeFile(
++nextMockINodeId, new byte[0], perm, 0, 0,
blocks.toArray(new BlockInfo[blocks.size()]), replication,
private BlockInfo newBlock(long size, short replication) {
Block b = new Block(++nextMockBlockId, size, ++nextMockGenstamp);
return new BlockInfoContiguous(b, replication);
private static void addSnapshotFeature(INodeFile file, BlockInfo[] blocks) {
FileDiff diff = mock(FileDiff.class);
FileDiffList diffList = new FileDiffList();
Whitebox.setInternalState(diffList, "diffs", new ArrayList<FileDiff>());
ArrayList<FileDiff> diffs = ((ArrayList<FileDiff>)Whitebox.getInternalState
(diffList, "diffs"));
FileWithSnapshotFeature sf = new FileWithSnapshotFeature(diffList);