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"""manage component descriptors"""
# -*- python -*-
import random
from sets import Set
from pprint import pformat
from hodlib.Common.util import local_fqdn
from hodlib.Common.tcp import tcpSocket, tcpError
class Schema:
"""the primary class for describing
schema's """
STRING, LIST, MAP = range(3)
def __init__(self, name, type = STRING, delim=','): = name
self.type = type
self.delim = delim
def getName(self):
def getType(self):
return self.type
def getDelim(self):
return self.delim
class _Merger:
"""A class to merge lists and add key/value
pairs to a dictionary"""
def mergeList(x, y, uniq=True):
l = []
if not uniq:
return l
s = Set(l)
l = list(s)
return l
mergeList = staticmethod(mergeList)
def mergeMap(to, add):
for k in add:
to.setdefault(k, add[k])
return to
mergeMap = staticmethod(mergeMap)
class NodePoolDesc:
"""a schema for describing
def __init__(self, dict):
self.dict = dict.copy()
self.dict.setdefault('attrs', {})
if 'options' in dict: self.dict['attrs'] = dict['options']
def _checkRequired(self):
if not 'id' in self.dict:
raise ValueError, "nodepool needs 'id'"
if self.getPkgDir() == None:
raise ValueError, "nodepool %s needs 'pkgs'" % (self.getName())
def getName(self):
return self.dict['id']
def getPkgDir(self):
return self.dict['batch-home']
def getAttrs(self):
return self.dict['attrs']
def getSchema():
schema = {}
s = Schema('id')
schema[s.getName()] = s
s = Schema('batch-home', Schema.LIST, ':')
schema[s.getName()] = s
s = Schema('attrs', Schema.MAP)
schema[s.getName()] = s
return schema
getSchema = staticmethod(getSchema)
class ServiceDesc:
"""A schema for describing services"""
def __init__(self, dict):
self.dict = dict.copy()
self.dict.setdefault('external', False)
self.dict.setdefault('attrs', {})
self.dict.setdefault('envs', {})
self.dict.setdefault('tar', None)
self.dict.setdefault('pkgs', '')
self.dict.setdefault('final-attrs', {})
if self.dict.has_key('hadoop-tar-ball'):
self.dict['tar'] = self.dict['hadoop-tar-ball']
def _checkRequired(self):
if not 'id' in self.dict:
raise ValueError, "service description needs 'id'"
# if len(self.getPkgDirs()) <= 0:
# raise ValueError, "service description %s needs 'pkgs'" % (self.getName())
def getName(self):
return self.dict['id']
def isExternal(self):
"""True if the service is outside hod.
e.g. connect to existing HDFS"""
return self.dict['external']
def getPkgDirs(self):
return self.dict['pkgs']
def getTar(self):
return self.dict['tar']
def getAttrs(self):
return self.dict['attrs']
def getfinalAttrs(self):
return self.dict['final-attrs']
def getEnvs(self):
return self.dict['envs']
def getSchema():
schema = {}
s = Schema('id')
schema[s.getName()] = s
s = Schema('external')
schema[s.getName()] = s
s = Schema('pkgs', Schema.LIST, ':')
schema[s.getName()] = s
s = Schema('tar', Schema.LIST, ":")
schema[s.getName()] = s
s = Schema('attrs', Schema.MAP)
schema[s.getName()] = s
s = Schema('final-attrs', Schema.MAP)
schema[s.getName()] = s
s = Schema('envs', Schema.MAP)
schema[s.getName()] = s
return schema
getSchema = staticmethod(getSchema)
class CommandDesc:
def __init__(self, dict):
"""a class for how a command is described"""
self.dict = dict
def __repr__(self):
return pformat(self.dict)
def _getName(self):
"""return the name of the command to be run"""
return self.dict['name']
def _getProgram(self):
"""return where the program is """
return self.dict['program']
def _getArgv(self):
"""return the arguments for the command to be run"""
return self.dict['argv']
def _getEnvs(self):
"""return the environment in which the command is to be run"""
return self.dict['envs']
def _getPkgDirs(self):
"""return the packages for this command"""
return self.dict['pkgdirs']
def _getWorkDirs(self):
"""return the working directories for this command"""
return self.dict['workdirs']
def _getAttrs(self):
"""return the list of attributes for this command"""
return self.dict['attrs']
def _getfinalAttrs(self):
"""return the final xml params list for this command"""
return self.dict['final-attrs']
def _getForeground(self):
"""return if the command is to be run in foreground or not"""
return self.dict['fg']
def _getStdin(self):
return self.dict['stdin']
def toString(cmdDesc):
"""return a string representation of this command"""
row = []
row.append('name=%s' % (cmdDesc._getName()))
row.append('program=%s' % (cmdDesc._getProgram()))
row.append('pkgdirs=%s' % CommandDesc._csv(cmdDesc._getPkgDirs(), ':'))
if 'argv' in cmdDesc.dict:
row.append('argv=%s' % CommandDesc._csv(cmdDesc._getArgv()))
if 'envs' in cmdDesc.dict:
envs = cmdDesc._getEnvs()
list = []
for k in envs:
v = envs[k]
list.append('%s=%s' % (k, v))
row.append('envs=%s' % CommandDesc._csv(list))
if 'workdirs' in cmdDesc.dict:
row.append('workdirs=%s' % CommandDesc._csv(cmdDesc._getWorkDirs(), ':'))
if 'attrs' in cmdDesc.dict:
attrs = cmdDesc._getAttrs()
list = []
for k in attrs:
v = attrs[k]
list.append('%s=%s' % (k, v))
row.append('attrs=%s' % CommandDesc._csv(list))
if 'final-attrs' in cmdDesc.dict:
fattrs = cmdDesc._getAttrs()
list = []
for k in fattrs:
v = fattrs[k]
list.append('%s=%s' % (k, v))
row.append('final-attrs=%s' % CommandDesc._cvs(list))
if 'fg' in cmdDesc.dict:
row.append('fg=%s' % (cmdDesc._getForeground()))
if 'stdin' in cmdDesc.dict:
row.append('stdin=%s' % (cmdDesc._getStdin()))
return CommandDesc._csv(row)
toString = staticmethod(toString)
def _csv(row, delim=','):
"""return a string in csv format"""
import cStringIO
import csv
queue = cStringIO.StringIO()
writer = csv.writer(queue, delimiter=delim, escapechar='\\', quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE,
doublequote=False, lineterminator='\n')
return queue.getvalue().rstrip('\n')
_csv = staticmethod(_csv)