Apache Hadoop Release Notes

These release notes cover new developer and user-facing incompatibilities, important issues, features, and major improvements.

  • HADOOP-6255 | Major | Create an rpm integration project

Added RPM/DEB packages to build system.

  • HDFS-2218 | Blocker | Disable TestHdfsProxy.testHdfsProxyInterface in 0.20-security and branch-1 until HDFS-2217 is fixed

Test case TestHdfsProxy.testHdfsProxyInterface has been temporarily disabled for this release, due to failure in the Hudson automated test environment.

  • HDFS-1445 | Major | Batch the calls in DataStorage to FileUtil.createHardLink(), so we call it once per directory instead of once per file

Batch hardlinking during “upgrade” snapshots, cutting time from aprx 8 minutes per volume to aprx 8 seconds. Validated in both Linux and Windows. Depends on prior integration with patch for HADOOP-7133.

  • MAPREDUCE-2846 | Blocker | a small % of all tasks fail with DefaultTaskController

Fixed a race condition in writing the log index file that caused tasks to ‘fail’.

  • MAPREDUCE-2804 | Blocker | “Creation of symlink to attempt log dir failed.” message is not useful

Removed duplicate chmods of job log dir that were vulnerable to race conditions between tasks. Also improved the messages when the symlinks failed to be created.

Added 2 new config parameters:

mapreduce.reduce.shuffle.catch.exception.stack.regex mapreduce.reduce.shuffle.catch.exception.message.regex

  • MAPREDUCE-2524 | Minor | Backport trunk heuristics for failing maps when we get fetch failures retrieving map output during shuffle

Added a new configuration option: mapreduce.reduce.shuffle.maxfetchfailures, and removed a no longer used option: mapred.reduce.copy.backoff.

  • MAPREDUCE-2479 | Major | Backport MAPREDUCE-1568 to hadoop security branch

Added mapreduce.tasktracker.distributedcache.checkperiod to the task tracker that defined the period to wait while cleaning up the distributed cache. The default is 1 min.