blob: 70725f833ea94ad95b150c8a23ae4dc50938fdca [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import re
import sys
pat = re.compile('(?P<name>[^=]+)="(?P<value>[^"]*)" *')
counterPat = re.compile('(?P<name>[^:]+):(?P<value>[^,]*),?')
def parse(tail):
result = {}
for n,v in re.findall(pat, tail):
result[n] = v
return result
mapStartTime = {}
mapEndTime = {}
reduceStartTime = {}
reduceShuffleTime = {}
reduceSortTime = {}
reduceEndTime = {}
reduceBytes = {}
for line in sys.stdin:
words = line.split(" ",1)
event = words[0]
attrs = parse(words[1])
if event == 'MapAttempt':
if attrs.has_key("START_TIME"):
mapStartTime[attrs["TASKID"]] = int(attrs["START_TIME"])/1000
elif attrs.has_key("FINISH_TIME"):
mapEndTime[attrs["TASKID"]] = int(attrs["FINISH_TIME"])/1000
elif event == 'ReduceAttempt':
if attrs.has_key("START_TIME"):
reduceStartTime[attrs["TASKID"]] = int(attrs["START_TIME"]) / 1000
elif attrs.has_key("FINISH_TIME"):
reduceShuffleTime[attrs["TASKID"]] = int(attrs["SHUFFLE_FINISHED"])/1000
reduceSortTime[attrs["TASKID"]] = int(attrs["SORT_FINISHED"])/1000
reduceEndTime[attrs["TASKID"]] = int(attrs["FINISH_TIME"])/1000
elif event == 'Task':
if attrs["TASK_TYPE"] == "REDUCE" and attrs.has_key("COUNTERS"):
for n,v in re.findall(counterPat, attrs["COUNTERS"]):
if n == "File Systems.HDFS bytes written":
reduceBytes[attrs["TASKID"]] = int(v)
runningMaps = {}
shufflingReduces = {}
sortingReduces = {}
runningReduces = {}
startTime = min(reduce(min, mapStartTime.values()),
reduce(min, reduceStartTime.values()))
endTime = max(reduce(max, mapEndTime.values()),
reduce(max, reduceEndTime.values()))
reduces = reduceBytes.keys()
print "Name reduce-output-bytes shuffle-finish reduce-finish"
for r in reduces:
print r, reduceBytes[r], reduceShuffleTime[r] - startTime,
print reduceEndTime[r] - startTime
for t in range(startTime, endTime):
runningMaps[t] = 0
shufflingReduces[t] = 0
sortingReduces[t] = 0
runningReduces[t] = 0
for map in mapStartTime.keys():
for t in range(mapStartTime[map], mapEndTime[map]):
runningMaps[t] += 1
for reduce in reduceStartTime.keys():
for t in range(reduceStartTime[reduce], reduceShuffleTime[reduce]):
shufflingReduces[t] += 1
for t in range(reduceShuffleTime[reduce], reduceSortTime[reduce]):
sortingReduces[t] += 1
for t in range(reduceSortTime[reduce], reduceEndTime[reduce]):
runningReduces[t] += 1
print "time maps shuffle merge reduce"
for t in range(startTime, endTime):
print t - startTime, runningMaps[t], shufflingReduces[t], sortingReduces[t],
print runningReduces[t]