blob: 743d4c1b985e4689ccf3089805cf5ac28c4b1ca5 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<cheatsheet title="Set default Hadoop path tutorial">
This tutorial informs you how to set the default Hadoop
directory for the plugin.
<item title="Open Plugin Preferences window">
To set the default Hadoop directory, open the plugin
preferences from the menu option
<b>Window > Preferences</b>. <br />
Go to the <b>Hadoop Home Directory</b>
preference, and enter the installation directory there.
Use the following embedded command to open the Preferences
<action pluginId="org.eclipse.jdt.ui"
class="org.eclipse.ui.internal.OpenPreferencesAction" />