Apache Hadoop 0.17.2 Release Notes

These release notes cover new developer and user-facing incompatibilities, important issues, features, and major improvements.

  • HADOOP-3859 | Blocker | 1000 concurrent read on a single file failing the task/client

Allows the user to change the maximum number of xceivers in the datanode.

  • HADOOP-3760 | Blocker | DFS operations fail because of Stream closed error

Fix a bug with HDFS file close() mistakenly introduced by HADOOP-3681.

  • HADOOP-3707 | Blocker | Frequent DiskOutOfSpaceException on almost-full datanodes

NameNode keeps a count of number of blocks scheduled to be written to a datanode and uses it to avoid allocating more blocks than a datanode can hold.

  • HADOOP-3678 | Blocker | Avoid spurious “DataXceiver: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer” errors in DataNode log

Avoid spurious exceptions logged at DataNode when clients read from DFS.