Apache Hadoop 0.23.2 Release Notes

These release notes cover new developer and user-facing incompatibilities, important issues, features, and major improvements.

FsShell mkdir now accepts a -p flag. Like unix, mkdir -p will not fail if the directory already exists. Unlike unix, intermediate directories are always created, regardless of the flag, to avoid incompatibilities at this time.

  • HADOOP-8164 | Major | Handle paths using back slash as path separator for windows only

This jira only allows providing paths using back slash as separator on Windows. The back slash on *nix system will be used as escape character. The support for paths using back slash as path separator will be removed in HADOOP-8139 in release 23.3.

  • HADOOP-8131 | Critical | FsShell put doesn't correctly handle a non-existent dir

WARNING: No release note provided for this incompatible change.

  • HDFS-2950 | Minor | Secondary NN HTTPS address should be listed as a NAMESERVICE_SPECIFIC_KEY

The configuration dfs.secondary.https.port has been renamed to dfs.namenode.secondary.https-port for consistency. The old configuration is still supported via a deprecation path.

  • HDFS-2907 | Minor | Make FSDataset in Datanode Pluggable

Add a private conf property dfs.datanode.fsdataset.factory to make FSDataset in Datanode pluggable.

  • HDFS-2887 | Major | Define a FSVolume interface

FSVolume, is a part of FSDatasetInterface implementation, should not be referred outside FSDataset. A new FSVolumeInterface is defined. The BlockVolumeChoosingPolicy.chooseVolume(..) method signature is also updated.

Fixed FileOutputCommitter to not err out for an ‘empty-job’ whose tasks don't write any outputs.

  • MAPREDUCE-3975 | Blocker | Default value not set for Configuration parameter mapreduce.job.local.dir

Exporting mapreduce.job.local.dir for mapreduce tasks to use as job-level shared scratch space.

  • MAPREDUCE-3954 | Blocker | Clean up passing HEAPSIZE to yarn and mapred commands.

Added new envs to separate heap size for different daemons started via bin scripts.

  • MAPREDUCE-3931 | Major | MR tasks failing due to changing timestamps on Resources to download

Changed PB implementation of LocalResource to take locks so that race conditions don't fail tasks by inadvertantly changing the timestamps.

  • MAPREDUCE-3922 | Minor | Fix the potential problem compiling 32 bit binaries on a x86_64 host.

Fixed build to not compile 32bit container-executor binary by default on all platforms.

port number changes for resourcemanager and nodemanager

  • MAPREDUCE-3910 | Blocker | user not allowed to submit jobs even though queue -showacls shows it allows

Fixed a bug in CapacityScheduler LeafQueue which was causing app-submission to fail.

  • MAPREDUCE-3901 | Major | lazy load JobHistory Task and TaskAttempt details

Modified JobHistory records in YARN to lazily load job and task reports so as to improve UI response times.

  • MAPREDUCE-3866 | Minor | bin/yarn prints the command line unnecessarily

Fixed the bin/yarn script to not print the command line unnecessarily.

Fixed failing TestJobCleanup.testCusomCleanup() and moved it to the maven build.

  • MAPREDUCE-3792 | Critical | job -list displays only the jobs submitted by a particular user

Fix “bin/mapred job -list” to display all jobs instead of only the jobs owned by the user.

  • MAPREDUCE-3738 | Critical | NM can hang during shutdown if AppLogAggregatorImpl thread dies unexpectedly

Committed to trunk and branch-0.23. Thanks Jason.

  • MAPREDUCE-3730 | Minor | Allow restarted NM to rejoin cluster before RM expires it

Modified RM to allow restarted NMs to be able to join the cluster without waiting for expiry.

  • MAPREDUCE-3686 | Critical | history server web ui - job counter values for map/reduce not shown properly

Fixed two bugs in Counters because of which web app displays zero counter values for framework counters.

  • MAPREDUCE-3634 | Major | All daemons should crash instead of hanging around when their EventHandlers get exceptions

Fixed all daemons to crash instead of hanging around when their EventHandlers get exceptions.

  • MAPREDUCE-3614 | Major | ** finalState UNDEFINED if AM is killed by hand**

Fixed MR AM to close history file quickly and send a correct final state to the RM when it is killed.

  • MAPREDUCE-3009 | Major | RM UI -> Applications -> Application(Job History) -> Map Tasks -> Task ID -> Node link is not working

Fixed node link on JobHistory webapp.

  • MAPREDUCE-2855 | Major | ResourceBundle lookup during counter name resolution takes a lot of time

Passing a cached class-loader to ResourceBundle creator to minimize counter names lookup time.

  • MAPREDUCE-2793 | Critical | [MR-279] Maintain consistency in naming appIDs, jobIDs and attemptIDs

Corrected AppIDs, JobIDs, TaskAttemptIDs to be of correct format on the web pages.