blob: a8f38d6136b3b3ccae3b56835944077a60fb435d [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.filter;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.commons.configuration.SubsetConfiguration;
import org.junit.Test;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.*;
import org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.MetricsFilter;
import org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.MetricsRecord;
import org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.MetricsTag;
import org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.impl.ConfigBuilder;
import static org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.lib.Interns.*;
public class TestPatternFilter {
* Filters should default to accept
@Test public void emptyConfigShouldAccept() {
SubsetConfiguration empty = new ConfigBuilder().subset("");
shouldAccept(empty, "anything");
shouldAccept(empty, Arrays.asList(tag("key", "desc", "value")));
shouldAccept(empty, mockMetricsRecord("anything", Arrays.asList(
tag("key", "desc", "value"))));
* Filters should handle white-listing correctly
@Test public void includeOnlyShouldOnlyIncludeMatched() {
SubsetConfiguration wl = new ConfigBuilder()
.add("p.include", "foo")
.add("p.include.tags", "foo:f").subset("p");
shouldAccept(wl, "foo");
shouldAccept(wl, Arrays.asList(tag("bar", "", ""),
tag("foo", "", "f")), new boolean[] {false, true});
shouldAccept(wl, mockMetricsRecord("foo", Arrays.asList(
tag("bar", "", ""), tag("foo", "", "f"))));
shouldReject(wl, "bar");
shouldReject(wl, Arrays.asList(tag("bar", "", "")));
shouldReject(wl, Arrays.asList(tag("foo", "", "boo")));
shouldReject(wl, mockMetricsRecord("bar", Arrays.asList(
tag("foo", "", "f"))));
shouldReject(wl, mockMetricsRecord("foo", Arrays.asList(
tag("bar", "", ""))));
* Filters should handle black-listing correctly
@Test public void excludeOnlyShouldOnlyExcludeMatched() {
SubsetConfiguration bl = new ConfigBuilder()
.add("p.exclude", "foo")
.add("p.exclude.tags", "foo:f").subset("p");
shouldAccept(bl, "bar");
shouldAccept(bl, Arrays.asList(tag("bar", "", "")));
shouldAccept(bl, mockMetricsRecord("bar", Arrays.asList(
tag("bar", "", ""))));
shouldReject(bl, "foo");
shouldReject(bl, Arrays.asList(tag("bar", "", ""),
tag("foo", "", "f")), new boolean[] {true, false});
shouldReject(bl, mockMetricsRecord("foo", Arrays.asList(
tag("bar", "", ""))));
shouldReject(bl, mockMetricsRecord("bar", Arrays.asList(
tag("bar", "", ""), tag("foo", "", "f"))));
* Filters should accepts unmatched item when both include and
* exclude patterns are present.
@Test public void shouldAcceptUnmatchedWhenBothAreConfigured() {
SubsetConfiguration c = new ConfigBuilder()
.add("p.include", "foo")
.add("p.include.tags", "foo:f")
.add("p.exclude", "bar")
.add("p.exclude.tags", "bar:b").subset("p");
shouldAccept(c, "foo");
shouldAccept(c, Arrays.asList(tag("foo", "", "f")));
shouldAccept(c, mockMetricsRecord("foo", Arrays.asList(
tag("foo", "", "f"))));
shouldReject(c, "bar");
shouldReject(c, Arrays.asList(tag("bar", "", "b")));
shouldReject(c, mockMetricsRecord("bar", Arrays.asList(
tag("foo", "", "f"))));
shouldReject(c, mockMetricsRecord("foo", Arrays.asList(
tag("bar", "", "b"))));
shouldAccept(c, "foobar");
shouldAccept(c, Arrays.asList(tag("foobar", "", "")));
shouldAccept(c, mockMetricsRecord("foobar", Arrays.asList(
tag("foobar", "", ""))));
* Include patterns should take precedence over exclude patterns
@Test public void includeShouldOverrideExclude() {
SubsetConfiguration c = new ConfigBuilder()
.add("p.include", "foo")
.add("p.include.tags", "foo:f")
.add("p.exclude", "foo")
.add("p.exclude.tags", "foo:f").subset("p");
shouldAccept(c, "foo");
shouldAccept(c, Arrays.asList(tag("foo", "", "f")));
shouldAccept(c, mockMetricsRecord("foo", Arrays.asList(
tag("foo", "", "f"))));
static void shouldAccept(SubsetConfiguration conf, String s) {
assertTrue("accepts "+ s, newGlobFilter(conf).accepts(s));
assertTrue("accepts "+ s, newRegexFilter(conf).accepts(s));
// Version for one tag:
static void shouldAccept(SubsetConfiguration conf, List<MetricsTag> tags) {
shouldAcceptImpl(true, conf, tags, new boolean[] {true});
// Version for multiple tags:
static void shouldAccept(SubsetConfiguration conf, List<MetricsTag> tags,
boolean[] expectedAcceptedSpec) {
shouldAcceptImpl(true, conf, tags, expectedAcceptedSpec);
// Version for one tag:
static void shouldReject(SubsetConfiguration conf, List<MetricsTag> tags) {
shouldAcceptImpl(false, conf, tags, new boolean[] {false});
// Version for multiple tags:
static void shouldReject(SubsetConfiguration conf, List<MetricsTag> tags,
boolean[] expectedAcceptedSpec) {
shouldAcceptImpl(false, conf, tags, expectedAcceptedSpec);
private static void shouldAcceptImpl(final boolean expectAcceptList,
SubsetConfiguration conf, List<MetricsTag> tags, boolean[] expectedAcceptedSpec) {
final MetricsFilter globFilter = newGlobFilter(conf);
final MetricsFilter regexFilter = newRegexFilter(conf);
// Test acceptance of the tag list:
assertEquals("accepts "+ tags, expectAcceptList, globFilter.accepts(tags));
assertEquals("accepts "+ tags, expectAcceptList, regexFilter.accepts(tags));
// Test results on each of the individual tags:
int acceptedCount = 0;
for (int i=0; i<tags.size(); i++) {
MetricsTag tag = tags.get(i);
boolean actGlob = globFilter.accepts(tag);
boolean actRegex = regexFilter.accepts(tag);
assertEquals("accepts "+tag, expectedAcceptedSpec[i], actGlob);
// Both the filters should give the same result:
assertEquals(actGlob, actRegex);
if (actGlob) {
if (expectAcceptList) {
// At least one individual tag should be accepted:
assertTrue("No tag of the following accepted: " + tags, acceptedCount > 0);
} else {
// At least one individual tag should be rejected:
assertTrue("No tag of the following rejected: " + tags, acceptedCount < tags.size());
* Asserts that filters with the given configuration accept the given record.
* @param conf SubsetConfiguration containing filter configuration
* @param record MetricsRecord to check
static void shouldAccept(SubsetConfiguration conf, MetricsRecord record) {
assertTrue("accepts " + record, newGlobFilter(conf).accepts(record));
assertTrue("accepts " + record, newRegexFilter(conf).accepts(record));
static void shouldReject(SubsetConfiguration conf, String s) {
assertTrue("rejects "+ s, !newGlobFilter(conf).accepts(s));
assertTrue("rejects "+ s, !newRegexFilter(conf).accepts(s));
* Asserts that filters with the given configuration reject the given record.
* @param conf SubsetConfiguration containing filter configuration
* @param record MetricsRecord to check
static void shouldReject(SubsetConfiguration conf, MetricsRecord record) {
assertTrue("rejects " + record, !newGlobFilter(conf).accepts(record));
assertTrue("rejects " + record, !newRegexFilter(conf).accepts(record));
* Create a new glob filter with a config object
* @param conf the config object
* @return the filter
public static GlobFilter newGlobFilter(SubsetConfiguration conf) {
GlobFilter f = new GlobFilter();
return f;
* Create a new regex filter with a config object
* @param conf the config object
* @return the filter
public static RegexFilter newRegexFilter(SubsetConfiguration conf) {
RegexFilter f = new RegexFilter();
return f;
* Creates a mock MetricsRecord with the given name and tags.
* @param name String name
* @param tags List<MetricsTag> tags
* @return MetricsRecord newly created mock
private static MetricsRecord mockMetricsRecord(String name,
List<MetricsTag> tags) {
MetricsRecord record = mock(MetricsRecord.class);
return record;