blob: b778f0d85428bdf471986805b10699a68d5f2382 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.fs.contract;
* Options for contract tests: keys for FS-specific values,
* defaults.
public interface ContractOptions {
* name of the (optional) resource containing filesystem binding keys : {@value}
* If found, it it will be loaded
String CONTRACT_OPTIONS_RESOURCE = "contract-test-options.xml";
* Prefix for all contract keys in the configuration files
String FS_CONTRACT_KEY = "fs.contract.";
* Flag to indicate that a newly created file may overwrite a pre-existing
* directory.
* {@value}
String CREATE_OVERWRITES_DIRECTORY = "create-overwrites-directory";
* Flag to indicate that a newly created file is not made visible in the
* namespace immediately. Instead, the file becomes visible at a later point
* in the file creation lifecycle, such as when the client closes it.
* {@value}
String CREATE_VISIBILITY_DELAYED = "create-visibility-delayed";
* Is a filesystem case sensitive.
* Some of the filesystems that say "no" here may mean
* that it varies from platform to platform -the localfs being the key
* example.
* {@value}
String IS_CASE_SENSITIVE = "is-case-sensitive";
* Blobstore flag. Implies it's not a real directory tree and
* consistency is below that which Hadoop expects
* {@value}
String IS_BLOBSTORE = "is-blobstore";
* Flag to indicate that the FS can rename into directories that
* don't exist, creating them as needed.
* {@value}
String RENAME_CREATES_DEST_DIRS = "rename-creates-dest-dirs";
* Flag to indicate that the FS does not follow the rename contract -and
* instead only returns false on a failure.
* {@value}
String RENAME_OVERWRITES_DEST = "rename-overwrites-dest";
* Flag to indicate that the FS returns false if the destination exists
* {@value}
* Flag to indicate that the FS returns false on a rename
* if the source is missing
* {@value}
* Flag to indicate that the FS remove dest first if it is an empty directory
* mean the FS honors POSIX rename behavior.
* {@value}
String RENAME_REMOVE_DEST_IF_EMPTY_DIR = "rename-remove-dest-if-empty-dir";
* Flag to indicate that append is supported
* {@value}
String SUPPORTS_APPEND = "supports-append";
* Flag to indicate that setTimes is supported.
* {@value}
String SUPPORTS_SETTIMES = "supports-settimes";
* Flag to indicate that getFileStatus is supported.
* {@value}
String SUPPORTS_GETFILESTATUS = "supports-getfilestatus";
* Flag to indicate that renames are atomic
* {@value}
String SUPPORTS_ATOMIC_RENAME = "supports-atomic-rename";
* Flag to indicate that directory deletes are atomic
* {@value}
String SUPPORTS_ATOMIC_DIRECTORY_DELETE = "supports-atomic-directory-delete";
* Does the FS support multiple block locations?
* {@value}
String SUPPORTS_BLOCK_LOCALITY = "supports-block-locality";
* Does the FS support the concat() operation?
* {@value}
String SUPPORTS_CONCAT = "supports-concat";
* Is seeking supported at all?
* {@value}
String SUPPORTS_SEEK = "supports-seek";
* Is seeking past the EOF allowed?
* {@value}
String REJECTS_SEEK_PAST_EOF = "rejects-seek-past-eof";
* Is seeking on a closed file supported? Some filesystems only raise an
* exception later, when trying to read.
* {@value}
String SUPPORTS_SEEK_ON_CLOSED_FILE = "supports-seek-on-closed-file";
* Is available() on a closed InputStream supported?
* {@value}
String SUPPORTS_AVAILABLE_ON_CLOSED_FILE = "supports-available-on-closed-file";
* Flag to indicate that this FS expects to throw the strictest
* exceptions it can, not generic IOEs, which, if returned,
* must be rejected.
* {@value}
String SUPPORTS_STRICT_EXCEPTIONS = "supports-strict-exceptions";
* Are unix permissions
* {@value}
String SUPPORTS_UNIX_PERMISSIONS = "supports-unix-permissions";
* Is positioned readable supported? Supporting seek should be sufficient
* for this.
* {@value}
String SUPPORTS_POSITIONED_READABLE = "supports-positioned-readable";
* Maximum path length
* {@value}
String MAX_PATH_ = "max-path";
* Maximum filesize: 0 or -1 for no limit
* {@value}
String MAX_FILESIZE = "max-filesize";
* Flag to indicate that tests on the root directories of a filesystem/
* object store are permitted
* {@value}
String TEST_ROOT_TESTS_ENABLED = "test.root-tests-enabled";
* Limit for #of random seeks to perform.
* Keep low for remote filesystems for faster tests
* {@value}
String TEST_RANDOM_SEEK_COUNT = "test.random-seek-count";