blob: dc3191c38963d971e67a3199fcd863c49ce2f842 [file] [log] [blame]
Hadoop MapReduce Change Log
Trunk (unreleased changes)
MAPREDUCE-2727. Fix divide-by-zero error in SleepJob for sleepCount equals
0. (Jeffrey Naisbitt via acmurthy)
MAPREDUCE-2839. Fixed TokenCache to get delegation tokens using both new
and old apis. (Siddharth Seth via acmurthy)
MAPREDUCE-2639. Bug fixes in speculate.DataStatistics. (Josh Wills via
MAPREDUCE-2808. pull MAPREDUCE-2797 into mr279 branch (thomas graves via mahadev)
Fixed CS locality wait factor. (acmurthy)
MAPREDUCE-2781. mr279 RM application finishtime not set
(thomas graves via mahadev)
MAPREDUCE-2706. Log job submission failures. (Jeffrey Naisbitt via
MAPREDUCE-2782. Unit tests for CapacityScheduler. (acmurthy)
Fix for running ant targets to use the right set of common/test jars
(gkesavan via mahadev)
Patch for findbugs warnings in Resource Manager (siddharth seth via mahadev)
Fix ivy conf to work with the hadoop common trunk maven build changes.
(Giridharan Kesavan)
Fix the poms to enable 0.23 snapshots for hdfs/common from apache
nightly builds (gkesavan)
Fix findbugs warnings in mr-client modules part 3 (mahadev)
Fix findbugs warnings in mr-client modules part 2 (mahadev)
Fix findbugs warnings in mr-client modules, part 1 (mahadev)
MAPREDUCE-2776. Fix some of the yarn findbug warnings. (siddharth
seth via mahadev)
Fix NPE in FifoScheduler. (mahadev)
Harmonize slf4j versions. (llu)
MAPREDUCE-2772. Fix MR-279 build after common mavenization, part 2.
(Thomas Graves via llu)
MAPREDUCE-2772. Fix MR-279 build after common mavenization.
(Robert Joseph Evans via llu)
MAPREDUCE-2773. server.api.records.NodeHealthStatus renamed but
not updated in client (Thomas Graves via mahadev)
Refactor/Cleanup yarn ResourceManager for managing state via
state-machines and making most of the component interactions as
asynchronous. (vinodkv, sharad and acmurthy)
MAPREDUCE-2641. Fix the ExponentiallySmoothedTaskRuntimeEstimator
and its unit test. (Josh Willis via mahadev)
Fix poms for adding dependency on sl4j-simple. (siddharth seth)
Backport MAPREDUCE-2202, MAPREDUCE-2228, MAPREDUCE-2723, MAPREDUCE-2282 + changes to fix
ant tar.
Fix the findbugs version to make it work with maven 3. (mahadev)
Fixes for making MR-279 work with trunk common/hdfs. (mahadev)
MAPREDUCE-2707. ProtoOverHadoopRpcEngine without using TunnelProtocol over
WritableRpc (Jitendra Pandey via mahadev)
MAPREDUCE-2664. Implement JobCounters for MRv2. (Siddharth Seth via
MAPREDUCE-2667. mapred job -kill leaves application in RUNNING state
(thomas graves via mahadev)
HADOOP-6929. Making Security Info abstract and not an interface (mahadev)
HADOOP-6929. Backport changes to MR-279 (mahadev and owen)
MAPREDUCE-2661. Fix TaskImpl to not access MapTaskImpl. (Ahmed Radwan
via sharad)
MAPREDUCE-2644. NodeManager fails to create containers when NM_LOG_DIR
is not explicitly set in the Configuration. (Josh Wills via vinodkv)
MAPREDUCE-2630. refreshQueues leads to NPEs when used w/FifoScheduler.
(Josh Wills via mahadev)
MAPREDUCE-2678. minimum-user-limit-percent no longer honored. (naisbitt
via mahadev)
MAPREDUCE-2663. Refactoring StateMachineFactory inner classes. (ahmed
radwan via mahadev)
MAPREDUCE-2400. Remove Cluster's dependency on JobTracker via a
ServiceProvider for the actual implementation. (tomwhite via acmurthy)
MAPREDUCE-2628. Add compiled on date to NM and RM info/about page.
MAPREDUCE-2645. Updates to MRv2 INSTALL and README documentation.
(Josh Wills via vinodkv)
MAPREDUCE-2633. Add a getCounter(Enum) method to the Counters record.
(Josh Wills via sharad)
Reinstate resolve path fixes for viewfs. (Siddharth Seth via llu)
Major ASM cleanup. Streamlining classes, interface and events. (vinodkv)
(1) Faster retries from AM to HistoryServer (2) Correct diagnostics for
containers. (vinodkv)
MAPREDUCE-2625. Add version info to nodemanager info page.
(Jonathan Eagles via llu)
MAPREDUCE-2618. Fix NPE in 0 map 0 reduce jobs. (Jeffrey Naisbitt via llu)
Fix some invalid transitions in the RM. (vinodkv via ddas)
Fix diagnostics display for more than 100 apps in RM. (llu)
Fix class cast exception in release reserved containers in capacity scheduler (mahadev)
MAPREDUCE-2615. Make killJob go through AM and fix JobSummaryLog.
(Siddharth Seth via llu)
Fix for NPE in YarnChild that was causing lots of tasks to fail. (vinodkv)
Fix for ConcurrentModification exception while iterating through tokens in
a UGI in ContainerLauncherImpl. (ddas)
MAPREDUCE-2611. Fix counters, finish times etc. in job history.
(Siddharth Seth via llu)
Fixing scheduling deadlock in AM because of incorrect headRoom values from
RM. The bug happens when AM releases containers and RM decrements current
memory usage twice for all those containers. (vinodkv)
Disabling locality-wait in CapacityScheduler for now to prevent uber-slow
scheduling for apps with no data-locality constraints (sleep-job like). (vinodkv)
Fix to schedule reduces irrespective of the headroom when all maps are
done so as to avoid stall in reduce-scheduling when slow-start is
disabled. (Sharad Agarwal via vinodkv).
Fix RM app start/finish time and diagnostics. (llu)
Fix race condition between multiple localizers on a single node. (cdouglas via mahadev)
Improve logging for AM when requesting containers to show the right ask
and release fields (mahadev)
Fix NPE when requesting attempts for completed jobs. (Siddharth Seth via llu)
Changes a couple of usages of FileContext to FileSystem in TaskAttemptImpl
to handle distributed cache path resolutions on non-default filesystems.
Hack until MAPREDUCE-2365 is fixed to make PIG work with MRV2. (mahadev)
Bug fix to set correct state on containers so as to avoid duplicate
containers from RM to AM. (vinodkv)
Adding attempts page to the history server UI. (vinodkv)
Task diagnostic info made available on the AM UI. (vinodkv)
MAPREDUCE-2598. Fix NPE and UI for JobHistory. (Siddharth Seth via llu)
Fix NPE when killing/failing already killed/failed tasks. (llu)
Update install instructions with svn unsplit (Thomas Graves via mahadev)
MAPREDUCE-2587. Generate yarn version for UI. (Thomas Graves via llu)
Fix stopContainer for setsid challenged platforms. (llu)
Fix concurrent modification exception in the Capacity Scheduler (mahadev)
Changes for invoking rack resolution in the RM and in the AM (ddas)
Fix ClassCastException in JobHistoryServer for certain jobs.
(Siddharth Seth via llu)
MAPREDUCE-2569. Ensure root queue allocated 100% capacity. (Jonathan
Eagles via cdouglas)
Fix NPE in history event handling (siddharth seth via mahadev)
Job level node blacklisting. (sharad)
Fixing the bug which was causing FAILED jobs to be displayed as COMPLETED
on the RM UI. (vinodkv)
Fixing broken link to logs for container on NM web UI. (vinodkv)
Miscellaneous UI fixes + source code formatting for
MR JobHistoryEventHandler. (vinodkv)
Display failed/killed attempts of the task on MR AM UI
separately. (vinodkv)
Changes a couple of usages of FileContext to FileSystem in YarnRunner
to handle distributed cache path resolutions on non-default filesystems.
Fix to exclude images dir into the tar distribution (luke lu via gkesavan)
Fix more rounding off problems in reduce ramp up. Also fix a bug preventing
the application of the cap on reduce ramp-up. (Sharad Agarwal via vinodkv)
Fix rounding off problem in reduce ramp up. (sharad)
MAPREDUCE-2582. Cleanup JobHistory event generation.(Siddharth Seth via sharad)
Add ability to includes src files in assembly target for maven (Luke Lu via mahadev)
Added few job diagnostic messages. (sharad)
Disable Uber AM. (mahadev)
Intermittent TestMRApp failures on faster Linux desktop (part 2) (Luke lu via mahadev)
Including source files in release distribution (luke lu via mahadev)
Intermittent TestMRApp failures on faster Linux desktop. (Luke lu via mahadev)
Added clover in pom dependency. (sharad)
Sending Job diagnostics from AM to RM and redirect to history-url on job
completion. (vinodkv and sharadag)
Fix classpath construction for Task. (vinodkv via sharad)
Remove retries in dist cache so that NM's do not shutdown (mahadev)
Solving NPEs during ContainerManager#StopContainer. Also removing
the unused ContainerManager#CleanupContainer api. (vinodkv)
Fixed deadlock during expiring NMs. (acmurthy)
Re-enabling Uber-AM feature. (vinodkv)
Fully resolve paths when launching containers. (Siddharth Seth)
MAPREDUCE-2566. YarnConfiguration should reloadConfiguration if
instantiated with a non YarnConfiguration object. (siddharth seth)
Work around broken signaling in public cache. (cdouglas)
Cleanup redundant code in TaskAttemptImpl. (sharad)
Disable aggregation of logs onto DFS till JobHistoryServer starts
serving logs. (vinodkv)
Add deletion of distributed cache resources. (cdouglas)
Fix class cast exception in Task abort for old mapreduce apis. (sharad)
Fix various issues with Web UI's. (Luke Lu)
Fixed inconsistency in QueueACL enums. (acmurthy)
Fixing the wrong config key used in JobHistory that prevented configuring
move-thread interval. (vinodkv)
MAPREDUCE-2539. Fixed NPE in getMapTaskReports in JobClient. (Robert Evans via
MAPREDUCE-2531. Fixed jobcontrol to downgrade JobID. (Robert Evans via
Support for min and max container capacity. (acmurthy and sharad)
Re-enabled TestCapacityScheduler. (acmurthy)
Fix logging for showing the state of job (FAILED/KILLED/SUCCEEDED) when it
completes (mahadev)
MAPREDUCE-2537. The RM writes its log to
yarn-mapred-resourcemanager-<RM_Host>.out (Robert Evans via mahadev)
Fix a corner case in headroom computation - now reservations are taken
into account and headroom is computed much later to account for
allocations/reservations. (acmurthy)
Fix to report job status if the application is KILLED/FAILED. (mahadev)
Disable Job acls until fixed (mahadev)
Fix container size rounding in AM and headroom in RM. (acmurthy and
More cleaning up constants, removing stale code, and making conspicuous
the envs that apps depend on to be provided by YARN. (vinodkv)
Fix calculation of max-capacity for a queue, also fixed a bug in
registration of NodeManagers. (acmurthy)
Making each node aggregate all its user-logs to a separate hdfs
file. (vinodkv)
Fix for NPE in TestNMExpiry (siddharth seth)
Fix another NPE in TestRMNMRPCResponseId. (mahadev)
NodeStatus.getNodeHealthStatus().setBlah broken (siddharth seth)
Fix a deadlock in the resourcemanager. (mahadev)
Fix for NPE in TestRMNMRPCResponseId. (mahadev)
Fixes in the handling of KILL events in the SUCCEEDED state for tasks
in the application master (ddas)
Fix build issue for using yarn.version instead of hadoop-mapred.version
(mahadev and giri)
Fixed TestFifoScheduler. (acmurthy)
Fix reduce slow start. (sharad)
MAPREDUCE-2552. Fixed NPE in CompletedJob in JobHistoryServer.
(Siddharth Seth via acmurthy)
MAPREDUCE-2551. Added JobSummaryLog. (Siddharth Seth via acmurthy)
Added ability to decommission nodes and completed RM administration tools
to achieve parity with JobTracker. (acmurthy)
Allowing hdfs calls from streaming/pipes tasks. (vinodkv)
Reduce ramp up and zero maps support. (sharad)
Adding some more logging for AM expiry logs (mahadev)
Ensure 'lost' NodeManagers are dealt appropriately, the containers are
released correctly. (acmurthy)
Making pipes work with YARN. Changed pipes to get log-locations from an
environmental variable. (vinodkv)
Fixed NPE in CS by checking Application state before scheduling and fixing
synchronization in CS. (acmurthy)
Fixing NPE on speculator in MRAppMaster and making job-history optional in
tests to make test goal succeed. (vinodk and sharadag).
Cleaning up configuration constants in mapreduce modules. (vinodkv)
Fixing and reneabling TestContainerTokenSecretManager. (vinodkv)
Set correct version of avro-maven-plugin that is available in
apache maven repositories. (vinodkv)
Fixes for TestFail/Kill (ddas)
First fix for making basic speculative execution work (ddas)
Bugfix for using user staging directory for history files (siddharth seth via mahadev)
MAPREDUCE-2536. Backporting changes to MR-279.
Making streaming -file option work. Also minor fixes for successful
compilation of contrib tests. (vinodkv)
Fix for public dist cache to work with non default hdfs (mahadev &ddas)
Fixed an NPE during handling of unnecessary reservations in CS. (acmurthy)
MAPREDUCE-2532. Metrics for NodeManager (Luke Lu via mahadev)
MAPREDUCE-2527. Metrics for MRAppMaster (Luke lu via mahadev)
Add debug config for delaying delete of local files. (cdouglas)
Fixing race condition leader to hung jobs in scheduler negotiator (mahadev)
Add debug statements for AM not launching (mahadev)
Adding job kill for any state that the job is in with access control. (mahadev)
Added acl check for RMAdmin. (acmurthy)
Made number of RPC server threads configurable. (acmurthy)
Add public cache. (cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-2534. Fix CI breaking hard coded version in jobclient pom.
(Luke Lu via mahadev)
MAPREDUCE-2522. Security for JobHistory service. (Siddharth Seth via
Added metrics for tracking reservations in CapacityScheduler. (Luke Lu via
Fix queue refresh to correctly record newly added queues in
CapacityScheduler. (acmurthy)
Fix TestRuntimeEstimators (Siddharth Seth via ddas)
Ensure unused containers released by AM are correctly counted for
queue-capacity. (acmurthy)
Fix distributed-cache related bugs. (vinodkv)
Fix for regression on the scheduling of reduces before maps are done (ddas)
Fix NPE in test case (mahadev)
Use DefaultContainerExecutor for integration tests. (cdouglas)
Fix nodemanager expiry to not throw OOM. (mahadev)
Changed Scheduler to return available limit to AM in the allocate api.
Refactored RMContainerAllocator to release unused containers. (sharad)
Fix null pointer exception in kill task attempt (mahadev)
Fix for the reduces getting ahead of maps in the scheduling (ddas)
Distributed cache bug fix to pass Terasort. (vinodkv)
Add junit jar to lib in assembly (mahadev and luke)
MAPREDUCE-2509. Fix NPE in UI for pending attempts. (luke lu via mahadev)
Fix job hang if the AM launch fails. (mahadev)
MAPREDUCE-2504. race in JobHistoryEventHandler stop (siddharth seth via mahadev)
MAPREDUCE-2500. PB factories are not thread safe (siddharth seth via mahadev)
Fix the tests to use jvm fork mode to avoid errors in shutting down
services (sidharth seth)
Fixed Composite Service to shutdown services if an error occurs on
starting any one of those (mahadev & chris)
Fixing a bug to do with setting the staging dir. (ddas)
Fixing a bug in previous patch (r1103657). Now bin/yarn truly shouldn't be
launched multiple times in a single AM. (vinodkv)
Make logging and memory for AM configurable for the user via command
line (mahadev)
Makes uber-task disabled by default (ddas)
Fix CapacityScheduler (LeafQueue) to not allocate DATA_LOCAL containers
when they are not required on the rack. (acmurthy)
Fix CapacityScheduler to release unused reservations on application
completion. (acmurthy)
Launching bin/yarn and bin/mapred only *once* in AM for constructing
classpaths to avoid multiple forks and huge vmem usage by AM. (vinodkv)
Fix calculation of maximum capacity in ParentQueue to use its parent's
absolute-capacity rather than its own absolute-capacity. (acmurthy)
Fixing a bug in JobIDPbImpl that's causing AM to crash randomly. (vinodkv)
Fix calculation of maximum capacity to use parent's absolute-capacity
rather than the leaf queue's absolute-capacity. (acmurthy)
Speed up communication between MR AM and RM by relying on a new config
rather than AM_EXPIRY_INTERVAL which is too large. (acmurthy)
Fix for clearing container requests on an AM failure and add tostring methods
to taskids and taskattemptids for better grep support. (mahadev)
Support fail-fast for MR jobs. (ddas)
Support mapreduce old (0.20) APIs. (sharad)
Fixed reservation's bad interaction with delay scheduling in CS.
Fixed CS user limits. (acmurthy)
Adding valid state to ASM on a finish when its already completed and
also disble UberAM. (mahadev)
Fix a race in MR task that was causing MR containers to overwrite each
other's job.xml. Also fix leaking attempt-dirs in app-local-dir. (vinodkv)
Minor fix for install instructions. (mahadev)
Add license header and minor cleanup in history server. (Siddharth Seth
via sharad)
Removal of stale application-log dirs from NM local disks. (vinodkv)
Fix TestQueueMetrics. (Luke Lu via sharad)
Fix assembly to add mapreduce shell scripts to the assembly package. (mahadev)
Propagate error back to client in case of a job submission failure (mahadev)
MAPREDUCE-2480: MR App should not depend on hard coded version of shuffle (luke lu via mahadev)
Fix NM to use multiple disks for local files and the userlogs. (vinodkv)
Improved TestJobHistoryEvents and TestJobHistoryParsing. (sharad)
MAPREDUCE-2478. Improve history server. (Siddharth Seth via sharad)
Fix Null Pointer in TestUberAM. (sharad)
Fix refreshProxy in ClientServiceDelegate. (sharad)
Client reconnect to restarted AM. (sharad)
Replacing FileContext usage with FileSystem to work around security authentication
issues with FileContext against a secure DFS. (vinodkv)
Fixing three tight-loops in RM that are causing high cpu-usage. (vinodkv)
Adding user log handling for YARN. Making NM put the user-logs on DFS and providing log-dump tools. (vinodkv)
MAPREDUCE-2468. Add metrics for NM Shuffle. (Luke Lu via cdouglas)
Completing RM Restart. Completed Phase 3 of making sure events are logged and restored (mahadev)
Moving userlogs out of container work-dir into a separate directory structure. (vinodkv)
Implement Job Acls in MR Application Master. (sharad)
Implement 'delay scheduling' for better locality in CapacityScheduler and
improved high-ram applications. (acmurthy)
MAPREDUCE-2462. Write job conf along with JobHistory, other minor improvements.
(Siddharth Seth via sharad)
Fix to send finish application event only when the application is finished (mahadev)
RM Restart Phase 2 - Completed the recovery of components in the RM (mahadev)
MAPREDUCE-2434. Metrics for ResourceManager. (Luke Lu via acmurthy)
Fix container launch w/ inconsistent credential file naming. (cdouglas)
Disable ContainerMonitoring for non-linux systems. (vinodkv)
Fix file creation in JobHistoryEventHandler. (sharad)
Reorient container localization to be per-container rather than
per-application. (cdouglas)
Completing the ZooKeeper Store for ResourceManager state. (mahadev)
Added support High-RAM applications in CapacityScheduler. (acmurthy)
Recovery of MR Application Master from failures. (sharad)
Add ACLs for queues and command-line utilities for viewing them.
Add Containers' logs' view to NM UI and link it from AM UI. (vinodkv)
Fix race condition in TestJobHistoryEvents and TestJobHistoryParsing. (sharad)
Introducing web-UI for NodeManager and linking it from RM UI. (vinodkv)
Added functionality to stop/start queues. (acmurthy)
Added functionality to refresh queues at runtime via the 'bin/yarn
rmadmin' command. (acmurthy)
Fixed computation of user-limits at runtime. (acmurthy)
Implement 'bin/mapred queue [-info [-showJobs]] [-list] and enhanced
'bin/mapred job -list' to show queue and ApplicationMaster information.
Implement 'bin/mapred job -list' and 'bin/mapred job
-list-active-trackers'. (acmurthy)
Add HistoryCleanerService to Job History server. (Krishna Ramachandran
via sharad)
Install sanitized poms for downstream sanity (Luke Lu via mahadev)
WebApp for Job History (Krishna Ramachandran via mahadev)
Fix YarnRemoteException to give more details. (siddharth seth via mahadev)
MAPREDUCE-2405. Implement uber-AppMaster (in-cluster LocalJobRunner for
MRv2). (Greg Roelofs and Sharad Agarwal via mahadev)
MAPREDUCE-2424. Polish uber-AppMaster: add uber-AM counters and GUI
indicators. (Greg Roelofs via mahadev)
Add fail count to the command line of the application master. (mahadev)
MAPREDUCE-2440. Name clashes in TypeConverter (luke via mahadev)
Implementing Containers' memory monitoring. (vinodkv)
MAPREDUCE-2405: Implement uber-AppMaster (in-cluster LocalJobRunner for MRv2) (Greg Roelofs via mahadev)
Implement health-checks for the node - server side(ResourceManager) changes. (vinodkv)
MAPREDUCE-2414. Change MRv2 to use generic interfaces. (Siddharth Seth via acmurthy)
Implement restart for resource manager phase 1 - Helper classes to store and restore the data structures. (mahadev)
MAPREDUCE-2433. YARNApplicationConstants hard code app master jar version (Luke Lu via mahadev)
Clear application notification if sent once to NodeManager (mahadev)
MAPREDUCE-2458. Rename sanitized pom.xml in build directory to work around IDE bug
(luke lu via mahadev)
MAPREDUCE-1866. Removes deprecated class
org.apache.hadoop.streaming.UTF8ByteArrayUtils. (amareshwari)
MAPREDUCE-1664. Changes the behaviour of the combination of job-acls
when they function together with queue-acls. (Ravi Gummadi via vinodkv)
MAPREDUCE-1804. Stress-test tool for HDFS introduced in HDFS-708.
(Joshua Harlow via shv)
MAPREDUCE-220. Collect cpu and memory statistics per task. (Scott Chen via
MAPREDUCE-2140. Regenerate fair scheduler design doc PDF. (matei)
MAPREDUCE-1546. Redirect all job pages to corresponding history page
if job is not in JT memory. (Scott Chen via sharad)
MAPREDUCE-1092. Enable assertions for unit tests. (Eli Collins via
MAPREDUCE-1680. Add a metric recording JobTracker heartbeats processed.
(Dick King via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-1761. FairScheduler allows separate configuration of node
and rack locality wait time (Scott Chen via dhruba)
MAPREDUCE-1539. authorization checks for inter-server protocol
(based on HADOOP-6600) (Boris Shkolnik via shv)
MAPREDUCE-1798. Names the configuration keys for the Kerberos
principals better. (Boris Shkolnik via ddas)
MAPREDUCE-1773. streaming doesn't support jobclient.output.filter.
(Amareshwari Sriramadasu via vinodkv)
MAPREDUCE-1785. Add streaming config option for not emitting the key.
(Eli Collins via sharad)
MAPREDUCE-572. If #link is missing from uri format of -cacheArchive
then streaming does not throw error. (Amareshwari Sriramadasu via
MAPREDUCE-1545. Add timestamps for first task type launched in job summary.
(Luke Lu via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-1543. Add an audit log for authentication events. (Amar Kamat and
Luke Lu via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-1762. Add ability to set values of task counters. (Scott Chen via
MAPREDUCE-1533. Reduce overhead of logging and string manipulation during
heartbeat processing. (Amar Kamat and Dick King via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-1516. JobTracker issues delegation tokens only if the user's
authentication is Kerberos. (Jitendra Pandey via ddas)
MAPREDUCE-647. Update distcp forrest documentation to reflect the changes
of HADOOP-5472, MAPREDUCE-642 and HADOOP-5620. (Rodrigo Schmidt via
MAPREDUCE-1851. Documents configuration parameters in streaming.
MAPREDUCE-1868. Add a read and connection timeout to JobClient while
pulling tasklogs. (Krishna Ramachandran via acmurthy)
MAPREDUCE-1788. Ensure failure to setup CompletedJobStatusStore is not
silently ignored by the JobTracker. (Krishna Ramachandran via acmurthy)
MAPREDUCE-1850. Includes job submit host information (name and ip) in
jobconf and jobdetails display (Krishna Ramachandran via amareshwari)
MAPREDUCE-1893. Slive with multiple reducers. (shv)
MAPREDUCE-1248. Fixes redudant memory copying in StreamKeyValUtil.
(Ruibang He via amareshwari)
MAPREDUCE-1840. Enhancements to Gridmix benchmark simulating user
diversity, queue replay, and task duration for JobTracker load testing.
Also includes compatibility with security enhancements, and scalability
improvements. (Amar Kamat, Rahul Singh, Hong Tang, and cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-1848. Put number of speculative, data local, rack local
tasks in JobTracker metrics. (Scott Chen via dhruba)
MAPREDUCE-1935. Makes the Distcp to work in a secure environment.
(Boris Shkolnik via ddas)
MAPREDUCE-1945. The MapReduce component for HADOOP-6632.
(Kan Zhang & Jitendra Pandey via ddas)
MAPREDUCE-1936. Modify Gridmix3 to support more tunable parameters for
stress submission and sleep jobs. (Hong Tang via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-1733. Makes pipes applications secure. (Jitendra Pandey via ddas)
MAPREDUCE-1566. Adds a configuration attribute using which job clients can
specify a credentials file. The tokens from there will be passed to the job.
(Jitendra Pandey and Owen O'Malley via ddas)
MAPREDUCE-1624. Documents the job credentials and associated details to do
with delegation tokens (on the client side).
(Jitendra Pandey and Devaraj Das via ddas)
MAPREDUCE-1834. TestSimulatorDeterministicReplay timesout on trunk.
(Hong Tang via mahadev)
MAPREDUCE-1993. Fixes test failure
TestTrackerDistributedCacheManagerWithLinuxTaskController. (Devaraj Das
via amareshwari)
MAPREDUCE-1523. Making Mumak work with Capacity-Scheduler (Anirban Das
via mahadev)
MAPREDUCE-1920. Enables completed jobstatus store by default. (Tom White
via amareshwari)
MAPREDUCE-1881. Improve TaskTrackerInstrumentation to enable collection of
advanced metrics. (Matei Zaharia via acmurthy)
MAPREDUCE-1548. Hadoop archives preserve times and other properties from
original files. (Rodrigo Schmidt via dhruba)
MAPREDUCE-1517. Supports streaming job to run in the background. (Bochun Bai
via amareshwari)
MAPREDUCE-1819. RaidNode is now smarter in submitting Raid jobs. (Ramkumar
Vadali via schen)
MAPREDUCE-1354. Enhancements to JobTracker for better performance and
scalability. (Arun C. Murthy & Richard King via acmurthy)
MAPREDUCE-1829. JobInProgress.findSpeculativeTask should use min() to
find the candidate instead of sort(). (Scott Chen via vinodkv)
MAPREDUCE-1845. FairScheduler.tasksToPreempt() can return negative number.
(Scott Chen via matei)
MAPREDUCE-1707. TaskRunner can get NPE in getting ugi from TaskTracker.
(Vinod Kumar Vavilapalli)
MAPREDUCE-1532. Ensures that delegation tokens is obtained as the
actual user when the proxy-user is used for submitting jobs. Also
refactors the DelegationTokenToRenew class. (ddas)
MAPREDUCE-1558. Fixes MRAdmin to look up the principal of the
JobTracker and use that in the RefreshUserToGroupsMapping protocol and
RefreshAuthorizationPolicyProtocol. (Boris Shkolnik via ddas)
MAPREDUCE-1662. Remove unused methods from TaskRunner. (Amareshwari
Sriramadasu via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-1617. Use IPv4 stack for unit tests. (Amar Kamat and Luke Lu via
MAPREDUCE-1599. Fixes MRBench so that it reuses tokens across jobs
correctly. (Jitendra Nath Pandey via ddas)
MAPREDUCE-1836. Refresh for proxy superuser config (mr part for HDFS-1096).
(Boris Shkolnik via shv)
MAPREDUCE-1505. Create RPC client on job submission, not in cstr of Job
instance. (Dick King via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-1813. NPE in PipeMapred.MRErrorThread. (Ravi Gummadi via vinodkv)
MAPREDUCE-1225. Fixes DistributedCache to check if the file is fresh or not,
for the first localization also. (Zhong Wang via amareshwari)
MAPREDUCE-1559. Fixes the token renewer to use the JobTracker's
credentials for talking to the NameNode. (ddas)
MAPREDUCE-1492. Delete obsolete har files used on the parity files
of hdfs raid. (Rodrigo Schmidt via dhruba)
MAPREDUCE-1857. Removes unused configuration parameters in streaming.
MAPREDUCE-1887. MRAsyncDiskService now properly absolutizes volume root
paths. (Aaron Kimball via zshao)
MAPREDUCE-1863. Fix NPE in Rumen when processing null CDF for failed task
attempts. (Amar Kamat via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-1864. Removes uninitialized/unused variables in
org.apache.hadoop.streaming.PipeMapRed. (amareshwari)
MAPREDUCE-1888. Fixes Streaming to override output key and value types,
only if mapper/reducer is a command. (Ravi Gummadi via amareshwari)
MAPREDUCE-577. Fixes duplicate records in StreamXmlRecordReader.
(Ravi Gummadi via amareshwari)
MAPREDUCE-1894. Fixed a bug in DistributedRaidFileSystem.readFully()
that was causing it to loop infinitely. (Ramkumar Vadali via dhruba)
MAPREDUCE-1838. Reduce the time needed for raiding a bunch of files
by randomly assigning files to map tasks. (Ramkumar Vadali via dhruba)
MAPREDUCE-1820. Fix InputSampler to clone sampled keys. (Alex Kozlov via
MAPREDUCE-1528. Incorporates the changes to the credentials API done in
HADOOP-6845. Also, introduces Credentials in JobConf, and in JobContext.
(Jitendra Pandey and Arun Murthy via ddas)
MAPREDUCE-1865. Rumen should also support jobhistory files generated using
trunk. (Amar Kamat via amareshwari)
MAPREDUCE-1621. Fixes NPE in TextOutputReader.getLastOutput if it has never
read any output. (amareshwari)
MAPREDUCE-1911. Fixes errors in -info message in streaming. (amareshwari)
MAPREDUCE-1772. Corrects errors in streaming documentation in forrest.
MAPREDUCE-1925. Fix failing TestRumenJobTraces. (Ravi Gummadi via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-1718. Fixes a bug in the construction of jobconf key for the
mapping that the tasks use at runtime for looking up delegation tokens.
(Boris Shkolnik via ddas)
MAPREDUCE-1701. Fixes a problem to do with exception handling in
delegation-token renewals. (Boris Shkolnik via ddas)
MAPREDUCE-1686. Fixes StreamUtil.goodClassOrNull to find classes without
package names. (Paul Burkhardt via amareshwari)
MAPREDUCE-1288. Fixes TrackerDistributedCacheManager to take into account
the owner of the localized file in the mapping from cache URIs to
CacheStatus objects. (ddas)
MAPREDUCE-1982. Fixes Rumen's TraceBuilder to extract job name from either
of configuration properties "" and "".
(Ravi Gummadi via amareshwari)
MAPREDUCE-1958. The MapReduce part corresponding to the HADOOP-6873.
(Boris Shkolnik & Owen O'Malley via ddas)
MAPREDUCE-1900. TaskTracker and JobTracker closes FileSystems, opened on
behalf of users that it no longer requires. (Kan Zhang and ddas via ddas)
MAPREDUCE-1992. Fixes a problem to do with bringing up the JobTracker in
unsecure mode. (Kan Zhang via ddas)
MAPREDUCE-1999. Fixes ClientProtocol to use the correct
DelegationTokenSelector. (Jitendra Pandey via ddas)
MAPREDUCE-1780. AccessControlList.toString() is used for serialization of
ACL in (Ravi Gummadi via vinodkv)
MAPREDUCE-1961. Fix ConcurrentModificationException in Gridmix during
shutdown. (Hong Tang via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-2000. Fix parsing of JobHistory lines in Rumen when quotes are
escaped. (Hong Tang via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-2022. Fixes compilation errors in TestSubmitJob. (amareshwari)
MAPREDUCE-1670. RAID policies should not scan their own destination path.
(Ramkumar Vadali via dhruba)
MAPREDUCE-1668. RaidNode Hars a directory only if all its parity files
have been created. (Ramkumar Vadali via dhruba)
MAPREDUCE-2021. Fixes duplicate hostnames in CombineFileInputFormat's
split locations. (amareshwari)
MAPREDUCE-1375. Fixes flaky test TestFileArgs. (Todd Lipcon via
MAPREDUCE-2023. TestDFSIO should not stop reading if curSize != bufferSize.
(Hong Tang via szetszwo)
MAPREDUCE-2031. Fixes test failures TestTaskLauncher and
TestTaskTrackerLocalization. (Ravi Gummadi via amareshwari)
MAPREDUCE-2046. Fixes CombineFileInputFormat to allow splits with size
less than DFS block size. (dhruba borthakur via amareshwari)
MAPREDUCE-1975. Fixes unnecessary InterruptedException log in gridmix.
(Ravi Gummadi via amareshwari)
MAPREDUCE-1597. Fixes CombineFileInputFormat to work with non-splittable
files. (amareshwari)
MAPREDUCE-2032. Fixes TestJobCleanup to cleanup test directory in
tearDown. (Dick King via amareshwari)
MAPREDUCE-1979. Fixes "Output directory already exists" error in gridmix
when is not defined. (Ravi Gummadi via
MAPREDUCE-1918. Adds documentation to Rumen. (Amar Kamat via amareshwari)
MAPREDUCE-2078. Fixes TraceBuilder to generate traces when a globbed job
history path is given. (Amar Kamat via amareshwari)
MAPREDUCE-1989. Fixes error message in gridmix when user resolver is set
and no user list is given. (Ravi Gummadi via amareshwari)
MAPREDUCE-2067. Distinct minicluster services (e.g. NN and JT) overwrite
each other's service policies. (Aaron T. Myers via tomwhite)
MAPREDUCE-2029. DistributedRaidFileSystem removes itself from FileSystem
cache when it is closed. (Ramkumar Vadali via dhruba)
MAPREDUCE-1816. HAR files used for RAID parity-bite have configurable
partfile size. (Ramkumar Vadali via dhruba)
MAPREDUCE-2082. Fixes Pipes to create the jobtoken file in the right
place. (Jitendra Pandey via ddas)
MAPREDUCE-2095. Fixes Gridmix to run from compressed traces. (Ranjit
Mathew via amareshwari)
MAPREDUCE-1908. DistributedRaidFileSystem now handles ChecksumException
correctly. (Ramkumar Vadali via schen)
MAPREDUCE-2232. Add missing methods to TestMapredGroupMappingServiceRefresh.
(Todd Lipcon via Eli Collins)
Release 0.21.1 - Unreleased
MAPREDUCE-2040. Forrest Documentation for Dynamic Priority Scheduler.
(Thomas Sandholm via tomwhite)
MAPREDUCE-1897. trunk build broken on compile-mapred-test (cos)
MAPREDUCE-1280. Update Eclipse plugin to the new eclipse.jdt API.
(Alex Kozlov via szetszwo)
MAPREDUCE-1984. herriot TestCluster fails because exclusion is not there
(Balaji Rajagopalan via cos)
MAPREDUCE-2090. Clover build doesn't generate per-test coverage. (cos)
Release 0.21.0 - 2010-08-13
MAPREDUCE-516. Fix the starvation problem in the Capacity Scheduler
when running High RAM Jobs. (Arun Murthy via yhemanth)
MAPREDUCE-358. Change org.apache.hadoop.examples. AggregateWordCount
and org.apache.hadoop.examples.AggregateWordHistogram to use new
mapreduce api. (Amareshwari Sriramadasu via sharad)
MAPREDUCE-245. Change Job and jobcontrol classes to use the List interface
rather than ArrayList in APIs. (Tom White via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-766. Enhanced list-blacklisted-trackers to display reasons
for blacklisting a node. (Sreekanth Ramakrishnan via yhemanth)
MAPREDUCE-817. Add a cache for retired jobs with minimal job info and
provide a way to access history file url. (sharad)
MAPREDUCE-711. Moved Distributed Cache from Common to Map/Reduce
project. (Vinod Kumar Vavilapalli via yhemanth)
MAPREDUCE-895. Per the contract elucidated in HADOOP-6201, throw
FileNotFoundException from FileSystem::listStatus rather than returning
null. (Jakob Homan via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-479. Provide full task id to map output servlet rather than the
reduce id, only. (Jiaqi Tan via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-873. Simplify job recovery. Incomplete jobs are resubmitted on
jobtracker restart. Removes a public constructor in JobInProgress. (sharad)
HADOOP-6230. Moved process tree and memory calculator related classes from
Common to Map/Reduce. (Vinod Kumar Vavilapalli via yhemanth)
MAPREDUCE-157. Refactor job history APIs and change the history format to
JSON. (Jothi Padmanabhan via sharad)
MAPREDUCE-849. Rename configuration properties. (Amareshwari Sriramadasu
via sharad)
MAPREDUCE-1287. Only call the partitioner with more than one reducer.
MAPREDUCE-1385. Use the new UserGroupInformation from HADOOP-6299.
(ddas via omalley)
MAPREDUCE-1493. Authorization for job-history pages. (vinodkv)
MAPREDUCE-1607. Task controller may not set permissions for a
task cleanup attempt's log directory (Amareshwari Sriramadasu via vinodkv)
MAPREDUCE-1683. Remove JNI calls from ClusterStatus cstr. (Arun Murthy and
Luke Lu via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-1855. Makes the refresh methods (for groups and proxy users)
independent of the client side configuration. (Boris Shkolnik via ddas)
MAPREDUCE-1774. Large-scale Automated Framework (Sharad Agarwal, Sreekanth
Ramakrishnan, Konstantin Boudnik, et al. via cos)
MAPREDUCE-706. Support for FIFO pools in the fair scheduler.
(Matei Zaharia)
MAPREDUCE-546. Provide sample fair scheduler config file in conf/ and use
it by default if no other config file is specified. (Matei Zaharia)
MAPREDUCE-551. Preemption support in the Fair Scheduler. (Matei Zaharia)
MAPREDUCE-567. Add a new example MR that always fails. (Philip Zeyliger
via tomwhite)
MAPREDUCE-211. Provides ability to run a health check script on the
tasktracker nodes and blacklist nodes if they are unhealthy.
(Sreekanth Ramakrishnan via yhemanth)
MAPREDUCE-637. Add an example, distbbp, which able to compute the n th bit
of Pi for some large n. (szetszwo)
MAPREDUCE-532. Provide a way to limit the number of used slots
per queue in the capacity scheduler.
(Rahul Kumar Singh via yhemanth)
MAPREDUCE-467. Provide ability to collect statistics about total tasks
and succeeded tasks in different time windows. (sharad)
MAPREDUCE-740. Log a job-summary at the end of a job, while allowing it
to be configured to use a custom appender if desired. (acmurthy)
MAPREDUCE-814. Provide a way to configure completed job history files
to be on HDFS. (sharad)
MAPREDUCE-800. MRUnit should support the new API. (Aaron Kimball via
MAPREDUCE-798. MRUnit should be able to test a succession of MapReduce
passes. (Aaron Kimball via tomwhite)
MAPREDUCE-768. Provide an option to dump jobtracker configuration in JSON
format to standard output. (V.V.Chaitanya Krishna via yhemanth)
MAPREDUCE-824. Add support for a hierarchy of queues in the capacity
scheduler. (Rahul Kumar Singh via yhemanth)
MAPREDUCE-751. Add Rumen, a tool for extracting statistics from job tracker
logs and generating job traces for simulation and analysis. (Dick King via
MAPREDUCE-830. Add support for splittable compression to TextInputFormats.
(Abdul Qadeer via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-861. Add support for hierarchical queues in the Map/Reduce
framework. (Rahul Kumar Singh via yhemanth)
MAPREDUCE-776. Add Gridmix, a benchmark processing Rumen traces to simulate
a measured mix of jobs on a cluster. (cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-862. Enhance JobTracker UI to display hierarchical queues.
(V.V.Chaitanya Krishna via yhemanth)
MAPREDUCE-777. Brand new apis to track and query jobs as a
replacement for JobClient. (Amareshwari Sriramadasu via acmurthy)
MAPREDUCE-775. Add native and streaming support for Vertica as an input
or output format taking advantage of parallel read and write properties of
the DBMS. (Omer Trajman via ddas)
MAPREDUCE-679. XML-based metrics as JSP servlet for JobTracker.
(Aaron Kimball via tomwhite)
MAPREDUCE-980. Modify JobHistory to use Avro for serialization. (cutting)
MAPREDUCE-728. Add Mumak, a Hadoop map/reduce simulator. (Arun C Murthy,
Tamas Sarlos, Anirban Dasgupta, Guanying Wang, and Hong Tang via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-1383. Automates fetching of delegation tokens in File*Formats
Distributed Cache and Distcp. Also, provides a config
mapreduce.job.hdfs-servers that the jobs can populate with a comma
separated list of namenodes. The job client automatically fetches
delegation tokens from those namenodes. (Boris Shkolnik via ddas)
MAPREDUCE-698. Per-pool task limits for the fair scheduler.
(Kevin Peterson via matei)
MAPREDUCE-1026. Does mutual authentication of the shuffle
transfers using a shared JobTracker generated key.
(Boris Shkolnik via ddas)
MAPREDUCE-744. Introduces the notion of a public distributed cache.
(Devaraj Das)
MAPREDUCE-1338. Introduces the notion of token cache using which
tokens and secrets can be sent by the Job client to the JobTracker.
(Boris Shkolnik via ddas)
HDFS-503. This patch implements an optional layer over HDFS that
implements offline erasure-coding. It can be used to reduce the
total storage requirements of HDFS. (dhruba)
MAPREDUCE-1432. Adds hooks in the jobtracker and tasktracker
for loading the tokens in the user's ugi. This is required
for the copying of files from the hdfs. (ddas)
MAPREDUCE-1335. Adds SASL Kerberos/Digest authentication in MapReduce.
(Kan Zhang via ddas)
MAPREDUCE-1464. Makes a compatible change in JobTokenIdentifier to
account for HADOOP-6510. (Jitendra Nath Pandey via ddas)
MAPREDUCE-1433. Add a delegation token for MapReduce. (omalley)
MAPREDUCE-1307. Introduces the Job level ACLs feature.
(Vinod Kumar Vavilapalli via ddas)
MAPREDUCE-1430. JobTracker automatically renews delegation tokens for jobs.
(Boris Shkolnik via ddas)
MAPREDUCE-1455. Introduces job-level authorization for mapreduce servlets.
(Ravi Gummadi via vinodkv)
MAPREDUCE-463. Makes job setup and cleanup tasks as optional.
(Amareshwari Sriramadasu via sharad)
MAPREDUCE-502. Allow jobtracker to be configured with zero completed jobs
in memory. (Amar Kamat via sharad)
MAPREDUCE-416. Moves the history file to a "done" folder whenever a job
completes. (Amar Kamat via ddas)
MAPREDUCE-646. Increase srcfilelist replication number in dictcp job.
(Ravi Gummadi via szetszwo)
HADOOP-6106. Updated hadoop-core and test jars from hudson trunk
build #12. (Giridharan Kesavan)
MAPREDUCE-642. A option to distcp that allows preserving the full
source path of a file in the specified destination directory.
(Rodrigo Schmidt via dhruba)
MAPREDUCE-686. Move TestSpeculativeExecution.Fake* into a separate class
so that it can be used by other tests. (Jothi Padmanabhan via sharad)
MAPREDUCE-625. Modify TestTaskLimits to improve execution time.
(Jothi Padmanabhan via sharad)
MAPREDUCE-465. Deprecate o.a.h.mapred.lib.MultithreadedMapRunner and add
test for o.a.h.mapreduce.lib.MultithreadedMapper.
(Amareshwari Sriramadasu via sharad)
MAPREDUCE-701. Improves the runtime of the TestRackAwareTaskPlacement
by making it a unit test. (Jothi Padmanabhan via ddas)
MAPREDUCE-371. Change KeyFieldBasedComparator and KeyFieldBasedPartitioner
to use new api. (Amareshwari Sriramadasu via sharad)
MAPREDUCE-623. Resolve javac warnings in mapreduce. (Jothi Padmanabhan
via sharad)
MAPREDUCE-655. Change KeyValueLineRecordReader and KeyValueTextInputFormat
to use new mapreduce api. (Amareshwari Sriramadasu via sharad)
MAPREDUCE-632. Merge TestCustomOutputCommitter with
TestCommandLineJobSubmission. (Jothi Padmanabhan via sharad)
MAPREDUCE-627. Improves execution time of TestTrackerBlacklistAcrossJobs.
(Jothi Padmanabhan via ddas)
MAPREDUCE-630. Improves execution time of TestKillCompletedJob.
(Jothi Padmanabhan via ddas)
MAPREDUCE-626. Improves the execution time of TestLostTracker.
(Jothi Padmanabhan via ddas)
MAPREDUCE-353. Makes the shuffle read and connection timeouts
configurable. (Ravi Gummadi via ddas)
MAPREDUCE-739. Allow relative paths to be created in archives. (Mahadev
Konar via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-772. Merge HADOOP-4010 changes to LineRecordReader into mapreduce
package. (Abdul Qadeer via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-785. Separate sub-test of TestReduceFetch to be included in
MR-670. (Jothi Padmanabhan via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-784. Modify TestUserDefinedCounters to use LocalJobRunner
instead of MiniMR. (Jothi Padmanabhan via sharad)
HADOOP-6160. Fix releaseaudit target to run on specific directories.
MAPREDUCE-782. Use PureJavaCrc32 in SpillRecord. (Todd Lipcon via
MAPREDUCE-369. Change org.apache.hadoop.mapred.lib.MultipleInputs to
use new api. (Amareshwari Sriramadasu via sharad)
MAPREDUCE-373. Change org.apache.hadoop.mapred.lib.FieldSelectionMapReduce
to use new api. (Amareshwari Sriramadasu via sharad)
MAPREDUCE-628. Improves the execution time of TestJobInProgress.
(Jothi Padmanabhan via ddas)
MAPREDUCE-793. Creates a new test that consolidates a few tests to
include in the commit-test list. (Jothi Padmanabhan via ddas)
MAPREDUCE-797. Adds combiner support to MRUnit MapReduceDriver.
(Aaron Kimball via johan)
MAPREDUCE-656. Change org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFile* classes
to use new mapreduce api. (Amareshwari Sriramadasu via sharad)
MAPREDUCE-670. Creates ant target for 10 mins patch test build.
(Jothi Padmanabhan via gkesavan)
MAPREDUCE-375. Change org.apache.hadoop.mapred.lib.NLineInputFormat
and org.apache.hadoop.mapred.MapFileOutputFormat to use new api.
(Amareshwari Sriramadasu via ddas)
MAPREDUCE-779. Added node health failure counts into
JobTrackerStatistics. (Sreekanth Ramakrishnan via yhemanth)
MAPREDUCE-842. Setup secure permissions for localized job files,
intermediate outputs and log files on tasktrackers.
(Vinod Kumar Vavilapalli via yhemanth)
MAPREDUCE-478. Allow map and reduce jvm parameters, environment variables
and ulimit to be set separately.
Configuration changes:
add mapred.reduce.child.ulimit
add mapred.reduce.child.ulimit
deprecated mapred.child.env
deprecated mapred.child.ulimit
MAPREDUCE-767. Remove the dependence on the CLI 2.0 snapshot.
(Amar Kamat via omalley)
MAPREDUCE-712. Minor efficiency tweaks to RandomTextWriter. (cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-870. Remove the job retire thread and the associated
config parameters. (sharad)
MAPREDUCE-874. Rename the PiEstimator example to QuasiMonteCarlo.
MAPREDUCE-336. Allow logging level of map/reduce tasks to be configurable.
Configuration changes:
add mapred.reduce.child.log.level
MAPREDUCE-355. Update mapred.join package to use the new API. (Amareshwari
Sriramadasu via cdouglas)
HADOOP-6184. Updated hadoop common and test jars to get the new API
in Configuration for dumping in JSON format from Hudson trunk build #68.
MAPREDUCE-476. Extend DistributedCache to work locally (LocalJobRunner).
(Philip Zeyliger via tomwhite)
MAPREDUCE-825. JobClient completion poll interval of 5s causes slow tests
in local mode. (Aaron Kimball via tomwhite)
MAPREDUCE-910. Support counters in MRUnit. (Aaron Kimball via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-788. Update gridmix2 to use the new API (Amareshwari Sriramadasu
via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-875. Make DBRecordReader execute queries lazily. (Aaron Kimball
via enis)
MAPREDUCE-318. Modularizes the shuffle code. (Jothi Padmanabhan and
Arun Murthy via ddas)
MAPREDUCE-936. Allow a load difference for fairshare scheduler.
(Zheng Shao via dhruba)
MAPREDUCE-370. Update MultipleOutputs to use the API, merge funcitonality
of MultipleOutputFormat. (Amareshwari Sriramadasu via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-898. Changes DistributedCache to use the new API.
(Amareshwari Sriramadasu via ddas)
MAPREDUCE-144. Includes dump of the process tree in task diagnostics when
a task is killed due to exceeding memory limits.
(Vinod Kumar Vavilapalli via yhemanth)
MAPREDUCE-945. Modifies MRBench and TestMapRed to use ToolRunner so that
options such as queue name can be passed via command line.
(Sreekanth Ramakrishnan via yhemanth)
MAPREDUCE-963. Deprecate o.a.h.mapred.FileAlreadyExistsException and
replace it with o.a.h.fs.FileAlreadyExistsException. (Boris Shkolnik
via szetszwo)
MAPREDUCE-960. Remove an unnecessary intermediate copy and obsolete API
from KeyValueLineRecordReader. (cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-930. Modify Rumen to resolve paths in the canonical way, rather
than defaulting to the local filesystem. (cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-944. Extend the LoadManager API of the fair-share scheduler
to support regulating tasks for a job based on resources currently in use
by that job. (dhruba)
MAPREDUCE-973. Move FailJob and SleepJob from examples to test. (cdouglas
via omalley)
MAPREDUCE-966. Modify Rumen to clean up interfaces and simplify integration
with other tools. (Hong Tang via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-856. Setup secure permissions for distributed cache files.
(Vinod Kumar Vavilapalli via yhemanth)
MAPREDUCE-885. More efficient SQL queries for DBInputFormat. (Aaron Kimball
via enis)
MAPREDUCE-284. Enables ipc.client.tcpnodelay in Tasktracker's Child.
(Ravi Gummadi via sharad)
MAPREDUCE-916. Split the documentation to match the project split.
(Corinne Chandel via omalley)
MAPREDUCE-649. Validate a copy by comparing the source and destination
checksums in distcp. Also adds an intra-task retry mechanism for errors
detected during the copy. (Ravi Gummadi via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-654. Add a -dryrun option to distcp printing a summary of the
file data to be copied, without actually performing the copy. (Ravi Gummadi
via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-664. Display the number of files deleted by distcp when the
-delete option is specified. (Ravi Gummadi via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-781. Let the name of distcp jobs be configurable. (Venkatesh S
via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-975. Add an API in job client to get the history file url for
a given job id. (sharad)
MAPREDUCE-905. Add Eclipse launch tasks for MapReduce. (Philip Zeyliger
via tomwhite)
MAPREDUCE-277. Makes job history counters available on the job history
viewers. (Jothi Padmanabhan via ddas)
MAPREDUCE-893. Provides an ability to refresh queue configuration
without restarting the JobTracker.
(Vinod Kumar Vavilapalli and Rahul Kumar Singh via yhemanth)
MAPREDUCE-1011. Add to svn and git ignore. (omalley)
MAPREDUCE-954. Change Map-Reduce context objects to be interfaces.
MAPREDUCE-639. Change Terasort example to reflect the 2009 updates.
MAPREDUCE-1063. Document gridmix benchmark. (cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-931. Use built-in interpolation classes for making up task
runtimes in Rumen. (Dick King via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-1012. Mark Context interfaces as public evolving. (Tom White via
MAPREDUCE-971. Document use of distcp when copying to s3, managing timeouts
in particular. (Aaron Kimball via cdouglas)
HDFS-663. DFSIO for append. (shv)
HDFS-641. Move all of the components that depend on map/reduce to
map/reduce. (omalley)
HADOOP-5107. Use Maven ant tasks to publish artifacts. (Giridharan Kesavan
via omalley)
MAPREDUCE-1229. Allow customization of job submission policy in Mumak.
(Hong Tang via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-1317. Reduce the memory footprint of Rumen objects by interning
host Strings. (Hong Tang via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-1097. Add support for Vertica 3.5 to its contrib module. (Omer
Trajman via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-1627. HadoopArchives should not uses a method in DistCp.
MAPREDUCE-1198. Alternatively schedule different types of tasks in
fair share scheduler. (Scott Chen via matei)
MAPREDUCE-707. Provide a jobconf property for explicitly assigning a job to
a pool in the Fair Scheduler. (Alan Heirich via matei)
MAPREDUCE-947. Added commitJob and abortJob apis to OutputCommitter.
Enhanced FileOutputCommitter to create a _SUCCESS file for successful
jobs. (Amar Kamat & Jothi Padmanabhan via acmurthy)
MAPREDUCE-1103. Added more metrics to Jobtracker. (sharad)
MAPREDUCE-1048. Add occupied/reserved slot usage summary on jobtracker UI.
(Amareshwari Sriramadasu and Hemanth Yamijala via sharad)
MAPREDUCE-1090. Modified log statement in TaskMemoryManagerThread to
include task attempt id. (yhemanth)
MAPREDUCE-1189. Reduce ivy console output to ovservable level (cos)
MAPREDUCE-1167. ProcfsBasedProcessTree collects rss memory information.
(Scott Chen via dhruba)
MAPREDUCE-1231. Added a new DistCp option, -skipcrccheck, so that the CRC
check during setup can be skipped. (Jothi Padmanabhan via szetszwo)
MAPREDUCE-1190. Add package documentation for BBP example.
(Tsz Wo (Nicholas) Sze via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-1119. When tasks fail to report status, show tasks's stack dump
before killing. (Aaron Kimball via tomwhite)
MAPREDUCE-1185. Redirect running job url to history url if job is already
retired. (Amareshwari Sriramadasu and Sharad Agarwal via sharad)
MAPREDUCE-1050. Introduce a mock object testing framework. (tomwhite)
MAPREDUCE-1084. Implementing aspects development and fault injeciton
framework for MapReduce. (Sreekanth Ramakrishnan via cos)
MAPREDUCE-1209. Move common specific part of the test TestReflectionUtils
out of mapred into common. (Todd Lipcon via tomwhite)
MAPREDUCE-967. TaskTracker does not need to fully unjar job jars.
(Todd Lipcon via tomwhite)
MAPREDUCE-1083. Changes in MapReduce so that group information of users
can be refreshed in the JobTracker via command line.
(Boris Shkolnik via ddas)
MAPREDUCE-181. Changes the job submission process to be secure.
(Devaraj Das)
MAPREDUCE-1250. Refactors the JobToken to use Common's Token interface.
(Kan Zhang via ddas)
MAPREDUCE-896. Enhance tasktracker to cleanup files that might have
been created by user tasks with non-writable permissions.
(Ravi Gummadi via yhemanth)
MAPREDUCE-372. Change org.apache.hadoop.mapred.lib.ChainMapper/Reducer
to use new mapreduce api. (Amareshwari Sriramadasu via sharad)
MAPREDUCE-1295. Add a tool in Rumen for folding and manipulating job
traces. (Dick King via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-1302. TrackerDistributedCacheManager deletes file
asynchronously, thus reducing task initialization delays.
(Zheng Shao via dhruba)
MAPREDUCE-1218. TaskTrackers send cpu and memory usage of
node to JobTracker. (Scott Chen via dhruba)
MAPREDUCE-847. Fix Releaseaudit warning count to zero
(Giridharan Kesavan)
MAPREDUCE-1337. Use generics in StreamJob to improve readability of that
class. (Kay Kay via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-361. Port terasort example to the new mapreduce API. (Amareshwari
Sriramadasu via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-1367. LocalJobRunner should support parallel mapper execution.
(Aaron Kimball via tomwhite)
MAPREDUCE-64. Eliminate io.sort.record.percent from MapTask configuration.
MAPREDUCE-1440. Replace the long user name in MapReduce with the local
name. (omalley)
MAPREDUCE-1470. Move delegation tokens from HDFS to Common so that
MapReduce can use them too. (omalley)
MAPREDUCE-1425. Reduce memory usage by archive. (mahadev via szetszwo)
MAPREDUCE-1441. Trim whitespace from directory lists pulled from the
configuration. (Todd Lipcon via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-1309. Refactor Rumen trace generator to improve code structure
and add extensible support for log formats. (Dick King via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-1503. Delegation token renewing and cancelling should provide
meaningful exceptions when there are failures instead of returning
false. (omalley)
HADOOP-6579. Upgrade commons-codec library to 1.4. (omalley)
MAPREDUCE-1423. Improve performance of CombineFileInputFormat when multiple
pools are configured. (Dhruba Borthakur via zshao)
MAPREDUCE-1454. Quote user supplied strings in Tracker servlets. (cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-1408. Add customizable job submission policies to Gridmix. (Rahul
Singh via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-1527. Better warning logged when mapred.queue.names is
overshadowed by mapred-queues.xml. (Hong Tang via acmurthy)
MAPREDUCE-1403. Save the size and number of distributed cache artifacts in
the configuration. (Arun Murthy via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-1482. Truncate state string and diagnostic information in
TaskStatus. (Amar Kamat via szetszwo)
MAPREDUCE-1593. [Rumen] Improvements to random seed generation (tamas via
MAPREDUCE-1460. Oracle support in DataDrivenDBInputFormat.
(Aaron Kimball via tomwhite)
MAPREDUCE-1569. Pass configuration through mocked contexts in MRUnit.
(Chris White via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-1590. Move HarFileSystem from Hadoop Common to Mapreduce tools.
MAPREDUCE-1629. Get rid of fakeBlockLocations() on HarFileSystem, since
it's not used (mahadev)
MAPREDUCE-1489. DataDrivenDBInputFormat should not query the database
when generating only one split. (Aaron Kimball via tomwhite)
MAPREDUCE-1514. Add documentation on replication, permissions, new options,
limitations and internals of har. (mahadev via szetszwo)
MAPREDUCE-1428. Make block size and the size of archive created files
configurable. (mahadev via szetszwo)
MAPREDUCE-1656. JobStory should provide queue info. (hong via mahadev)
MAPREDUCE-1466. Record number of files processed in FileInputFormat in the
Configuration for offline analysis. (Luke Lu and Arun Murthy via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-1538. TrackerDistributedCacheManager manages the
number of files. (Scott Chen via dhruba)
MAPREDUCE-1673. Scripts to start and stop RaidNode.
(Rodrigo Schmidt via dhruba)
MAPREDUCE-1659. RaidNode writes temp files on configured tmp directory and
add random numbers to their names to avoid conflicts
(Rodrigo Schmidt via dhruba)
MAPREDUCE-1221. Allow admins to control physical memory limits per-task
and per-node. (Scott Chen via acmurthy)
MAPREDUCE-1065. Update mapred tutorial to use the new API. (Aaron Kimball
via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-1304. Add a task counter tracking time spent in GC. (Aaron
Kimball via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-1570. Add grouping comparators to MRUnit. (Chris White via
MAPREDUCE-1650. Exclude Private elements from generated MapReduce
Javadoc. (tomwhite)
MAPREDUCE-1625. Improve grouping of packages in Javadoc. (tomwhite)
MAPREDUCE-1417. Forrest documentation should be updated to reflect
the changes in MAPREDUCE-744. (Ravi Gummadi via vinodkv)
MAPREDUCE-1568. TrackerDistributedCacheManager should clean up cache
in a background thread. (Scott Chen via zshao)
MAPREDUCE-1749. Move configuration strings out of JobContext so that it
can be made public stable. (omalley)
MAPREDUCE-1623. Apply audience and stability notations to Hadoop
Map-Reduce. (tomwhite via acmurthy)
MAPREDUCE-1751. Change MapReduce to depend on Hadoop 'common' artifacts
instead of 'core'. (tomwhite)
MAPREDUCE-1535. Replace usage of FileStatus#isDir(). (Eli Collins via
MAPREDUCE-1832. Allow file sizes less than 1MB in DFSIO benchmark. (shv)
MAPREDUCE-1404. Move Cluster-Setup and Single-Node-Setup Docs from
MapReduce to Common. (tomwhite)
MAPREDUCE-1697. Document the behavior of -file option and deprecate it
in favour of -files option in streaming. (Amareshwari Sriramadasu
via vinodkv)
MAPREDUCE-1033. Resolve location of scripts and configuration files after
project split. (tomwhite)
MAPREDUCE-1018. Document changes to the memory management and scheduling
model. (Hemanth Yamijala via vinodkv)
MAPREDUCE-1896. [Herriot] New property for multi user list. (Vinay Thota
via cos)
MAPREDUCE-1812. New properties for suspend and resume process. (Vinay
Thota via cos)
MAPREDUCE-270. Fix the tasktracker to optionally send an out-of-band
heartbeat on task-completion for better job-latency. (acmurthy)
Configuration changes:
add mapreduce.tasktracker.outofband.heartbeat
MAPREDUCE-1186. Modified code in distributed cache to set permissions
only on required set of localized paths.
(Amareshwari Sriramadasu via yhemanth)
MAPREDUCE-1501. FileInputFormat supports multi-level, recursive
directory listing. (Zheng Shao via dhruba)
MAPREDUCE-1556. upgrade to Avro 1.3.0. (cutting via tomwhite)
MAPREDUCE-1613. Install/deploy source jars to Maven repo
(Patrick Angeles via ddas)
MAPREDUCE-1610. Forrest documentation should be updated to reflect
the changes in MAPREDUCE-856. (Ravi Gummadi via vinodkv)
MAPREDUCE-1853. Adds caching for TaskAttemptContext in MultipleOutputs.
(Torsten Curdt via amareshwari)
MAPREDUCE-878. Rename fair scheduler design doc to
fair-scheduler-design-doc.tex and add Apache license header (matei)
HADOOP-4687. MapReduce is split from Hadoop Core. It is a subproject under
Hadoop (Owen O'Malley)
HADOOP-6096. Fix Eclipse project and classpath files following project
split. (tomwhite)
MAPREDUCE-419. Reconcile mapred.userlog.limit.kb defaults in configuration
and code. (Philip Zeyliger via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-2. Fixes a bug in KeyFieldBasedPartitioner in handling empty
keys. (Amar Kamat via sharad)
MAPREDUCE-130. Delete the jobconf copy from the log directory of the
JobTracker when the job is retired. (Amar Kamat via sharad)
MAPREDUCE-657. Fix hardcoded filesystem problem in CompletedJobStatusStore.
(Amar Kamat via sharad)
MAPREDUCE-179. Update progress in new RecordReaders. (cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-658. Replace NPE in distcp with a meaningful error message when
the source path does not exist. (Ravi Gummadi via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-671. Update ignore list to include untracked, generated
build artifacts and config files. (cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-433. Use more reliable counters in TestReduceFetch. (cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-124. Fix a bug in failure handling of abort task of
OutputCommiter. (Amareshwari Sriramadasu via sharad)
MAPREDUCE-694. Fix to add jsp-api jars to capacity-scheduler classpath.
(Giridharan Kesavan)
MAPREDUCE-702. Fix eclipse-plugin jar target (Giridharan Kesavan)
MAPREDUCE-522. Replace TestQueueCapacities with simpler test case to
test integration between capacity scheduler and MR framework.
(Sreekanth Ramakrishnan via yhemanth)
MAPREDUCE-683. Fixes an initialization problem in the JobHistory.
The initialization of JobHistoryFilesManager is now done in the
JobHistory.init call. (Amar Kamat via ddas)
MAPREDUCE-708. Fixes a bug to allow updating the reason for
blacklisting a node on the JobTracker UI.
(Sreekanth Ramakrishnan via yhemanth)
MAPREDUCE-709. Fixes message displayed for a blacklisted node where
the reason for blacklisting is due to the health check script
timing out. (Sreekanth Ramakrishnan via yhemanth)
MAPREDUCE-676. Existing diagnostic rules fail for MAP ONLY jobs.
(Suhas Gogate via tomwhite)
MAPREDUCE-722. Fixes a bug with tasktracker reservations for
high memory jobs in capacity scheduler.
(Vinod Kumar Vavilapalli via yhemanth)
HADOOP-6090. Updates gridmix script to use new mapreduce api output
format. (Amareshwari Sriramadasu via sharad)
MAPREDUCE-732. Removed spurious log statements in the node
blacklisting logic. (Sreekanth Ramakrishnan via yhemanth)
MAPREDUCE-734. Fix a ConcurrentModificationException in unreserving
unused reservations for a job when it completes.
(Arun Murthy and Sreekanth Ramakrishnan via yhemanth)
MAPREDUCE-733. Fix a RuntimeException while unreserving trackers
that are blacklisted for a job.
(Arun Murthy and Sreekanth Ramakrishnan via yhemanth)
MAPREDUCE-677. Fix timeout in TestNodeRefresh. (Amar Kamat via
MAPREDUCE-153. Fix timeout in TestJobInProgressListener. (Amar
Kamat via sharad)
MAPREDUCE-742. Fix output messages and java comments in the Pi related
examples. (szetszwo)
MAPREDUCE-565. Fix partitioner to work with new API. (Owen O'Malley via
MAPREDUCE-680. Fix so MRUnit can handle reuse of Writable objects.
(Aaron Kimball via johan)
MAPREDUCE-18. Puts some checks for cross checking whether a reduce
task gets the correct shuffle data. (Ravi Gummadi via ddas)
MAPREDUCE-771. Fix scheduling of setup and cleanup tasks to use
free slots instead of tasks for scheduling. (yhemanth)
MAPREDUCE-717. Fixes some corner case issues in speculative
execution heuristics. (Devaraj Das)
MAPREDUCE-716. Make DBInputFormat work with Oracle. (Aaron Kimball
via tomwhite)
MAPREDUCE-735. Fixes a problem in the KeyFieldHelper to do with
the end index for some inputs (Amar Kamat via ddas)
MAPREDUCE-682. Removes reservations on tasktrackers which are
blacklisted. (Sreekanth Ramakrishnan via yhemanth)
MAPREDUCE-743. Fixes a problem to do with progress reporting
in the map phase. (Ravi Gummadi via ddas)
MAPREDUCE-765. Eliminate the deprecated warnings introduced by H-5438.
(He Yongqiang via szetszwo)
MAPREDUCE-383. Fix a bug in Pipes combiner due to bytes count not
getting reset after the spill. (Christian Kunz via sharad)
MAPREDUCE-809. Fix job-summary logs to correctly record status of FAILED
and KILLED jobs. (acmurthy)
MAPREDUCE-792. Fix unchecked warnings in DBInputFormat. (Aaron Kimball
via szetszwo)
MAPREDUCE-760. Fix a timing issue in TestNodeRefresh. (Amar Kamat via
MAPREDUCE-40. Keep memory management backwards compatible for job
configuration parameters and limits. (Rahul Kumar Singh via yhemanth)
MAPREDUCE-587. Fixes a OOM issue in TestStreamingExitStatus.
(Amar Kamat via ddas)
MAPREDUCE-408. Fixes an assertion problem in TestKillSubProcesses
(Ravi Gummadi via ddas)
MAPREDUCE-659. Fix gridmix2 compilation. (Giridharan Kesavan)
MAPREDUCE-796. Fixes a ClassCastException in an exception log in
MultiThreadedMapRunner. (Amar Kamat via ddas)
MAPREDUCE-808. Fixes a serialization problem in TypedBytes.
(Klaas Bosteels via ddas)
MAPREDUCE-845. Fix a findbugs heap size problem in build.xml and add
a new property findbugs.heap.size. (Lee Tucker via szetszwo)
MAPREDUCE-838. Fixes a problem in the way commit of task outputs
happens. The bug was that even if commit failed, the task would
be declared as successful. (Amareshwari Sriramadasu via ddas)
MAPREDUCE-813. Updates Streaming and M/R tutorial documents.
(Corinne Chandel via ddas)
MAPREDUCE-805. Fixes some deadlocks in the JobTracker due to the fact
the JobTracker lock hierarchy wasn't maintained in some JobInProgress
method calls. (Amar Kamat via ddas)
MAPREDUCE-799. Fixes so all of the MRUnit self-tests run.
(Aaron Kimball via johan)
MAPREDUCE-848. Fixes a problem to do with TestCapacityScheduler
failing (Amar Kamat via ddas)
MAPREDUCE-840. DBInputFormat leaves open transaction.
(Aaron Kimball via tomwhite)
MAPREDUCE-859. Adds Avro and its dependencies required by Hadoop
common. (Ravi Gummadi via sharad)
MAPREDUCE-867. Fix ivy conf to look for avro jar from maven repo.
(Giridharan Kesavan)
MAPREDUCE-877. Added avro as a dependency to contrib ivy settings.
(Tsz Wo (Nicholas) Sze via yhemanth)
MAPREDUCE-852. In build.xml, remove the Main-Class, which is incorrectly
set in tools, and rename the target "tools-jar" to "tools". (szetszwo)
MAPREDUCE-773. Sends progress reports for compressed gzip inputs in maps.
Fixes a native direct buffer leak in LineRecordReader classes.
(Hong Tang and ddas)
MAPREDUCE-832. Reduce number of warning messages printed when
deprecated memory variables are used. (Rahul Kumar Singh via yhemanth)
MAPREDUCE-745. Fixes a testcase problem to do with generation of JobTracker
IDs. (Amar Kamat via ddas)
MAPREDUCE-834. Enables memory management on tasktrackers when old
memory management parameters are used in configuration.
(Sreekanth Ramakrishnan via yhemanth)
MAPREDUCE-818. Fixes Counters#getGroup API. (Amareshwari Sriramadasu
via sharad)
MAPREDUCE-807. Handles the AccessControlException during the deletion of
mapred.system.dir in the JobTracker. The JobTracker will bail out if it
encounters such an exception. (Amar Kamat via ddas)
MAPREDUCE-430. Fix a bug related to task getting stuck in case of
OOM error. (Amar Kamat via ddas)
MAPREDUCE-871. Fix ownership of Job/Task local files to have correct
group ownership according to the egid of the tasktracker.
(Vinod Kumar Vavilapalli via yhemanth)
MAPREDUCE-911. Fix a bug in TestTaskFail related to speculative
execution. (Amareshwari Sriramadasu via sharad)
MAPREDUCE-687. Fix an assertion in TestMiniMRMapRedDebugScript.
(Amareshwari Sriramadasu via sharad)
MAPREDUCE-924. Fixes the TestPipes testcase to use Tool.
(Amareshwari Sriramadasu via sharad)
MAPREDUCE-903. Add Avro jar to eclipse classpath.
(Philip Zeyliger via tomwhite)
MAPREDUCE-943. Removes a testcase in TestNodeRefresh that doesn't make
sense in the new Job recovery model. (Amar Kamat via ddas)
MAPREDUCE-764. TypedBytesInput's readRaw() does not preserve custom type
codes. (Klaas Bosteels via tomwhite)
HADOOP-6243. Fixes a NullPointerException in handling deprecated keys.
(Sreekanth Ramakrishnan via yhemanth)
MAPREDUCE-968. NPE in distcp encountered when placing _logs directory on
S3FileSystem. (Aaron Kimball via tomwhite)
MAPREDUCE-826. harchive doesn't use ToolRunner / harchive returns 0 even
if the job fails with exception (koji Noguchi via mahadev)
MAPREDUCE-839. unit test TestMiniMRChildTask fails on mac os-x (hong tang
via mahadev)
MAPREDUCE-112. Add counters for reduce input, output records to the new API.
(Jothi Padmanabhan via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-648. Fix two distcp bugs: (1) it should not launch a job if all
src paths are directories, and (2) it does not skip copying when updating
a single file. (Ravi Gummadi via szetszwo)
MAPREDUCE-946. Fix a regression in LineRecordReader where the
maxBytesToConsume parameter is not set correctly. (cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-977. Missing jackson jars from Eclipse template. (tomwhite)
MAPREDUCE-988. Fix a packaging issue in the contrib modules. (Hong Tang via
MAPREDUCE-971. distcp does not always remove distcp.tmp.dir. (Aaron Kimball
via tomwhite)
MAPREDUCE-995. Fix a bug in JobHistory where tasks completing after the job
is closed cause a NPE. (Jothi Padmanabhan via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-953. Fix QueueManager to dump queue configuration in JSON format.
(V.V. Chaitanya Krishna via yhemanth)
MAPREDUCE-645. Prevent distcp from running a job when the destination is a
file, but the source is not. (Ravi Gummadi via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-1002. Flushed writer in JobQueueClient so queue information is
printed correctly. (V.V. Chaitanya Krishna via yhemanth)
MAPREDUCE-1003. Fix compilation problem in eclipse plugin when
eclipse.home is set. (Ravi Gummadi via yhemanth)
MAPREDUCE-941. Vaidya script fails on Solaris. (Chad Metcalf
via tomwhite)
MAPREDUCE-912. Add and standardize Apache license headers. (Chad Metcalf
via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-1022. Fix compilation of vertica testcases. (Vinod Kumar
Vavilapalli via acmurthy)
MAPREDUCE-1000. Handle corrupt history files in JobHistory.initDone().
(Jothi Padmanabhan via sharad)
MAPREDUCE-1028. Fixed number of slots occupied by cleanup tasks to one
irrespective of slot size for the job.
(Ravi Gummadi via yhemanth)
MAPREDUCE-964. Fixed start and finish times of TaskStatus to be
consistent, thereby fixing inconsistencies in metering tasks.
(Sreekanth Ramakrishnan via yhemanth)
MAPREDUCE-1076. Deprecate ClusterStatus and add javadoc in ClusterMetrics.
(Amareshwari Sriramadasu via sharad)
MAPREDUCE-979. Fixed JobConf APIs related to memory parameters to return
values of new configuration variables when deprecated variables are
disabled. (Sreekanth Ramakrishnan via yhemanth)
MAPREDUCE-1030. Modified scheduling algorithm to return a map and reduce
task per heartbeat in the capacity scheduler.
(Rahul Kumar Singh via yhemanth)
MAPREDUCE-1071. Use DataInputStream rather than FSDataInputStream in the
JobHistory EventReader. (Hong Tang via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-986. Fix Rumen to work with truncated task lines. (Dick King via
MAPREDUCE-1029. Fix failing TestCopyFiles by restoring the unzipping of
HDFS webapps from the hdfs jar. (Aaron Kimball and Jothi Padmanabhan via
MAPREDUCE-769. Make findbugs and javac warnings to zero.
(Amareshwari Sriramadasu via sharad)
MAPREDUCE-1104. Initialize RecoveryManager in JobTracker cstr called by
Mumak. (Hong Tang via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-1061. Add unit test validating byte specifications for gridmix
jobs. (cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-1077. Fix Rumen so that truncated tasks do not mark the job as
successful. (Dick King via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-1041. Make TaskInProgress::taskStatuses map package-private.
(Jothi Padmanabhan via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-1070. Prevent a deadlock in the fair scheduler servlet.
(Todd Lipcon via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-1086. Setup Hadoop logging environment for tasks to point to
task related parameters. (Ravi Gummadi via yhemanth)
MAPREDUCE-1105. Remove max limit configuration in capacity scheduler in
favor of max capacity percentage thus allowing the limit to go over
queue capacity. (Rahul Kumar Singh via yhemanth)
MAPREDUCE-1016. Make the job history log format JSON. (cutting)
MAPREDUCE-1038. Weave Mumak aspects only if related files have changed.
(Aaron Kimball via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-1163. Remove unused, hard-coded paths from libhdfs. (Allen
Wittenauer via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-962. Fix a NullPointerException while killing task process
trees. (Ravi Gummadi via yhemanth)
MAPREDUCE-1177. Correct setup/cleanup inversion in
JobTracker::getTaskReports. (Vinod Kumar Vavilapalli via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-1178. Fix ClassCastException in MultipleInputs by adding
a DelegatingRecordReader. (Amareshwari Sriramadasu and Jay Booth
via sharad)
MAPREDUCE-1068. Fix streaming job to show proper message if file is
is not present. (Amareshwari Sriramadasu via sharad)
MAPREDUCE-1147. Add map output counters to new API. (Amar Kamat via
MAPREDUCE-915. The debug scripts are run as the job user. (ddas)
MAPREDUCE-1007. Fix NPE in CapacityTaskScheduler.getJobs().
(V.V.Chaitanya Krishna via sharad)
MAPREDUCE-28. Refactor TestQueueManager and fix default ACLs.
(V.V.Chaitanya Krishna and Rahul K Singh via sharad)
MAPREDUCE-1182. Fix overflow in reduce causing allocations to exceed the
configured threshold. (cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-1239. Fix contrib components build dependencies.
(Giridharan Kesavan and omalley)
MAPREDUCE-787. Fix JobSubmitter to honor user given symlink path.
(Amareshwari Sriramadasu via sharad)
MAPREDUCE-1249. Update config default value for socket read timeout to
match code default. (Amareshwari Sriramadasu via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-1161. Remove ineffective synchronization in NotificationTestCase.
(Owen O'Malley via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-1244. Fix eclipse-plugin's build dependencies. (gkesavan)
MAPREDUCE-1075. Fix JobTracker to not throw an NPE for a non-existent
queue. (V.V.Chaitanya Krishna via yhemanth)
MAPREDUCE-754. Fix NPE in expiry thread when a TT is lost. (Amar Kamat
via sharad)
MAPREDUCE-1074. Document Reducer mark/reset functionality. (Jothi
Padmanabhan via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-1267. Fix typo in mapred-default.xml. (Todd Lipcon via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-952. Remove inadvertently reintroduced Task.Counter enum. (Jothi
Padmanabhan via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-1230. Fix handling of null records in VerticaInputFormat. (Omer
Trajman via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-1171. Allow shuffle retries and read-error reporting to be
configurable. (Amareshwari Sriramadasu via acmurthy)
MAPREDUCE-879. Fix broken unit test TestTaskTrackerLocalization on MacOS.
(Sreekanth Ramakrishnan via yhemanth)
MAPREDUCE-1124. Fix imprecise byte counts in Gridmix. (cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-1222. Add an option to exclude numeric IP addresses in topologies
processed by Mumak. (Hong Tang via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-1284. Fix fts_open() call in task-controller that was failing
LinuxTaskController unit tests. (Ravi Gummadi via yhemanth)
MAPREDUCE-1143. Fix running task counters to be updated correctly
when speculative attempts are running for a TIP.
(Rahul Kumar Singh via yhemanth)
MAPREDUCE-1241. Use a default queue configuration in JobTracker when
mapred-queues.xml is unavailable. (Todd Lipcon via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-1301. Fix set up of permission checking script used in
localization tests. (Amareshwari Sriramadasu via yhemanth)
MAPREDUCE-1286. Remove quoting from client opts in TaskRunner. (Yuri
Pradkin via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-1059. Use when adding sync markers in
distcp. (Aaron Kimball via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-1009. Update forrest documentation describing hierarchical
queues. (Vinod Kumar Vavilapalli via yhemanth)
MAPREDUCE-1342. Fixed deadlock in global blacklisting of tasktrackers.
(Amareshwari Sriramadasu via acmurthy)
MAPREDUCE-1316. Fixes a memory leak of TaskInProgress instances in
the jobtracker. (Amar Kamat via yhemanth)
MAPREDUCE-1359. TypedBytes TestIO doesn't mkdir its test dir first.
(Anatoli Fomenko via cos)
MAPREDUCE-1314. Correct errant mapreduce.x.mapreduce.x replacements from
bulk change. (Amareshwari Sriramadasu via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-1365. Restore accidentally renamed test in
TestTaskTrackerBloacklisting. (Amareshwari Sriramadasu via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-1406. Fix spelling of JobContext.MAP_COMBINE_MIN_SPILLS.
MAPREDUCE-1369. JUnit tests should never depend on anything in conf
(Anatoli Fomenko via cos)
MAPREDUCE-1412. Fix timer granularity issue causing failures in
TestTaskTrackerBlacklisting. (cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-1448. Respect --config option in Mumak script. (Hong Tang via
MAPREDUCE-1251. c++ utils doesn't compile. (Eli Collins via tomwhite)
MAPREDUCE-1522. FileInputFormat may use the default FileSystem for the
input path. (Tsz Wo (Nicholas), SZE via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-1407. Update javadoc in mapreduce.{Mapper,Reducer} to match
actual usage. (Benoit Sigoure via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-1258. Fix fair scheduler event log not logging job info.
MAPREDUCE-1089. Fix NPE in fair scheduler preemption when tasks are
scheduled but not running. (Todd Lipcon via matei)
MAPREDUCE-1014. Fix the libraries for common and hdfs. (omalley)
MAPREDUCE-1111. JT Jetty UI not working if we run
off packaged distribution directory. (hong tang via mahadev)
MAPREDUCE-1133. Eclipse .classpath template has outdated jar files and is
missing some new ones. (cos)
MAPREDUCE-1098. Fixed the distributed-cache to not do i/o while holding a
global lock. (Amareshwari Sriramadasu via acmurthy)
MAPREDUCE-1158. Fix JT running maps and running reduces metrics.
MAPREDUCE-1160. Reduce verbosity of log lines in some Map/Reduce classes
to avoid filling up jobtracker logs on a busy cluster.
(Ravi Gummadi and Hong Tang via yhemanth)
MAPREDUCE-1153. Fix tasktracker metrics when trackers are decommissioned.
MAPREDUCE-1128. Fix MRUnit to prohibit iterating over values twice. (Aaron
Kimball via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-665. Move libhdfs to HDFS subproject. (Eli Collins via dhruba)
MAPREDUCE-1196. Fix FileOutputCommitter to use the deprecated cleanupJob
api correctly. (acmurthy)
MAPREDUCE-1244. Fix eclipse-plugin's build dependencies. (gkesavan)
MAPREDUCE-1140. Fix DistributedCache to not decrement reference counts for
unreferenced files in error conditions.
(Amareshwari Sriramadasu via yhemanth)
MAPREDUCE-1245. Fix TestFairScheduler failures by instantiating lightweight
Jobtracker. (sharad)
MAPREDUCE-1260. Update Eclipse configuration to match changes to Ivy
configuration. (Edwin Chan via cos)
MAPREDUCE-1152. Distinguish between failed and killed tasks in
JobTrackerInstrumentation. (Sharad Agarwal via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-1285. In DistCp.deleteNonexisting(..), get class from the
parameter instead of using FileStatus.class. (Peter Romianowski via
MAPREDUCE-1294. Build fails to pull latest hadoop-core-* artifacts (cos)
MAPREDUCE-1213. TaskTrackers restart is faster because it deletes
distributed cache directory asynchronously. (Zheng Shao via dhruba)
MAPREDUCE-1265. The task attempt error log prints the name of the
tasktracker machine. (Scott Chen via dhruba)
MAPREDUCE-1201. ProcfsBasedProcessTree collects CPU usage information.
(Scott Chen via dhruba)
MAPREDUCE-1326. fi tests don't use fi-site.xml (cos)
MAPREDUCE-1165. Replace non-portable function name with C99 equivalent.
(Allen Wittenauer via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-1331. Fixes a typo in a testcase (Devaraj Das)
MAPREDUCE-1293. AutoInputFormat doesn't work with non-default FileSystems.
(Andrew Hitchcock via tomwhite)
MAPREDUCE-1131. Using profilers other than hprof can cause JobClient to
report job failure. (Aaron Kimball via tomwhite)
MAPREDUCE-1155. Streaming tests swallow exceptions.
(Todd Lipcon via tomwhite)
MAPREDUCE-1212. Mapreduce contrib project ivy dependencies are not included
in binary target. (Aaron Kimball via tomwhite)
MAPREDUCE-1388. Move the HDFS RAID package from HDFS to MAPREDUCE.
(Eli Collins via dhruba)
MAPREDUCE-1322. Defines default value for staging directory to be user
based fixing a failing streaming test.
(Devaraj Das and Amareshwari Sriramadasu via yhemanth)
MAPREDUCE-899. Modified LinuxTaskController to check that task-controller
has right permissions and ownership before performing any actions.
(Amareshwari Sriramadasu via yhemanth)
MAPREDUCE-1443. DBInputFormat can leak connections.
(Aaron Kimball via tomwhite)
MAPREDUCE-1457. Fixes JobTracker to get the FileSystem object within
getStagingAreaDir within a privileged block. Fixes to use the
appropriate UGIs while getting the TaskUmbilicalProtocol proxy and
while executing the task. (Jakob Homan via ddas)
MAPREDUCE-1399. The archive command shows a null error message (nicholas
via mahadev)
MAPREDUCE-1305. Improve efficiency of distcp -delete. (Peter Romianowski
via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-1474. Update forrest documentation for Hadoop Archives. (Mahadev
Konar via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-1400. Use tr rather than sed to effect literal substitution in
the build script. (Allen Wittenauer via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-1358. Avoid false positives in OutputLogFilter. (Todd Lipcon via
MAPREDUCE-1490. Fix a NullPointerException that could occur during
instantiation and initialization of the DistributedRaidFileSystem.
(Rodrigo Schmidt via dhruba)
MAPREDUCE-1476. Fix the M/R framework to not call commit for special
tasks like job setup/cleanup and task cleanup.
(Amareshwari Sriramadasu via yhemanth)
MAPREDUCE-1398. Fix TaskLauncher to stop waiting for slots on a TIP that
is killed / failed.
(Amareshwari Sriramadasu via yhemanth)
MAPREDUCE-1491. The parity files created by the RAID are combined
using Hadoop Archive Files (HAR). (Rodrigo Schmidt via dhruba)
MAPREDUCE-1378. URL encode link in jobhistory.jsp to avoid errors caused by
unescaped characters. (E. Sammer via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-1519. RaidNode fails to create new parity file
if an older version already exists. (Rodrigo Schmidt via dhruba)
MAPREDUCE-1537. Fixes a compilation problem in a testcase after commit
HDFS-984. (Jitendra Nath Pandey via ddas)
MAPREDUCE-1537. The patch makes the job client call the getDelegationToken
only when security is enabled. (Jitendra Nath Pandey via ddas)
MAPREDUCE-1510. RAID should regenerate parity files if they get deleted.
(Rodrigo Schmidt via dhruba)
MAPREDUCE-1421. Fix the LinuxTaskController tests failing on trunk after
the commit of MAPREDUCE-1385. (Amareshwari Sriramadasu via vinodkv)
MAPREDUCE-1520. Fix TestMiniMRLocalFS failure caused by regression in
getting user working dir. (Amareshwari Sriramadasu via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-1512. RAID uses HarFileSystem directly instead of
FileSystem.get (Rodrigo Schmidt via dhruba)
MAPREDUCE-1435. Fix symlink handling in task work directory when
cleaning up, essentially to avoid following links.
(Ravi Gummadi via yhemanth)
MAPREDUCE-1518. RaidNode does not run the deletion check on the
directory that stores the parity files. (Rodrigo Schmidt via dhruba)
MAPREDUCE-1573. TestStreamingAsDifferentUser fails if run as tt_user.
(Ravi Gummadi via vinodkv)
MAPREDUCE-927. Cleanup of task-logs should happen in TaskTracker instead
of the Child. (Amareshwari Sriramadasu via vinodkv)
MAPREDUCE-1578. Decouple HadoopArchives vesrion from HarFileSystem version.
(Rodrigo Schmidt via szetszwo)
MAPREDUCE-1422. Fix cleanup of localized job directory to work if files
with non-deletable permissions are created within it.
(Amar Kamat via yhemanth)
MAPREDUCE-1306. Randomize the arrival of heartbeat responses in Mumak.
(Tamas Sarlos via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-1579. archive: check and possibly replace the space charater
in source paths. (szetszwo)
MAPREDUCE-1536. DataDrivenDBInputFormat does not split date columns correctly.
(Aaron Kimball via enis)
MAPREDUCE-890. After HADOOP-4491, the user who started mapred system is
not able to run job. (Ravi Gummadi via vinodkv)
MAPREDUCE-1615. Fix compilation of TestSubmitJob. (cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-1508. Protect against NPE in TestMultipleLevelCaching. (Aaron
Kimball via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-1497. Suppress spurious findbugs warning about IndexCache
synchronization. (Amareshwari Sriramadasu via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-1420. Fix TestTTResourceReporting failure. (Scott Chen via
MAPREDUCE-1480. Correctly initialize child RecordReaders in
CombineFileInputFormat. (Aaron Kimball via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-1348. Fix block forensics packaging. (Tom White via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-1628. HarFileSystem shows incorrect replication numbers and
permissions. (szetszwo via mahadev)
MAPREDUCE-1602. Fix the error message for the case that src does not
exist. (szetszwo)
MAPREDUCE-1585. Create Hadoop Archives version 2 with filenames
URL-encoded (rodrigo via mahadev)
MAPREDUCE-1523. Sometimes rumen trace generator fails to extract the job
finish time. (dick king via mahadev)
MAPREDUCE-1635. ResourceEstimator does not work after MAPREDUCE-842.
(Amareshwari Sriramadasu via vinodkv)
MAPREDUCE-889. binary communication formats added to Streaming by
HADOOP-1722 should be documented. (Klaas Bosteels via tomwhite)
MAPREDUCE-1031. ant tar target doens't seem to compile tests in contrib
projects. (Aaron Kimball via tomwhite)
MAPREDUCE-1692. Removed unused testcase TestStreamedMerge.
(Sreekanth Ramakrishnan and Amareshwari Sriramadasu via yhemanth)
MAPREDUCE-1062. Fix ReliabilityTest to work with retired jobs. (Sreekanth
Ramakrishnan via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-1409. IOExceptions thrown from FIleOutputCommitter::abortTask
should cause the task to fail. (Amareshwari Sriramadasu via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-1695. Include capacity scheduler in findbugs and javadoc-dev
targets and also fix existing warnings. (Hong Tang via yhemanth)
MAPREDUCE-1494. Ensure TestJobDirCleanup verifies the correct paths.
(Amareshwari Sriramadasu via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-1622. Include missing slf4j dependencies. (cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-1515. Accept java5.home from, not only from the
command line when building forrest docs. (Al Thompson via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-1618. Add missing javadoc to JobStatus::*JobAcls. (Amareshwari
Sriramadasu via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-1219. Remove job level metrics from jobtracker metrics to ease
undue load on jobtracker. (Sreekanth Ramakrishnan via sharad)
MAPREDUCE-1604. Add Forrest documentation for Job ACLs.
(Amareshwari Sriramadasu via yhemanth)
MAPREDUCE-1705. Archiving and Purging of HDFS parity files should
handle globbed policies accurately. (Rodrigo Schmidt via dhruba)
MAPREDUCE-1612. job conf file is not accessible from job history web page.
(Ravi Gummadi and Sreekanth Ramakrishnan via vinodkv)
MAPREDUCE-1397. NullPointerException observed during task failures.
(Amareshwari Sriramadasu via vinodkv)
MAPREDUCE-1728. Oracle timezone strings do not match Java.
(Aaron Kimball via tomwhite)
MAPREDUCE-1609. TaskTracker.localizeJob should not set permissions on
job log directory recursively. (Amareshwari Sriramadasu via vinodkv)
MAPREDUCE-1657. After task logs directory is deleted, tasklog servlet
displays wrong error message about job ACLs. (Ravi Gummadi via vinodkv)
MAPREDUCE-1727. TestJobACLs fails after HADOOP-6686. (Ravi Gummadi via vinodkv)
MAPREDUCE-1611. Refresh nodes and refresh queues doesnt work with service
authorization enabled. (Amar Kamat via vinodkv)
MAPREDUCE-1276. Correct flaws in the shuffle related to connection setup
and failure attribution. (Amareshwari Sriramadasu via cdouglas)
MAPREDUCE-1372. ConcurrentModificationException in JobInProgress.
(Dick King and Amareshwari Sriramadasu via tomwhite)
MAPREDUCE-118. Fix Job.getJobID(). (Amareshwari Sriramadasu via sharad)
MAPREDUCE-913. TaskRunner crashes with NPE resulting in held up slots,
UNINITIALIZED tasks and hung TaskTracker. (Amareshwari Sriramadasu and
Sreekanth Ramakrishnan via vinodkv)
MAPREDUCE-1725. Fix MapReduce API incompatibilities between 0.20 and 0.21.
MAPREDUCE-1606. TestJobACLs may timeout as there are no slots for launching
JOB_CLEANUP task. (Ravi Gummadi via vinodkv)
MAPREDUCE-1765. Correct streaming documentation for StreamXmlRecordReader.
(Corinne Chandel via amareshwari)
MAPREDUCE-1880. Fix BigDecimal.divide(..) in the pi example. (szetszwo)
MAPREDUCE-1885. Revert FileSystem create method that takes CreateFlags
(MapReduce part of HADOOP-6826). (Ravi Gummadi via tomwhite)
MAPREDUCE-1870. Harmonize MapReduce JAR library versions with Common and
HDFS. (tomwhite)
MAPREDUCE-1791. Remote cluster control functionality needs JavaDocs
improvement (Konstantin Boudnik)
MAPREDUCE-1942. 'compile-fault-inject' should never be called directly.
(Konstantin Boudnik)
MAPREDUCE-1876. Fixes TaskAttemptStartedEvent to correctly log event type
for all task types. (Amar Kamat via amareshwari)
MAPREDUCE-1926. MapReduce distribution is missing build-utils.xml.
MAPREDUCE-2012. Some contrib tests fail in branch 0.21 and trunk.
(Amareshwari Sriramadasu via tomwhite)
MAPREDUCE-1980. Fixes TaskAttemptUnsuccessfulCompletionEvent and
TaskAttemptFinishedEvent to correctly log event type for all task types.
(Amar Kamat via amareshwari)
MAPREDUCE-1856. Extract a subset of tests for smoke (DOA) validation (cos)