title: S3 menu: main: parent: Client weight: 1

Ozone provides S3 compatible REST interface to use the object store data with any S3 compatible tools.

Getting started

S3 Gateway is a separated component which provides the S3 compatible. It should be started additional to the regular Ozone components.

You can start a docker based cluster, including the S3 gateway from the release package.

Go to the compose/ozones3 directory, and start the server:

docker-compose up -d

You can access the S3 gateway at http://localhost:9878

URL Schema

Ozone S3 gateway supports both the virtual-host-style URL s3 bucket addresses (eg. http://bucketname.host:9878) and the path-style addresses (eg. http://host:9878/bucketname)

By default it uses the path-style addressing. To use virtual host style URLs set your main domain name in your ozone-site.xml:


Bucket browser

Bucket's could be browsed from the browser with adding ?browser=true to the bucket URL.

For example the content of the ‘testbucket’ could be checked from the browser using the URL http://localhost:9878/testbucket?browser=true

Implemented REST endpoints

Operations on S3Gateway service:

GET serviceimplemented

Operations on Bucket:

GET Bucket (List Objects) Version 2implemented
HEAD Bucketimplemented
DELETE Bucketimplemented
PUT Bucket (Create bucket)implemented
Delete Multiple Objects (POST)implemented

Operation on Objects:

PUT Objectimplemented
GET ObjectimplementedRange headers are not supported
Multipart Upladnot implemented
DELETE Objectimplemented
HEAD Objectimplemented


Security is not yet implemented, you can use any AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY

Note: Ozone has a notion for ‘volumes’ which is missing from the S3 Rest endpoint. Under the hood S3 bucket names are maped to Ozone ‘volume/bucket’ locations (depending from the given authentication information).

To show the storage location of a S3 bucket, use the ozone sh bucket path <bucketname> command.

aws s3api --endpoint-url http://localhost:9878 create-bucket --bucket=bucket1

ozone sh bucket path bucket1
Volume name for S3Bucket is : s3thisisakey
Ozone FileSystem Uri is : o3fs://bucket1.s3thisisakey



aws CLI could be used with specifying the custom REST endpoint.

aws s3api --endpoint http://localhost:9878 create-bucket --bucket buckettest


aws s3 ls --endpoint http://localhost:9878 s3://buckettest

S3 Fuse driver (goofys)

Goofys is a S3 FUSE driver. It could be used to any mount any Ozone bucket as posix file system:

goofys --endpoint http://localhost:9878 bucket1 /mount/bucket1