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Hadoop: CLI MiniCluster.
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Using the CLI MiniCluster, users can simply start and stop a single-node Hadoop cluster with a single command, and without the need to set any environment variables or manage configuration files. The CLI MiniCluster starts both a `YARN`/`MapReduce` & `HDFS` clusters.
This is useful for cases where users want to quickly experiment with a real Hadoop cluster or test non-Java programs that rely on significant Hadoop functionality.
Hadoop Tarball
You should be able to obtain the Hadoop tarball from the release. Also, you can directly create a tarball from the source:
$ mvn clean install -DskipTests
$ mvn package -Pdist -Dtar -DskipTests -Dmaven.javadoc.skip
**NOTE:** You will need [protoc 2.5.0]( installed.
The tarball should be available in `hadoop-dist/target/` directory.
Running the MiniCluster
From inside the root directory of the extracted tarball, you can start the CLI MiniCluster using the following command:
$ HADOOP_CLASSPATH=share/hadoop/yarn/test/hadoop-yarn-server-tests-${project.version}-tests.jar bin/hadoop jar ./share/hadoop/mapreduce/hadoop-mapreduce-client-jobclient-${project.version}-tests.jar minicluster -rmport RM_PORT -jhsport JHS_PORT
In the example command above, `RM_PORT` and `JHS_PORT` should be replaced by the user's choice of these port numbers. If not specified, random free ports will be used.
There are a number of command line arguments that the users can use to control which services to start, and to pass other configuration properties. The available command line arguments:
$ -D <property=value> Options to pass into configuration object
$ -datanodes <arg> How many datanodes to start (default 1)
$ -format Format the DFS (default false)
$ -help Prints option help.
$ -jhsport <arg> JobHistoryServer port (default 0--we choose)
$ -namenode <arg> URL of the namenode (default is either the DFS
$ cluster or a temporary dir)
$ -nnport <arg> NameNode port (default 0--we choose)
$ -nnhttpport <arg> NameNode HTTP port (default 0--we choose)
$ -nodemanagers <arg> How many nodemanagers to start (default 1)
$ -nodfs Don't start a mini DFS cluster
$ -nomr Don't start a mini MR cluster
$ -rmport <arg> ResourceManager port (default 0--we choose)
$ -writeConfig <path> Save configuration to this XML file.
$ -writeDetails <path> Write basic information to this JSON file.
To display this full list of available arguments, the user can pass the `-help` argument to the above command.