Apache Hadoop 0.21.1 Release Notes

These release notes cover new developer and user-facing incompatibilities, important issues, features, and major improvements.

  • HADOOP-7193 | Minor | Help message is wrong for touchz command.

Updated the help for the touchz command.

  • HADOOP-7117 | Major | Move secondary namenode checkpoint configs from core-default.xml to hdfs-default.xml

Removed references to the older fs.checkpoint.* properties that resided in core-site.xml

  • HADOOP-6971 | Major | Clover build doesn't generate per-test coverage

This fix requires that test coverage is running under Clover 3.0+

  • HADOOP-6944 | Major | [Herriot] Implement a functionality for getting proxy users definitions like groups and hosts.

I have just committed this to 0.21 and trunk. Thanks Vinay.

  • HDFS-1596 | Major | Move secondary namenode checkpoint configs from core-default.xml to hdfs-default.xml

Removed references to the older fs.checkpoint.* properties that resided in core-site.xml

  • HDFS-1420 | Major | Clover build doesn't generate per-test coverage

This fix requires that test coverage is running under Clover 3.0+

  • MAPREDUCE-2090 | Major | Clover build doesn't generate per-test coverage

This fix requires that test coverage is running under Clover 3.0+

  • MAPREDUCE-2040 | Minor | Forrest Documentation for Dynamic Priority Scheduler

Forrest Documentation for Dynamic Priority Scheduler

Clears a problem that {{TestJobCleanup}} leaves behind files that cause {{TestJobOutputCommitter}} to error out.

  • MAPREDUCE-1905 | Blocker | Context.setStatus() and progress() api are ignored

Moved the api public Counter getCounter(Enum<?> counterName), public Counter getCounter(String groupName, String counterName) from org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.TaskInputOutputContext to org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.TaskAttemptContext