blob: 21e156eab29b26c58a67f35986bd28c35c914f77 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#ifndef TYPEIDS_HH_
#define TYPEIDS_HH_
#include "recordio.hh"
#include "fieldTypeInfo.hh"
namespace hadoop {
class FieldTypeInfo;
* enum of types. We define assign values to individual bytes, rather
* than use enums because we want to make teh values consistent with
* Java code, so we need to control the values.
const int8_t RIOTYPE_BOOL = 1;
const int8_t RIOTYPE_BUFFER = 2;
const int8_t RIOTYPE_BYTE = 3;
const int8_t RIOTYPE_DOUBLE = 4;
const int8_t RIOTYPE_FLOAT = 5;
const int8_t RIOTYPE_INT = 6;
const int8_t RIOTYPE_LONG = 7;
const int8_t RIOTYPE_MAP = 8;
const int8_t RIOTYPE_STRING = 9;
const int8_t RIOTYPE_STRUCT = 10;
const int8_t RIOTYPE_VECTOR = 11;
* Represents typeID for basic types.
* Serializes just the single int8_t.
class TypeID {
TypeID(int8_t typeVal) {this->typeVal = typeVal;}
TypeID(const TypeID& t) {this->typeVal = t.typeVal;}
virtual ~TypeID() {}
int8_t getTypeVal() const {return typeVal;}
virtual void serialize(::hadoop::OArchive& a_, const char* tag) const;
virtual bool operator==(const TypeID& peer_) const;
virtual TypeID* clone() const {return new TypeID(*this);}
virtual void print(int space=0) const;
int8_t typeVal;
* no predefined TypeID objects, since memory management becomes difficult.
* If some TypeID objects are consts and others are new-ed, becomes hard to
* destroy const objects without reference counting.
/*const TypeID TID_BoolTypeID(RIOTYPE_BOOL);
const TypeID TID_BufferTypeID(RIOTYPE_BUFFER);
const TypeID TID_ByteTypeID(RIOTYPE_BYTE);
const TypeID TID_DoubleTypeID(RIOTYPE_DOUBLE);
const TypeID TID_FloatTypeID(RIOTYPE_FLOAT);
const TypeID TID_IntTypeID(RIOTYPE_INT);
const TypeID TID_LongTypeID(RIOTYPE_LONG);
const TypeID TID_StringTypeID(RIOTYPE_STRING);*/
* TypeID for structures
class StructTypeID : public TypeID {
// note: we own the memory mgmt of TypeInfo objects stored in the vector
std::vector<FieldTypeInfo*> typeInfos;
FieldTypeInfo* genericReadTypeInfo(::hadoop::IArchive& a_, const char* tag);
TypeID* genericReadTypeID(::hadoop::IArchive& a_, const char* tag);
/*StructTypeID(const char* p);
StructTypeID(std::string* p);
StructTypeID(const StructTypeID& ti);*/
StructTypeID(): TypeID(RIOTYPE_STRUCT) {};
StructTypeID(const std::vector<FieldTypeInfo*>& vec);
virtual ~StructTypeID();
void add(FieldTypeInfo *pti);
std::vector<FieldTypeInfo*>& getFieldTypeInfos() {return typeInfos;}
StructTypeID* findStruct(const char *pStructName);
void serialize(::hadoop::OArchive& a_, const char* tag) const;
void serializeRest(::hadoop::OArchive& a_, const char* tag) const;
void deserialize(::hadoop::IArchive& a_, const char* tag);
virtual TypeID* clone() const {return new StructTypeID(*this);}
virtual void print(int space=0) const;
* TypeID for vectors
class VectorTypeID : public TypeID {
// ptiElement's memory mgmt is owned by class
TypeID* ptiElement;
VectorTypeID(TypeID* ptiElement): TypeID(RIOTYPE_VECTOR), ptiElement(ptiElement) {}
VectorTypeID(const VectorTypeID& ti);
virtual ~VectorTypeID();
const TypeID* getElementTypeID() {return ptiElement;}
virtual TypeID* clone() const {return new VectorTypeID(*this);}
void serialize(::hadoop::OArchive& a_, const char* tag) const;
virtual bool operator==(const TypeID& peer_) const;
virtual void print(int space=0) const;
* TypeID for maps
class MapTypeID : public TypeID {
// ptiKay and ptiValue's memory mgmt is owned by class
TypeID* ptiKey;
TypeID* ptiValue;
MapTypeID(TypeID* ptiKey, TypeID* ptiValue):
TypeID(RIOTYPE_MAP), ptiKey(ptiKey), ptiValue(ptiValue) {}
MapTypeID(const MapTypeID& ti);
virtual ~MapTypeID();
const TypeID* getKeyTypeID() {return ptiKey;}
const TypeID* getValueTypeID() {return ptiValue;}
virtual TypeID* clone() const {return new MapTypeID(*this);}
void serialize(::hadoop::OArchive& a_, const char* tag) const;
virtual bool operator==(const TypeID& peer_) const;
virtual void print(int space=0) const;
#endif // TYPEIDS_HH_