Apache Hadoop Changelog

Release 0.20.3 - Unreleased (as of 2016-03-04)


HADOOP-6701Incorrect exit codes for “dfs -chown”, “dfs -chgrp”MinorfsRavi PhulariRavi Phulari
HADOOP-6382publish hadoop jars to apache mvn repo.MajorbuildGiridharan KesavanGiridharan Kesavan
HDFS-132Namenode in Safemode reports to Simon non-zero number of deleted files during startupMinornamenodeHairong KuangSuresh Srinivas






HADOOP-7240Update eclipse .classpath templateMajor.Aaron T. MyersAaron T. Myers
HADOOP-6882Update the patch level of JettyMajor.Owen O'MalleyOwen O'Malley
HDFS-1013Miscellaneous improvements to HTML markup for web UIsMinor.Todd LipconEugene Koontz
MAPREDUCE-1832Support for file sizes less than 1MB in DFSIO benchmark.MajorbenchmarksKonstantin ShvachkoKonstantin Shvachko
MAPREDUCE-1734Un-deprecate the old MapReduce API in the 0.20 branchBlockerdocumentationTom WhiteTodd Lipcon


HADOOP-7116raise contrib junit test jvm memory size to 512mbMajortestOwen O'MalleyOwen O'Malley
HADOOP-6928Fix BooleanWritable comparator in 0.20MajorioOwen O'MalleyJohannes Zillmann
HADOOP-6923Native Libraries do not load if a different platform signature is returned from org.apache.hadoop.util.PlatformNameMajornativeStephen WattStephen Watt
HADOOP-6881The efficient comparators aren't always used except for BytesWritable and TextMajor.Owen O'MalleyOwen O'Malley
HADOOP-6833IPC leaks call parameters when exceptions thrownBlocker.Todd LipconTodd Lipcon
HADOOP-6760WebServer shouldn‘t increase port number in case of negative port setting caused by Jetty’s raceMajor.Konstantin BoudnikKonstantin Boudnik
HADOOP-6724IPC doesn't properly handle IOEs thrown by socket factoryMajoripcTodd LipconTodd Lipcon
HADOOP-6702Incorrect exit codes for “dfs -chown”, “dfs -chgrp” when input is given in wildcard format.MinorfsRavi PhulariRavi Phulari
HDFS-1836Thousand of CLOSE_WAIT socketMajorhdfs-clientDennis CheungBharath Mundlapudi
HDFS-1543Reduce dev. cycle time by moving system testing artifacts from default build and push to maven for HDFSMajor.Arun C MurthyLuke Lu
HDFS-1406TestCLI fails on Ubuntu with default /etc/hostsMinor.Todd LipconKonstantin Boudnik
HDFS-1404TestNodeCount logic incorrect in branch-0.20Minornamenode, testTodd LipconTodd Lipcon
HDFS-1377Quota bug for partial blocks allows quotas to be violatedBlockernamenodeEli CollinsEli Collins
HDFS-1258Clearing namespace quota on “/” corrupts FS imageBlockernamenodeAaron T. MyersAaron T. Myers
HDFS-1240TestDFSShell failing in branch-20CriticaltestTodd LipconTodd Lipcon
HDFS-1041DFSClient does not retry in getFileChecksum(..)Majorhdfs-clientTsz Wo Nicholas SzeTsz Wo Nicholas Sze
HDFS-955FSImage.saveFSImage can lose editsBlockernamenodeTodd LipconKonstantin Shvachko
HDFS-909Race condition between rollEditLog or rollFSImage ant FSEditsLog.write operations corrupts edits logBlockernamenodeCosmin LeheneTodd Lipcon
HDFS-908TestDistributedFileSystem fails with Wrong FS on weird hostsMinortestTodd LipconTodd Lipcon
HDFS-727bug setting block size hdfsOpenFileBlockerlibhdfsEli CollinsEli Collins
HDFS-15Rack replication policy can be violated for over replicated blocksCritical.Hairong KuangJitendra Nath Pandey
MAPREDUCE-2262Capacity Scheduler unit tests fail with class not foundMajorcapacity-schedOwen O'MalleyOwen O'Malley
MAPREDUCE-1880“java.lang.ArithmeticException: Non-terminating decimal expansion; no exact representable decimal result.” while running “hadoop jar hadoop-0.20.1+169.89-examples.jar pi 4 30”MinorexamplesVictor PakhomovTsz Wo Nicholas Sze
MAPREDUCE-1522FileInputFormat may change the file system of an input pathBlocker.Tsz Wo Nicholas SzeTsz Wo Nicholas Sze
MAPREDUCE-1407Invalid example in the documentation of org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.{Mapper,Reducer}TrivialdocumentationBenoit SigoureBenoit Sigoure
MAPREDUCE-1372ConcurrentModificationException in JobInProgressBlockerjobtrackerAmareshwari SriramadasuDick King
MAPREDUCE-1280Eclipse Plugin does not work with Eclipse Ganymede (3.4)Major.Aaron KimballAlex Kozlov
MAPREDUCE-118Job.getJobID() will always return nullBlockerclientAmar KamatAmareshwari Sriramadasu


HADOOP-6637Benchmark overhead of RPC session establishmentMajorbenchmarksKonstantin ShvachkoKonstantin Shvachko




HADOOP-7372Remove ref of 20.3 release from branch-0.20 CHANGES.txtMajordocumentationEli CollinsEli Collins
HDFS-1286Dry entropy pool on Hudson boxes causing test timeoutsMajortestTodd LipconKonstantin Boudnik